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供应链管理(英文版·第7版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列) 版权信息

供应链管理(英文版·第7版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列) 内容简介


供应链管理(英文版·第7版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列) 目录

第Ⅰ篇 构建分析供应链的战略框架
第1章 理解供应链
第2章 实现供应链战略匹配
第3章 供应链驱动因素与衡量指标
第Ⅱ篇 设计供应链网络
第4章 分销网络设计及其在全渠道零售中的应用
第5章 供应链的网络设计
第6章 设计全球供应链网络
第Ⅲ章 供应链供需的计划和协调
第7章 供应链中的需求预测
第8章 供应链综合计划
第9章 供应链中的销售和运作计划
第10章 供应链的协调
第Ⅳ篇 供应链库存的计划和管理
第11章 供应链的规划经济管理:周转库存
第12章 供应链的不确定性管理:安全库存
第13章 产品可获性与利润
第Ⅴ篇 运输网络的设计和规划
第14章 供应链中的运输
第Ⅵ篇 供应链跨职能驱动因素的管理
第15章 供应链的采购决策
第16章 供应链的定价和收入管理
第17章 可持续性和供应链


供应链管理(英文版·第7版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列) 节选

This book is targeted toward an academic as well as a practitioner audience. On the academic side, it is appropriate for MBA students, engineering master’s students, and senior undergraduate stu-dents interested in supply chain management and logistics. It can also serve as a suitable reference for both concepts as well as providing a methodology for practitioners in consulting and industry.The seventh edition has focused on changes that enhance students’ ability to sharpen their critical think-ing and data analytics skills as they study with the book. All concepts discussed in the book are linked to strategic decision making in a supply chain, and all quantitative ideas are illustrated using spreadsheets that can be implemented in practice. Some specific changes in the seventh edition include:. The link between supply chain decisions and the financial performance of a firm is developed in detail in Chapter 3.. The concepts underlying the design of distribution networks are illustrated in the context of omni-channel retailing in Chapter 4. The evolution of retailing is used throughout the book to illustrate the link between supply chain concepts and strategic decision making in a supply chain.. Each section of each chapter in the book is associated with a clearly identified learning objective that is summarized at the end of the section.. We have added new mini-cases in Chapters 5, 8, and 15. Information in other cases has been updated to be current.. New exercises have been added in several chapters.. For all numerical examples discussed in the book, we have developed spreadsheets that students can use to understand the concept at a deeper level. These spreadsheets are referred to in the book and allow the student to try different “what-if” analyses. These spreadsheets are available at www.pearsonhighered.com/chopra along with basic guidance on how they may be created and used.. We have continued to add current examples throughout the book, with a particular focus on bringing in more global examples.To be successful, supply chain practitioners must be able to formulate effective supply chain strategy and be able to solve any resulting supply chain problems using the available analytical tools. In a supply chain class this creates the challenge of teaching students to think strategically while support-ing their decisions with robust quantitative analysis. This book is designed to help faculty and stu-dents overcome this challenge through its conceptual and pedagogical structure. Conceptually, the book aims to develop an understanding of the following key areas and their interrelationships:. The strategic role of a supply chain. The key strategic drivers of supply chain performance. Analytic methodologies for supply chain analysisTo illustrate the strategic importance of good supply chain management, we provide many current examples to show how companies have succeeded through effective supply chain management or failed because of weak supply chain management. Our strategic framework, the use of Excel-based models to explain analytic methodologies, and several mini-cases to help students internalize the link between the analytic methodologies and strategic decision making provide peda-gogical support for faculty using the book.Within the strategic framework, we identify facilities, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing, and pricing as the key drivers of supply chain performance. The book is structured to dig deeper into each driver to understand its role in the success of a supply chain, its interaction with other drivers, analytic methodologies to support decisions related to the driver, and managerial levers related to the driver that help improve sup-ply chain performance.A Consistent Strategic Framework Every analytic methodology is illustrated with its application in Excel. Students have access to the associated Excel file along with instructions to construct and use the file. The Excel files help students deepen their understanding of the link between the analytic models and the strate-gic decisions they support.Most chapters have mini cases that can be used by faculty to ensure that students can apply the concepts and methodologies in the context of strategic decision making for a business.DEVELOPING CAREER SKILLSSkills learned in this book will be of great use no matter what path students choose to follow. The book is developed with the premise that good strategic decisions cannot be made without access to relevant analytics, and all analytics should be designed to support decision making. As a result, students will develop critical thinking, the ability to formulate and analyze problems, and sup-port their recommendations with analytics that uses data literacy and computing skills.. Every chapter in the book pushes students to think criti-cally in order to define and solve supply chain problems. For example, Chapter 4 develops a framework for distri-bution networks and then pushes students to think about how retailing may evolve in the future as consumer pref-erences and technology change. The first part of the chapter teaches frameworks and concepts related to the design of distribution networks. The last part of the chap-ter then pushes the students to analyze retailing by apply-ing the knowledge they have gained in order to decide how retailers need to change in order to succeed in the 21st century.. All the analytics in the book are developed through the use of Microsoft Excel. This helps students develop data literacy, computing skills, and the knowledge of how to apply information technology to support decision mak-ing. The analytics that are developed in these chapters in turn support the framework laid out in Chapter 4. Whereas Chapter 4 helps students to think conceptually about why certain retailing models have succeeded for selling jew-elry while others have failed, the succeeding chapters help students quantify financial metrics for different retail networks. As a result, students learn how to use data and models to improve strategic decision making.

供应链管理(英文版·第7版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列) 作者简介

苏尼尔·乔普拉(Sunil Chopra)美国西北大学凯洛格商学院运作管理与信息系统方向IBM特聘杰出教授。曾担任该学院临时院长、主管课程与教学的高级副院长。在纽约州立大学石溪分校获得运筹学博士学位。在加入凯洛格商学院之前,曾在纽约大学任教,并在IBM研究所工作过一年。教学和科研方向为供应链与物流管理、运作管理、组合优化和电信网络设计。曾多次在凯洛格商学院的MBA及EMBA项目中获得教学奖项。共发表论文50多篇,出版专著两部。曾担任Management Science杂志的编辑部主任,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research和Decision Sciences Journal副主编。为多家企业提供供应链和运作管理领域的咨询。
