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化学化工专业英语(张裕平 )(第三版)

化学化工专业英语(张裕平 )(第三版)

开本: 16开 页数: 239
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化学化工专业英语(张裕平 )(第三版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787122390660
  • 条形码:9787122390660 ; 978-7-122-39066-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

化学化工专业英语(张裕平 )(第三版) 内容简介

《化学化工专业英语》(第三版)选材广泛,使用专业面宽,采用递进式写作,首先是概括性的学科描述性短文,宏观介绍化学化工学科的特点以及各二级学科、实验室工作的特点;其次是描述化工过程单元操作及基础化工知识的短文;然后是代表性精读文章,内容涉及普通化学、无机化学、有机化学、分析化学、物理化学、材料科学及制药工程等;*后为化学专业术语,并进行了简单解释,可作为选读内容。本书每篇文章后对一些重难点句型进行了分析和解释,对一些专业词汇标注了音标,对一些语法和构词规律进行了分析,以帮助读者更好地理解本书内容。 本书可作为高等院校化学、化工、材料等专业本科生的专业英语教材,也可供相关专业的从业人员参考使用。

化学化工专业英语(张裕平 )(第三版) 目录

Part A Comprehensive Articles1
1. Chemistry:a Science for the Twenty-First Century1
2. What is a Chemical Engineer?9
3. Applications of Inorganic Chemistry15
4. The Map of Organic Chemistry20
5. Introduction to Analytical Chemistry24
6. What is Physical Chemistry?30
7. Working in the Lab34
8. Basic Laboratory Apparatus and Manipulation38

Part B Basic Knowledge of Chemical Engineering45
1. Chemical Engineering45
2. The Difference Between Engineering and Science45
3. Pipe Lines46
4. Valve46
5. Centrifugal Pump47
6. Cyclone Separator48
7. Cooling Tower49
8. Membrane49
9. Diffusion Process50
10. Reverse Osmosis50
11. Filtration51
12. Evaporation52
13. Crystallization52
14. Drying53
15. Mixing53
16. Distillation54
17. Adsorption55
18. Reciprocating Compressor55
19. Batch and Continuous Processes56
20. Removal of Dust from Gases57
21. Centrifugal Settling Processes57
22. Heat Transfer58
23. Heat Exchanger59
24. Single and Multiple-Effect Evaporation Operation60
25. Extraction60
26. The Phenomenon of Fluidization61
27. Applications of Size Reduction62
28. Screening63
29. Instrumentation and Control64
30. The Material Balance65
31. The Energy Balance65
32. The Ideal Contact (the equilibrium stage model)66
33. Rates of an Operation (the rate of transfer model)66
34. Application of Computers in Chemical Engineering66
35. Chemical Manufacturing Process67
36. Biotechnology69
37. Genetic Engineering69
38. Tissue Culture70
39. Cloning70
40. Fermentation Technology71

Part C General Chemistry73
1. Introduction of General Chemistry73
2. Chemical Bond and Bonding Theory77
3. Brφsted Acids and Bases81
4. Chemical Reaction and Equilibrium86
5. Structure and Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons91
6. Type of Organic Chemical Reactions99
7. Briefing on Chemical Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics105
8. Applied Chemistry110
9. High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis114
10. Structure Determination120
11. Electrochemistry131
12. How to Develop a New Pesticide134
13. What is Materials Chemistry?138
14. Materials Characterization144
15. Nanotechnology155
16. Ceramic161
17. Biomaterials: Body Parts of the Future166
18. The Future of Pharmaceutical Engineering172

Part D Chemistry Glossaries177
1. General Chemistry177
1.1Atoms,Elements and Ions177
1.2Electrons in Atoms180
1.3Gases,Liquids and Solids183
1.5Reactions in Solution191
2. Inorganic Chemistry195
2.1The Periodic Table195
2.2Chemical Bonds197
2.3Redox Reactions202
2.4Simple Compounds204
3. Organic Chemistry208
3.1Organic Chemistry208
4. Analytical Chemistry214
4.1Basic Terms214
4.2Base Units217
5. Physical Chemistry222
5.1Energy and Chemical Change222
5.2Reaction Rate226
5.3The Quantum Theory228
6. Other Related Chemistry231
6.1Consumer Chemistry231
6.2Environmental Chemistry233

Appendix ⅠIUPAC Names and Symbols of Elements235
Appendix ⅡLaboratory Equipments238


化学化工专业英语(张裕平 )(第三版) 作者简介

张裕平,河南科技学院化学化工学院,院长,教授,中国科学院研究生院分析化学博士,APEC博士后, 美国杨柏翰大学访问学者。现为河南科技学院化学化工学院院长,河南省化学会理事,河南省学术技术带头人,河南省高校新世纪优 秀人才,主要从事色谱方法学应用研究。主讲仪器分析,食品分析前沿进展,化学化工专业英语。
