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社科学术论文写作指南 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787504690500
  • 条形码:9787504690500 ; 978-7-5046-9050-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

社科学术论文写作指南 本书特色

对研究生来说,学术论文的写作和发表无疑是一件极其重要的事。怎样把滴水成涓的日常研究组织成写作思路?怎样把艰深的思路表达得有序、有料乃至有趣?怎样打动你的论文评审老师或杂志审稿编辑?如何对待杂志社的退修或退稿,才有助于学术素养的延伸?什么样的研究方法*有可能产出独到见解?观点的碰撞如何变为一段创造性过程?只要找对方法,这一切都不是难事。 本书是一本论文写作实操指南,但不会教给你所谓的捷径和取巧之法。吴杨在这本写给自己学生的方法论教材中,结合自身研究和创作经历,以自己和其他学者的已刊学术成果作为插图例证,对论文写作前期的选题、计划制订、构思酝酿,写作过程中的研究方法、体例要求、表达技巧,以及投稿过程中的沟通艺术、投稿的舆论时机、对待各层面退修要求的态度和修改方法,都进行了言传身教般的详细介绍。全书贯穿谦虚严谨、一丝不苟的学术态度,但更重要的是能激活你灵活、创新、自信的学术创造力。全书为英文。 Writing and publishing academic papers is undoubtedly an extremely important matter for graduate students. How to organize the dripping daily research into writing ideas? How to express difficult ideas in an organized, informative and even interesting way? How to impress your paper reviewer or journal reviewer? How to deal with retractions or rejections from journals to help extend your academic literacy? What kind of research methods are most likely to produce unique insights? How does the clash of ideas become a creative process? None of this is difficult if you find the right approach. This book is a practical guide to writing a dissertation, but it will not teach you the so-called shortcuts or trickery. In this methodological textbook for her own students, Wu Yang combines her own research and creative experience with illustrations of her own and other scholars' published academic results. And this book provides insights into topic selection, planning, and conception brewing in the early stages of writing a dissertation, research methods, stylistic requirements, and presentation skills in the writing process. The book also provides a detailed introduction to the art of communication, the timing of submission, and the attitude and revision methods for dealing with retractions at all levels. Throughout the book is a humble, rigorous, and meticulous approach to scholarship, and more importantly, one that activates your flexible, innovative, and confident academic creativity. The entire book is in English.

社科学术论文写作指南 内容简介


社科学术论文写作指南 目录

Preface i
Introduction v
Part Ⅰ Brewing of Ideas 1
Chapter 1 A Dialogue Field to Stimulate Ideas 2
Chapter 2 From Research Plan to Writing Ideas 7
Part Ⅱ The Process of Writing Academic Papers 13
Chapter 3 The Conception and Design of Writing 14
Chapter 4 Logical Thinking in Paper Writing 43
Chapter 5 The Layout and Expression of Paper Writing Ideas 61
Chapter 6 Language Training and Preparation 86
Part Ⅲ Framework Design 109
Chapter 7 The Framework of Quantitative Analysis Paper 110
Chapter 8 Qualitative Analysis of Academic Papers 131
Part Ⅳ The Art of Contribution 143
Chapter 9 Contribution Preparation 144
Chapter 10 Psychological Expectations and Preparation for Contribution 164
Part Ⅴ Common Empirical Research Methods 177
Chapter 11 Questionnaire Method 178
Chapter 12 Interview Method 204
Chapter 13 Case Studies 224
Chapter 14 Experimental Research 237

社科学术论文写作指南 作者简介

