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电气工程及其自动化专业英语教程( 第二版)(本科教材)

电气工程及其自动化专业英语教程( 第二版)(本科教材)

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电气工程及其自动化专业英语教程( 第二版)(本科教材) 版权信息

电气工程及其自动化专业英语教程( 第二版)(本科教材) 本书特色

本书涵盖电机与电器、电力电子与电力传动、电力系统及其自动化、电工理论与新技术、高电压与绝缘技术专业基础知识,包含课文、专业英语词汇、注释和综合练习、译文等内容 了解电气工程领域的相关知识,提升专业英语水平。

电气工程及其自动化专业英语教程( 第二版)(本科教材) 内容简介

本书是针对高等工科院校电气工程及其自动化专业科技英语阅读课程的需要而编写的,内容涵盖电气工程中电机与电器、电工理论与新技术、电力电子与电力传动、电力系统及其自动化、高电压与绝缘技术等5 个二级学科相关专业基础知识。同时,考虑到电气工程学科新兴技术领域的发展,从不同角度选用了相关专业著作与文献资料。全书按二级学科分为5 个部分,共计30 个单元,每单元包含课文、专业英语词汇、注释和综合练习等内容。 为了提高使用者的科技英语阅读理解能力、翻译能力和写作能力,在教程的附录部分增加了专业英语阅读、翻译和写作常识,可根据教学需要选用。

电气工程及其自动化专业英语教程( 第二版)(本科教材) 目录

前言 **版前言 PartⅠ Electrical Machines and Electrical Apparatus Unit 1 Power Transformer Text A Construction and Principles of Power Transformer Text B Differences between Transformers and Rotating Machines Unit2 Direct Current (DC) Machines Text A Direct Current Machines Text B Elementary Knowledge of Rotating Machines Unit 3 Alternating Current (AC) Machines Text A Synchronous Machines Text B Induction Machines Unit 4 Permanent Magnet (PM) Machines Text A Introduction to Permanent Magnet (PM) Machines Text B Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) Unit 5 Electrical Apparatus in Control System Text A Relays Text B Contactors Unit 6 Electrical Apparatus Reliability Test A Electrical Apparatus Reliability Tests Text B Influencing Factor Analysis of CircuitBreaker Reliabi1ity PartⅡ Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering Unit 1 Magnetism and Electromagnetism Text A Electromagnetism Text B Permeability and Saturation Unit 2 Electric Network Analysis Text A Branch Current Method Text B Network Theorems Unit 3 Computation of Electromagnetic Fields Text A Finite Element Methods for Electromagnetic Field Simulation Text B Time Domain versus Frequency Domain Unit 4 Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic Compatibility Text A Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic Compatibility Text B Designing for Board Level Electromagnetic Compatibility Unit 5 Electrotechnical Materials and the Characteristics Text A Introduction of the Electrotechnical Materials Text B Applications of Magnetostrictive Material Part Ⅲ Power Electronics and Power Drives Unit 1 〖JP2〗Emerging System Applications and Technological Trends in Power Electronics〖JP〗 Text A Emerging System Applications of Power Electronics Text B Technological Trends in Power Electronics Unit 2 Overview of Power Semiconductor Devices Text A Silicon Carbide Power Semiconductor Devices Text B Introduction of SiC Devices in Comparison to Si Devices Unit 3 ACDC Converters Text A PhaseControlled Rectifiers Text B PWM Rectifier Unit 4 DCDC Converter Text A Trend for Distributed Power Systems Text B DCDC Converter in Photovoltaic System Unit 5 DCAC Converter Text A Transformerless Inverters Text B Evolution of PV Inverters Unit 6 ACAC Converter Text A Review of Threephase ACAC Converter Topologies Text B Matrix Converter Application Unit 7 Design Considerations of Practical Converter Text A Supplementary Components of Power Converters Text B Supplementary Systems of Power Converters Unit 8 Modulation and Control Text A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Techniques Text B Control Method in Power Electronics Part Ⅳ Power System and its Automation Unit 1 Fundamentals of Power Systems Text A Power of Singlephase Circuits Text B Advantages of Balanced Threephase System versus Singlephase Systems Unit 2 Power System Stability Text A Power Flow Analysis Text B Transient Stability Unit 3 Electrical Power System Text A Components of Power System Text B Electrical Energy of Power System Unit 4 Transmission of Electrical Energy Text A Principal Components of a Power Distribution System Text B DirectCurrent Transmission Unit 5 Faults and Protection on Power System Text A Power System Faults Text B Power System Protection Unit 6 Power System Control Text A Introduction of Power System Control Text B Controlling the Power Balance between Generator and Load Unit 7 Modern Power Systems Text A Distributed Generations Text B Active Distribution Network Part Ⅴ High Voltage and Insulation Technology Unit 1 Basic of High Voltage and Insulation Technology Text A Introduction of Electrical Insulation Text B Estimation of Electric Stress Unit 2 Insulating Materials Text A Dielectric Materials Text B Applications of Insulating Materials Unit 3 Insulation Testing of Electrical Apparatus Text A Measurement of High Voltages Text B NonDestructive Testing of Materials and Electrical Apparatus Unit 4 Testing, Planning and Layout of High Voltage Laboratories Text A High Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus Text B Planning and Layout of High Voltage Laboratories 附录A 科技英语阅读知识 附录B 科技英语翻译技巧 附录C 英语写作方法 参考文献