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小学英语阶梯阅读训练118篇(5年级)/杰丹尼斯英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787569282412
  • 条形码:9787569282412 ; 978-7-5692-8241-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

小学英语阶梯阅读训练118篇(5年级)/杰丹尼斯英语 内容简介

本书主要适用于五年级学生英语阅读素养及阅读理解能力的培养。书收录适合当代小学生英语阅读训练短文118篇,选材内容有人物故事、学习、日常生活、体育运动、动植物、兴趣爱好、健康饮食、季节与天气、节假日、幽默与笑话等。短文材料新颖,内容丰富,语言地道,趣味性强,既有利于激发小学生的阅读兴趣,又有助于培养其阅读理解能力。 本书既可作为老师及家长引导下的学生“自主训练”,也可作为五年级学生英语教学的课后习题,是一本的好书。

小学英语阶梯阅读训练118篇(5年级)/杰丹尼斯英语 目录

Passage1-7 Passage 1 Insomnia Passage 2 An Ezine Passage 3 Alcohol Passage 4 bingling Passage 5 What's-the Rush! Passage 6 Mr Daddy Passage 7 The Most Beautiful Mother Passage8-14 Passage 8 Boys Passage 9 How to Be Happy Passage 10 The Ways to Improve Self-confidence Passage 11 That's How Crows Drink Passage 12 Tony Passage 13 Tingting Passage 14 How to Live Better Passage15-21 Passage t5 A New Cell Phone Passage 16 Colorful Imagination Passage 17 Flowers Passage 18 Living Things Move in Different Ways Passage 19 A Letter Passage 20 Beware of the Dog Passage 21 Leaf Edges Passage22-28 Passage 22 Strawberries Passage 23 Parents Passage 24 Youth Passage 25 The Man, the Arm and the BMW Passage 26 All I Do Is to Pay Passage 27 Dreams Passage 28 A Present Passage29-35 Passage 29 The Doctor Knows Better Passage 30 Expensive Price Passage 31 I Wasn't Asleep Passage 32 The Poor Husband Passage 33 Who's More Polite Passage 34 Let Dog in Hotel Passage 35 Intelligent Son Passage36-42 Passage 36 Put Your Feet in Passage 37 Where Is the Father? Passage 38 Does the Dog Know the Proverb, Too? Passage 39 A Blind Man and His Guide Dog Passage 40 Then You Can Ask Him Passage 41 The Old Cat Passage 42 The Thirsty Pigeon Passage43-49 Passage 43 A Clever Rabbit Passage 44 Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell Passage 45 Who Has Repaired Them? Passage 46 Mozart Passage 47 I Have Turned It Over Passage 48 The Art of Cry Passage 49 Mother Mouse Passage50-56 Passage 50- -I Want to Tell Others Passage 51 A Clever Professor Passage 52 Is It Out Too? Passage 53 Is There a Crib in Your Stomach? Passage 54 The Last Warning Passage 55 A Clever Boy Passage 56 I Didn't Need It Then Passage57-63 Passage 57 You Are the Seventh Passage 58 Mother and Son Passage 59 Is Tommy Right? Passage 60 Who Are the Other Two? Passage 61 Politeness Passage 62 She Ate All My Bait Passage 63 A Ballet Perforrn~nce Passage64-70 Passage 64 All Languages Spoken Here Passage 65 Who Is the Laziest? Passage 66 Excuses Passage 67 I'm Just Kidding Passage 68 But Tom Passage 69 Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet to It Passage 70 The Three Foxes Passage71-78 Passage 71 Tendency Passage 72 A Large Tack Passage 73 Tw'o Dogs Passage 74 A Clever Farmer Passage 75 The Wolf an-d the Lamb Passage 76 A Fox and a Goat Passage 7"/ The Bat and the Weasels Passage 78 Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way Passage79-85 Passage 79 A Good Boy Passage 80 Thrift and Extravagance Passage 81 I Can't Drink That Much Every Day Passage 82 It's Good to Admit a Fault Passage 83 The Dog and the Shadow Passage 84 Everyone Has a Story in Life Passage 85 One Real Man Passage86-92 Passage 86 Watching TV Passage 87 Christmas Day Passage 88 Bowing Passage 89 Tree Frogs Passage 90 Apple Eaters Passage 91 Good Sleep Passage 92 The Dog VS the Alligator Passage93-99 Passage 93 Bullfight Passage 94 Lizards Passage 95 Kites Passage 96 Dogs Passage 97 A Reward Passage 98 Leaves Colbr Passage 99 Wind Passage100-106 Passage 100 Heart Passage 101 Reptiles Passage 102 Potato Chips Passage 103 The Leaning Tower of Pisa Passage 104 Lungs Passage 105 Turtles Passage 106 Interesting Sports Facts Passage107-113 Passage 107 Wash the Coat First Passage 108 Lemonade Passage 109 Drunken Driving Passage 110 Animals' Languages Passage 111 A Zoo Keeper Passage 112 Growing Passage 113 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Passage114-118 Passage 114 Amazing Facts Passage 115 Crocodiles Passage 116 Badminton Passage 117 Clever Cats Passage 118 Talking Birds

小学英语阶梯阅读训练118篇(5年级)/杰丹尼斯英语 作者简介

