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新型研究生综合英语教程(第二版) 版权信息

新型研究生综合英语教程(第二版) 内容简介


新型研究生综合英语教程(第二版) 目录

Unit 1 Culture and Communication Part I Audio and Video Input Section One Skill Focus: Cultural Differences and Sentence Stress Section Two Understanding and Mind Mapping Section Three Discussions and Mini-talks Part II Reading Text A Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication Text B The Hall-Marks of American English Part III Theories for Output Activities Topic 1: Culture and Language Learning Topic 2: Public Speaking and Organizational Patterns Part IV Translation and Writing Unit 2 Environment and Health Part I Audio and Video Input Section One Skill Focus: Understanding Humor Section Two Understanding, Mind Mapping and Reporting Section Three Discussions and Mini-talks Part II Reading Text A Gender, Poverty and Environment Text B Climate Change, Migration, and Allergic Respiratory Diseases An Update for the Allergist Part III Theories for Output Activities Topic 3: Unity, Cohesion and Coherence Topic 4: Techniques for Translation Part IV Translation and Writing Unit 3 Economy and Education Part I Audio and Video Input Section One Ski]] Focus: Note-taking and Summarizing Section Two Note-taking and Summarizing Section Three Discussions and Mini-talks Part II Reading Text A China's Investment in Human Capital Text B Education and Economic Growth Part III Theories for Output Activities Topic 5: Summary Writing Topic 6: Critical Thinking Part IV Translation and Writing Unit 4 Literature and Movie Part I Audio and Video Input Section One Skill Focus: Understanding Humor and Intonation Section Two Mind Mapping and Summarizing Section Three Discussions and Mini-talks Part II Reading Text A A Rose for Emily Text B Rip Van Winkle Part III Theories for Output Activities Topic 7: Literature Appreciation Topic 8: Fihn Appreciation Part IV Translation and Writing Unit 5 Academic World Part I Audio and Video Input Section One Ski]] Focus: Understanding an Interview Section TWo Mind Mapping and Summarizing Section Three Discussions and Mini-talks Part II Reading Text A Understanding Successful and Unsuccessful EFL Students in Chinese Universities Text B Active Learning: Qualitative Inquiries into Vocabulary Instruction in Chinese L2 Classrooms Part III Theories for Output Activities Topic 9: Critical Thinking and Scientific Research Topic 10: Avoiding Plagiarism Part IV Translation and Writing

新型研究生综合英语教程(第二版) 作者简介

