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海外馆藏中国文物精粹:玉器 佛造像(英文)

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:玉器 佛造像(英文)

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海外馆藏中国文物精粹:玉器 佛造像(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508546193
  • 条形码:9787508546193 ; 978-7-5085-4619-3
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:玉器 佛造像(英文) 本书特色

中华文明源远流长,每个历史时期都有杰出的创造。它们所串联成的中华文明史以及各类历史遗存,见证了中华民族的创造精神和历代先贤的聪明才智。 作为中华文明的重要象征,它们有的早在唐代就沿陆路和海路传播到了许多国家,随后又通过战争、贸易、文化交流和私商等多种方式,流散在世界各地,其中不乏精品和孤品。 “海外馆藏中国文物精粹”系列画册,精选海外博物馆馆藏中国文物,更有文物流散背后的故事,以点带面,向世人展现中国古代艺术创造之风采,加深读者对海外博物馆馆藏中国古代文物的了解,推动对流失海外中国古代文物的整理和研究,彰显我们的文化自觉和文化自信。

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:玉器 佛造像(英文) 内容简介

“海外馆藏中国文物精萃”系列画册,精选翁同龢第五代传人、有名收藏家翁万戈及其夫人程华宝,早年游历世界各大博物馆时拍摄的馆藏中国文物373件(组),涉及书画、青铜器、陶瓷器、玉器、金银器、佛造像等八大门类的代表性作品,都是重要的中国文物藏品。书中不仅展示这些精美的艺术珍品,还对它们进行了整体描述,包括入藏时间、价值认定、流转故事等,让更多的人了解中国文物流散情况及其目前的归宿。该系列画册既是难得的历史文献资料集成,也是全面了解和鉴赏海外馆藏中国文物的特别指引。本分册为《海外馆藏中国文物精萃:玉器 佛造像》。

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:玉器 佛造像(英文) 目录

Foreword Editorial Notes Jade Wares IntroduCtlon to Jade Wares Plain Jade Bf Jade Knife Jade Knife Jade XuanJi Collared Jade Bi Jade Standing Bird Harvesting Knife(Hu)with Dragons Jade B Jade Statuette of a Standing Dignitary Ceremonial Jade Scoop Jade Dagger-Axe with Inscription A Set of Animal Jade Carvings A Set of Animal Jade Carvings A Set of Animal Jade Carvings A Set of Animal Jade Carvings A Set of Animal Jade Carvings Plaque with Composite Bird and Animal FOrms Jade'Huang'Disk Segment with Notched Ends Bi Disk With Dragon Motit Ritual Disc with Dragon Motifs Ring Pendants,Beads,and Gold Chain Pendanlin the FOrm of a Female Dancer Jade Configuration of Dragon,Bird,and Snake Jade Ornament Hinged Pair of Jade Plaques Jade Figure Set Three—Legged Jade Zhi(Cup) Jade Figure Jade Horse Head Jade Two—Humped Camel Jade Rockery with Inscription“Misty Rivers and Stacked Mountains”by Emperor Qianlong Buddhist Statues Introcluetiin to Buddhist Statues The Seated Buddha Shakyamuni in Meditation with Hands in Dhyana—Mudra and with FIaming Shoulders I he Seated Buddhist Statue The Standing Maitreya Buddha Statue The Buddha Maitreya The Standing Maitreya Buddha Statue Created by Zhang Lingbin and His Brother from Zhongshan,Dingzhou The Offering Procession of the Empress as Donor with Her Court The Squatting Stone Lion The Statue Created by Tan Ren and Dao Mi for Two Sitting Buddhas The Buddha Maitreya(Mile)Altarpiece The Buddhist Stele with Dual Images of the Bodhisattva Maitreya The Western Paradise of the Buddha Amitabha(Picture 1) The Gathering of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas(Picture 2) The Seated Buddhist Statue The Seated Amitabha Buddha Statue The Standing Avalokitesvara Statue The Standing Buddhist Statue Stone Component Vairocana Buddha Statue Guardian Lion buardian Lion The Bodhisattva AvalOkiteshvara The Statue for the Guardian King of the North The Statue for the Guardian King of the South The Buddha Vairocana The Fragment of Guanyin of Eleven Heads(Picture 1) The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara(Guanyin)with 11 heads(Picture 2) The Standing Figure(torso)of a Bodhisattva The Statue for Bodhisattva Sitting with One Foot Placed on the Opposite Thigh The Seated Buddhist Statue The Seated Contemplating Bodhisattva Statue The Standing Avalokitesvara Statue The Seated Buddhist Statue The Seated Buddha The Kneeling Attendant Bodhisattva The Head of a Bodhisattva The Buddha,Probably Amitabha(Amituofo) The Seated Avalokitesvara Statue The Seated Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara(Guanyin) The Bodhisattva The Statue for the Guardian King The Statue for the Guardian King The Statue of Tankasri AvaIOk.1esvara A Buddhisl Procession of Three Musicians and ORe Dancer The Seated Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Statue The Bodhisattva Head Statue The Figure of Dashizhi Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta The Standing Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Statue The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshara The Shakyamuni as an Ascetic The Statue for Snow Mountain Arhat(in Asceticism) The Bodhisattva AvalOkiteshvara in Water Moon Form (Shuiyue Guanyin) Postscript Appendix:A Brief Chronology of Chinese History

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:玉器 佛造像(英文) 作者简介

