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开本: 24cm 页数: 192页
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寓言故事(汉英对照) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566422118
  • 条形码:9787566422118 ; 978-7-5664-2211-8
  • 装帧:书写纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

寓言故事(汉英对照) 本书特色


寓言故事(汉英对照) 内容简介

本书以生动形象的比喻教人生活的哲理和智慧 ; 讽刺现实及人性的弱点, 劝善惩恶, 给人以警醒 ; 讲述学习态度和方法, 给人以借鉴意义。内容包括: 八哥学舌 ; 抱薪救火 ; 不死之药等。

寓言故事(汉英对照) 目录

八哥学舌 Mynah Imitating Human Tongue 抱薪救火 Carrying Faggots to Put out a Fire 不禽不兽 Neither Birds nor Beasts 不死之药 Medicine to Make People Immortal 不听忠告 Failure to Adopt Advice 蚕与蛛 A Silkworm and a Spider 常羊学射 Chang Yang Learning Archery 楚人习操舟 A Man of Chu Steering the Boat 楚人学齐语 A Boy of Chu Learning the Qi Language 唇亡齿寒 If the Lips Are Gone,the Teeth Will Be Cold 次非杀蛟 Ci Fei Killing Flood Dragons 大脖子病人 Big-neck Patients 戴高帽子 Presented with "Tall Hats" 东郭先生和狼 Mr.Dongguo and Wolf 给猫取名儿 Naming Cat for Bubble Reputation 公输刻凤 Lu Ban Carving Phoenix 海龟和群蚁 A Sea Turtle and a Group of Ants 海鸟之死 Death of the Seabird 河豚发怒 Globefish Getting Very Angry 涸辙之鱼 Fish Stranded in Dry Rut 后羿射箭 Hou Yi Shooting Arrows 糊涂的麇鹿 A Muddled Elk 画鬼*易 Easiest to Draw Ghosts 纪昌学射 Ji Chang Learning Archery 击邻家之子 Beating up Neighbor's Son 棘刺尖儿上雕猴子 Monkey Carved on the Thorn Tip 姜从树生 Ginger Growing on Trees 匠石运斤 Stonemason Wielding Axe 狡生梦金 Sly Student Dreaming about Gold 截竿进城 Entering the City Gate with a Long Pole 荆人夜涉 Chu Troop Wading Across River at Night 客套误事 False Etiquette Spoiling Affairs 孔雀爱尾 Peacocks Cherishing Their Tails 良狗捕鼠 Good Dog Catching Rats 两小儿辩日 Two Kids Arguing about the Sun 买椟还珠 Buying the Casket Without the Pearl 卖弄小聪明的猎人 Hunter Playing Petty Tricks 猫头鹰搬家 An Owl Moving Its Nest 明年再改 Stop Stealing Next Year 其父善游 The Son of a Good Swimmer 齐人偷金 A Man of Qi Stealing Gold 千金买马首 Buying Head of Horse with Gold 穷和尚和富和尚 Two Monks 人贵有自知之明 The Significance of Self-knowledge 桑中生李 Plum Growing out of Mulberry 山鸡与凤凰 Pheasant and Phoenix 生木造屋 Mansion Made of Raw Wood 宋人疑盗 A Man of Song Suspicious of Stealing 束氏蓄猫 Shu Raising Cats 太阳的样子 ADpeararice of the Sun 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 The Cicada,the Praying Mantis and the SpalTOW 五十步笑百步 The POt Callina the KettIe BIack 喜鹊搬家 The Magpie's Nest 心不在马 NO Attention to Horses 兄弟争雁 Brothers Arguing over WiId Geese 宣王好射 King Xuan Loving Archery 薛谭学讴 Xue Tan Learning to Sing 掩耳盗铃 Covering One's Ears to Steal a Bell 燕人还国 A Man of Yan Returning to His HOmetown 叶公好龙 Lord Ye's Love fOr Draqorls 疑邻偷斧 Suspecting the Neighbor of Stealing an Axe 永某氏之鼠 Nobody's Rats in Yongzhou 鹬蚌相争 A Snipe and a Clam Locked in Fight 凿井得人 The Man Who Was Found in Well 曾子杀猪 Why Zengzi Killed the Pig 折箭训子 Breaking Arrows to Admonish Sons 郑人逃暑 A Man of Zheng Escaping Summer Heat 郑人惜鱼 A Man of Zheng Who Cherished Fish 捉蝉的学问 Know How to Catch Cicadas

寓言故事(汉英对照) 作者简介

作者简介: 韩进,编审,儿童文学硕士生导师,时代出版传媒股份有限公司副总经理。著作主要有《中国儿童文学史》《儿童文学原理》《高士其评传》《陈伯吹评传》《世界童话大王安徒生》等10余部,其中《高士其评传》《陈伯吹评传》获第三届中华优秀出版物奖。 译者简介: 丁立福,博士,淮南师范学院外国语学院教授。中国翻译协会专家会员,中国国学双语研究会理事,淮南成语典故研究院特聘研究员。主要研究领域有英语语言文学、《淮南子》翻译研究、翻译理论与实践;近年出版学术专著1部,发表学术论文50余篇。
