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海外馆藏中国文物精粹:书画(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508546162
  • 条形码:9787508546162 ; 978-7-5085-4616-2
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:书画(英文) 本书特色

中华文明源远流长,每个历史时期都有杰出的创造。它们所串联成的中华文明史以及各类历史遗存,见证了中华民族的创造精神和历代先贤的聪明才智。 作为中华文明的重要象征,它们有的早在唐代就沿陆路和海路传播到了许多国家,随后又通过战争、贸易、文化交流和私商等多种方式,流散在世界各地,其中不乏精品和孤品。 “海外馆藏中国文物精粹”系列画册,精选海外博物馆馆藏中国文物,更有文物流散背后的故事,以点带面,向世人展现中国古代艺术创造之风采,加深读者对海外博物馆馆藏中国古代文物的了解,推动对流失海外中国古代文物的整理和研究,彰显我们的文化自觉和文化自信。

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:书画(英文) 内容简介


海外馆藏中国文物精粹:书画(英文) 目录

Foreword Editorial Notes Introduction to Paintings and Calligraphy Nymph of the Luo River Northern Qi Scholars Collating Classic Texts The Thi rteen Emperors Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk Palace Ladies Tuning the Lute Fu Sheng Expounding the Classic Palace Banquet A Solitary Temple Amid Clearing Peaks Fishermen'S Evening Song Fish Swimming amid Falling Flowers Mountains and Water Cloudy Mountains Five—colored Parakeet on a Blossoming Ap ricot Tree Imperial Decrees to Liang Rujia Incomplete Manuscript of Commentaries on the Analects of Confucius Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute Bare Willows and Distant Mountains Twelve Views of Landscape Li Bai Chanting a POem Nine Dragons Five Draqons The Buddha Addressing Yamaraja at Kusinagara Dream Journey along the Xiao and Xiang Rivers Emperor Xuanzong'S Flight to Shu The Second Zen Patriarch in Contemplation The Sixteen Luohan The Hundred Geese Clear Weather in the Valley Early Autumn Ink Bamboo Twin Pines,Level Distance Fishermen,after Jing Hao Quiet Life in a Wooded Glen A Breath of Spring Spray of Bamboo The Serene Bank of the Xiang River Bamboo—Covered Stream in Spring Rain Fishermen on an Autumn River Two Saluki Hounds Ode to Pomegranate and Melon Vine Poet on a Mountain Top Storm over the River Beggars and Street Characters Autumn Mountains The Seven Junipers Old Cypress and Rock The Thatched Hut of Dreaming of an Immortal Hills and Streams After Rain Life Cycle of the Lotus Saying Farewell at Xunyang Landscape in the Style of Li Tang Peach and Plum Blossom Garden The Golden Valley Garden Landscape with a Lady Overlooking a Lake Fan Painting with Figu res The Jade Field Aulumn Colors at Xunyang Five Forms of Guanyin Landscape Landscape Landscape Album Album of Eight Landscapes Clearing Autumn Sky over a Fishing Village Drunk in Autumn Woods Fishing in River Country at Blossom Time Wangchuan Villa Zhong Kui and Demons Postscript Appendix:A Brief Chronology of Chinese History

海外馆藏中国文物精粹:书画(英文) 作者简介

