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国际商务谈判(第三版)(新视界商务英语系列教材) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300293745
  • 条形码:9787300293745 ; 978-7-300-29374-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

国际商务谈判(第三版)(新视界商务英语系列教材) 内容简介

本书共分八章,分别从靠前商务谈判基本理论、谈判人员的素质、谈判环节、 谈判策略和技巧、谈判类型、语言与非语言沟通技巧、谈判礼仪和跨文化谈判等方面进行了详述。修订版将根据近期新世界政治、经济形势的变化增加以下内容:1.增加中国文化元素:每章增加一个很好中国文化元素,中英文对照,让学生学习并向世界传播很好中国文化。2.增加中国企业成功案例:每章增加一个很好中国企业案例,让学生了解中国企业的成功。3.增加新谈判理论:如靠前情景理论。

国际商务谈判(第三版)(新视界商务英语系列教材) 目录

Chapter 01 Basic Theories for International Business Negotiation
Section A Understanding International Business Negotiation
Section B A Negotiation Aching to Find Way Out
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Chapter 02 Staffing Negotiation Teams
Section A Basic Principles That Make You a Smart Negotiator
Section B What Determines the Success in Multiparty Negotiation
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Chapter 03 Phases of International Business Negotiation
Section A A Typical Negotiation on Sale with the Chinese
Section B How to Negotiate Price for Sales
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Chapter 04 Negotiation Strategy and Tactics
Section A What Strategy and Tactics to Choose?
Section B Negotiation Strategy and Tactics in Practice
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Chapter 05 Types of International Business Negotiation
Section A Types of International Business Negotiation
Section B Long Live Price Negotiations
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Chapter 06 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Skills
Section A Understanding Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Section B A Smart Car Seller
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Chapter 07 International Business Negotiation Etiquette
Section A Business Negotiation Etiquette
Section B McDonald’s Secret Weapon to Change Disadvantages into Advantages
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Chapter 08 Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation
Section A Forewarned Is Forearmed
Section B Building Trust Before Heading to the Table with Japanese
Background Information
Words and Expressions
Situational Dialogue in Negotiation
Chinese Case
Chinese Culture
Further Reading

国际商务谈判(第三版)(新视界商务英语系列教材) 节选

Chapter 01 Basic Theories for International Business Negotiation In business as in life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. ―Chester L. Karras, American business negotiation expertLead-in In September of 2013, computer software titan Microsoft made the shocking announcement that it was purchasing Finnish mobile handset maker Nokia for $7.2 billion in an effort to build its mobile and smart phone offerings. The complexity of the business negotiations undertaken by negotiators at Microsoft and Nokia underscores the challenges companies and negotiators face in integrating two different identities. Rather than engaging in the reconciliation of differences in identity, integrative bargaining negotiators may instead see the value (and value creating potential) in letting each firm maintain its own identity. In this way, it is advantageous to negotiators to view their negotiating counterparts as individuals, highlighting the strengths of each organization and how those strengths can be combined into a successfully implemented negotiated agreement. Questions: 1. How do you understand the practice of integrative bargaining negotiators? 2. How will it benefit the negotiation?Section A Understanding International Business Negotiation The negotiation process is a very complicated social process, involving an intricate structure of attitudes and opinions, social relationships ― both inside and outside the firm ― and the ways such attitudes, opinions, and social relations are changing. It contains various elements of individual and organizational behavior, influenced by the past and the perception of the future as well as the present. It is composed of a large number of decisions made by different people at different points in time. The understanding of the final outcome of such a process depends on an understanding of all its stages and parts. Many executives and policymakers tend to regard negotiation like most people view having children ― it is something one does almost instinctively, with varying amounts of skill, confidence, and pleasure, but not a likely subject for analysis or scholarly research. These people believe that good negotiators are born, not made; and if made, made in the trenches, not in the classroom. Most of the time, poor communication plays a role in the failure of business negotiations or becomes a serious barrier. And when people of one nation negotiate with people of another, they often unwittingly trample all over the other customs of those people and the negotiations are consequently doomed to failure before they even start.Negotiation as an art and a skill The view of negotiation as an art and a skill which should be learned in order to achieve desirable success with foreign partners is shared by a number of scholars. Some emphasize the importance of cross-cultural relations to negotiations. Others demonstrate how the presence or absence of certain key variables affects the structure, process, and the result of negotiation. Thus, it can help with realistic consideration of “ethical issues” and “strategic choice” in all interactive competitive bargaining to use decision analysis to assess the probabilities of various results as a trial. Looking at the future, from a strategic window, realistic international business negotiation solutions should depend, in large part, on a continuous learning process. The long-run solutions to the cultural myopia of business executives are more challenging. If companies are to take advantage of technology, creativity, and other natural resources, they must invest in the education and training of potential business leaders. This training must start early, for the true understanding of other cultures comes from immersion in it. Ideally, training for multinational executives of the future would begin in high schools.

国际商务谈判(第三版)(新视界商务英语系列教材) 作者简介

