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365个人体奥秘(下册)—365初中英语天天阅读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787572006524
  • 条形码:9787572006524 ; 978-7-5720-0652-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

365个人体奥秘(下册)—365初中英语天天阅读 本书特色

适读人群 :初中学生(五四制和六三制通用)l 这是一本融合人体科学和英语学习的书,用英语解开我们全身上上下下和里里外外的奥秘。 l 这是一本不可思议的科普书,这是一本充满热情的英语书。 l 365初中英语天天阅读,让我们一起去探索和遨游这个展现人体各种奇迹的英语世界!

365个人体奥秘(下册)—365初中英语天天阅读 内容简介


365个人体奥秘(下册)—365初中英语天天阅读 目录

Just Breathe - The Respiratory System Ⅱ(呼吸吧——呼吸 系统·下) 181. It is possible to live with just one lung! (只有一个肺也是可以生存的!) 182.The study of lung diseases is known as pulmonology(研究肺部疾病的学科称为呼 吸器官学) 183.Breathing through your mouth over a period could change the shape of your face(用嘴呼吸时间长了会改变脸型) 184. The more you breathe,the hungrier you become(你呼吸得越多,就会越饿) 185. Some people can hold their breath for more than 20 minutes(有些人可以屏住 呼吸超过20分钟) 186.Children who breathe directly from the mouth are likely to develop a lisp while talking(直接用嘴呼吸的儿童说话有可能会 口齿不清) 187. The human nose can discern more than 10,000 different types of scents (人类鼻 子能识别一万多种不同的气味) 188.Have you ever wondered how you can distinguish between good or bad smells? (你想过你是怎么分辨香味和臭味的吗?) 189.Did you know that water helps oxygen move in your body?(你知道水能帮助氧气 在体内流动吗?) Cobble Cobble - The Digestive System(狼吞虎咽——消化 系统) 190. Do you like drinking milk? It takes around seven organs to help digest it (你喜欢喝牛奶吗?大约有七个器官参与消化 牛奶) 191. Your stomach acid can dissolve things like rust(胃酸可以溶解铁锈一类的物质) 192. You produce more than a litre of saliva every day(你每天产生超过一升的唾液) 193. Your stomach does not rumble only when you are hungry(胃部不只在饿的时 候“咕咕”叫) 194. Your intestines are half the size of a badminton court(肠道总面积相当于半个 羽毛球场) 195. You can eat your food even if you are hanging upside down(倒挂着也可以 进食) 196. Most digestion takes place in the small intestine(大多数消化活动在小肠中进行) 197. The large intestine does not perform any digestion (大肠没有消化功能) 198. The small intestine has three parts (小肠分为三个部分) 199. Eating beans and legumes can cause flatulence(吃豆类食物会引起肠胃气胀) …… Baby Blues-The reproductive System Factual Flush-The urinary system Go Glands!-The Endocrine System Sparkle and Shine-Hair, Skin and Nails In My Mind-Psychological Facts

365个人体奥秘(下册)—365初中英语天天阅读 作者简介

