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应用气相色谱质谱法对文物中天然有机胶合材料的研究(英文版) 版权信息

应用气相色谱质谱法对文物中天然有机胶合材料的研究(英文版) 内容简介


应用气相色谱质谱法对文物中天然有机胶合材料的研究(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry 1
1.1 Gas chromatography 1
1.2 Mass spectrometry 1
1.3 The Components and functions of GC/MS 3
1.3.1 Ion source 3
1.3.2 Mass analyzer 3
1.3.3 Detector 4
1.4 Pyrolysis with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) 4
References 5
Chapter 2 Overview about the natural organic binding media used in artworks 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Oils as binding media 9
2.2.1 The identification of oils 9
2.2.2 The drying and degradation of oils as binding media 11
2.3 Proteinaceous materials as binding media 13
2.3.1 Structure of protein and amino acids 13
2.3.2 Techniques for protein analysis 13
2.3.3 Drying and degradation processes of proteinaceous binding media 15
2.4 Resins used in artworks 16
2.4.1 Diterpenic resins 18
2.4.2 Triterpenoid resin 20
2.5 Waxes 22
2.5.1 Waxes from animal origins 22
2.5.2 Waxes from plant origins 23
2.5.3 Waxes from mineral origins 23
2.5.4 The analytical techniques used for analysis of waxes 24
2.5.5 The alteration of waxes during ageing 24
2.6 Aims of this research 25
References 25
Chapter 3 The influence of different pigments to the degradation and the identification of oils as binding media in artworks 31
3.1 Introduction 31
3.1.1 The use of oils as binding medium 31
3.1.2 The effects of pigments on drying and degradation of oil binding media 33
3.2 The experiment part 34
3.2.1 Apparatus 34
3.2.2 The mock-ups 34
3.2.3 The accelerating settings 36
3.2.4 Sample preparation procedure for GC/MS analysis 36
3.2.5 Calibration of the fatty acids 36
3.3 Results and discussions 38
3.3.1 Analysis results for fresh oils and artificially aged samples 38
3.3.2 Investigation of the P/S ratio of paint samples with different pigment during the ageing process 39
3.3.3 Marker compounds and indicative ranges for degradation products (Su/A, A/P) 42
3.3.4 O/P ratios in mock-ups with different pigments during ageing process 44
3.3.5 Evaluating the absolute amounts of detectable fatty acids in mock-ups during ageing process 45
3.3.6 Analysis results from poppy seed oil and walnut oil 48
3.4 Discussions 49
References 50
3.5 Case study 52
3.5.1 Characterization of Tang Dynasty lamp oil remains by using pyrolysis gas chromatography and mass spectrometry 52
3.5.2 The identification of binding agent used in late Shang Dynasty turquoise-inlayed bronze objects excavated in Anyang 66
Chapter 4 The study of proteinaceous materials used in artworks 81
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Chosen methodology for this study 83
4.3 Mock-ups and accelerated ageing procedures 84
4.4 Chemicals 85
4.5 Experimental part 85
4.5.1 Analytical equipment and conditions 85
4.5.2 Derivatization procedure by using ECF 86
4.6 Results and discussions 88
4.6.1 Characterisation of un-pigmented mock-ups by GC/MS 88
4.6.2 Characterisation of UV3 aged mock-ups of whole egg as binder with different pigments 91
4.6.3 Characterisation of the lipid fraction of proteinaceous materials 91
4.7 Conclusions 93
Reference 94
4.8 Case study 95
4.8.1 Scientific investigation of the paint and adhesive materials used in the Western Han Dynasty polychromy terracotta army, Qingzhou, China 95
4.8.2 Scientific investigation of the materials in a Chinese Ming Dynasty wall painting 108
4.8.3 Characterization of the materials used in Chinese ink sticks by pyrolysis- gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 124
4.8.4 Identification of the materials used in an Eastern Jin Chinese ink stick 136
Chapter 5 The identification of resins used in artworks and their chemical changes during ageing processes 147
5.1 Introduction 147
5.1.1 Mock-ups prepared in the Art History Museum, Vienna 148
5.1.2 Paint samples with mixed binding media 149
5.1.3 Samples from historic paintings 149
5.1.4 Artificial ageing experiments 149
5.2 Experiment part 149
5.2.1 Instrumental conditions 149
5.2.2 Sample preparation for GC/MS analysis 150
5.3 Results and discussions 150
5.3.1 Copal and sandarac resins 150
5.3.2 Baltic Amber 152
5.3.3 Mastic and dammar 154
5.3.4 Characterisation of samples with mixed binding media 156
5.3.5 Qualitative analysis: results and discussion 157
5.3.6 Investigating chemical changes of mixed binding media during ageing 161
5.3.7 Characterization of binding media from real paintings 164
5.4 Conclusions 167
References 168
5.5 Case study 169
5.5.1 The study of binding agents used to inlay turquoise onto bronze objects in Eastern Zhou Dynasty 169
5.5.2 The identification of the binding media in the Tang Dynasty Chinese wall painting by using Py-GC/MS and GC/MS techniques 177
Chapter 6 Study of the effects of pigments and ageing to the identification of waxes used in artworks 192
6.1 Introduction 192
6.2 Experimental part 1

应用气相色谱质谱法对文物中天然有机胶合材料的研究(英文版) 节选

Chapter 1 Introduction to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry 1.1 Gas chromatography Gas chromatography is a technique used to separate mixtures of gaseous chemical compounds based on differences in the compounds’ relative affinities for a solid (gas-solid chromatography) or liquid (gas-liquid chromatography) stationary phase held within a column. The main part of a gas chromatography is the column. It has a gaseous mobile phase or eluent that carries the solute or sample through the stationary phase where the separation occurs. The carrier gas (gaseous mobile phase), usually helium, nitrogen, or hydrogen, transport the sample to the stationary phase. In the terms of the intermolecular forces, an interaction occurs between the sample molecules and the stationary phase molecules. The intensity of interaction differs from strong to weak. The stronger the interaction, the longer the sample retained in the stationary phase, ensuring the successful separation of the mixture [1]. Figure 1.1 illustrates the sample (mixture) interaction with stationary phase. 1.2 Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique that uses an instrument called a mass spectrometer to measure the mass-to-charge ratios of molecular ions. Molecules fragment within the mass spectrometer to produce a mass spectrum, which can be interpreted to determine the identity of the molecules in the sample. A mass spectrometer is commonly composed of ion source, mass analyzer and detector. Firstly, the sample molecules are ionized by ion source into gas-phase ions which are then transported to the mass analyzer in magnetic or electric field. Then the mass analyzer sorts the ions by their mass-charge ratios in the electromagnetic field. Finally, the detector converts ions into electrical signals which are shown in software in the form of spectrum (Figure 1.2). The three main parts of MS instrument work in a vacuum system. When the pressure of the instrument is high, the density of gas is high, and the probability of collision between ions is high. The collision will make the ions deviate from the normal motion orbit. Only under low pressure, the ions will have enough average free paths, and there will be no collision between them. The vacuum system ensures that ions move in the normal orbit from the ion source to the detector, and ensure the good focus of the ion beam, so that high sensitivity and resolution of the MS instrument can be obtained. Mass spectrometer usually uses two-stage exhaust system. The first stage pump is usually the molecular turbine pump, which is to pump out the carrier gas from GC and remain a high vacuum state in mass spectrometer. The second stage pump is usually a mechanical pump, which can discharge the gas extracted from the first stage pump. Figure 1.2 The components of mass spectrometer and illustration of its working path 1.3 The Components and functions of GC/MS GC/MS is mainly composed of gas chromatograph, mass spectrometer, mechanical pump and personal computer system (PC) [2]. Gas chromatograph has a high efficiency of separating a variety of compounds and obtaining a single substance. Mass spectrometer can effectively identify an unknown compound with a high sensitivity, but it requires a single sample. Their combination enables the qualitative and quantitative analysis of complex organic materials in many fields (Figure 1.3) Figure 1.3 The main components of GC/MS 1.3.1 Ion source There are many kinds of ionization technologies, including electron ionization (EI), chemical ionization (CI), electrospray ionization (ESI), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization (MALDI), field desorption (FD), fast atom bombardment (FAB), thermospray, desorption/ionization on silicon (DIOS), direct analysis in real time (DART), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (ACPI), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), spark ionization and thermal ionization (TIMS) [3]. EI is the common ionization technique for gases and vapors. In EI mode, the sample molecules are bombarded by electrons with certain energy (generally 70 eV), and lose their own electrons, then become molecular ions which can be used to determine the molecular weight of the compounds. When the residual energy of molecular ions is greater than some chemical bonds energy, they break up and form fragment ions, which can be used to determine the structure of the sample molecules. EI has an advantage of nonselective ionization. As long as the sample can be gasified, it can be ionized with high efficiency and sensitivity. Other ionization techniques, such as ESI and MALDI are also commonly used for their high efficiency for analyzing biomaterials [4]. 1.3.2 Mass analyzer The sector instruments of a mass analyzer include time-of-flight analyzer, quadrupole mass filter, ion traps, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, etc. 1.3.3 Detector The detector records the charge induced
