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人力资源管理基础(英文版·第4版)(工商管理经典丛书·人力资源管理系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 版权信息

人力资源管理基础(英文版·第4版)(工商管理经典丛书·人力资源管理系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 内容简介


人力资源管理基础(英文版·第4版)(工商管理经典丛书·人力资源管理系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 目录

第Ⅰ篇 导论
第1章 当今时代的人力资源管理
第2章 公平就业机会和多元化管理
第3章 人力资源战略与分析

第Ⅱ篇 人员配置:人员规划和雇用
第4章 职位分析与人才管理
第5章 人员规划与招募
第6章 员工甄选

第Ⅲ篇 培训和人力资源开发
第7章 员工培训与开发
第8章 绩效管理与评价
第9章 职业生涯管理

第Ⅳ篇 薪酬管理和全面报酬
第10章 开发薪酬计划
第11章 绩效薪酬与员工福利

第Ⅴ篇 员工关系和劳动关系
第12章 保持积极的员工关系
第13章 劳动关系和集体谈判
第14章 提升职业安全与员工健康、风险管理

第Ⅵ篇 人力资源管理的特殊议题
专题A 全球人力资源管理
专题B 小企业及创业公司的人力资源管理

附录A 人力资源师和高级人力资源师知识库
附录B 综合案例

人力资源管理基础(英文版·第4版)(工商管理经典丛书·人力资源管理系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 节选

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4th edition, covers the full range of human resource management topics in a streamlined 14-chapter format. As this fourth edition goes to press, I feel even more strongly than I did when the first edition was published that all managers ―not just human resource managers―need a strong foundation in human resource management concepts and techniques to do their jobs. I therefore wrote Fundamentals for all students of management, not just those who will someday carry the title Human Resource Manager and, in this new edition, added more practical techniques and real company examples. With 14 comprehensive chapters covering all major HRCI (SHRM) topics, and two end-of-book modules, I wrote this book to compete with 16-chapter introductory Human Resource Management textbooks, as well as with books titled Fundamentals of Human Resource Management.This 4th edition has several distinguishing characteristics. While it again focuses almost entirely on essential personnel management topics like job analysis, testing, compensation, and appraisal, fostering employee engagement is used as an integrating theme throughout the chapters. Employee Engagement Guide for Managers features show how managers use human resource practices to boost employee engagement. Practical skills applications―such as how to appraise performance, how to establish a simple pay plan, and how to handle grievances―are used throughout to provide students with important management skills. Because all managers have personnel-related responsibilities, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4th edition, is, as noted, aimed at all students of management, not just those who will someday carry the title Human Resource Manager. Building Your Management Skills features highlight managerial HR skills. The legal environment of human resource management―equal employment, labor relations, and occupational safety―is covered fully, with practical chapter-specific implications for managers in Know Your Employment Law features in most chapters. A continuing case illustrates the front-line supervisor’s role in human resource management. Chapter 12 shows how “Best Companies to Work For” actually cultivate positive employee relations. Knowledge Base icons flag topics addressed by the HR Certification Institute’s PHR® and SPHR® Knowledge Base.THE REVISIONIn revising this textbook, I of course wanted to update the chapters and include all the changes while ensuring that the switch by adopters from the 3rd to the 4th edition would be hassle free. So, for example, numbered questions in the boxed features and separate “A-head” Employee Engagement Guide for Managers sections allow adopters to choose (if they so desire) which features they want to assign. The book’s main new items include:New: Employee Engagement Guide for ManagersEmployee engagement refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting one’s jobs done. Recent surveys show that about 70% of employees are disengaged at work. I use new Employee Engagement Guide for Managers sections in Chapters 3?14 to show how managers use human resource activities to improve employee engagement. For example, Chapter 3’s Guide shows how Kia Motors (UK) improved employee engagement, Chapter 6’s Guide shows how Toyota uses a total selection program to improve engagement, and Chapter 12’s Guide shows how “Great Companies to Work For” like Google and SAS develop the positive employee relations that help foster employee engagement.New: Building Your Management SkillsBuilding Your Management Skills features throughout the book help to show students and managers how to apply what they’ve learned, such as how to conduct an effective employment interview, create an actual pay scale/pay plan for a company, and discipline an employee. New: Know Your Employment Law The new Know Your Employment Law sections in most chapters show the practical implications of the employment laws that apply to that chapter’s topics, such as the laws relating to recruitment (Chapter 5), selection (Chapter 6), training (Chapter 7), and safety (Chapter 14). New: HR in Practice Company Illustrations You’ll find many more actual company examples in this edition. The 3rd edition had several boxed HR in Practice features; I added more of these in this 4th edition, to show how companies such as Zappos (strategic HR management) and Honda (selecting employees) actually implement their HR practices. New: Building Positive Employee Relations Employee relations is the managerial activity that involves establishing and maintaining the positive employee?employer relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, morale, and discipline, and to maintaining a positive, productive, and cohesive work environment. Most human resource management survey books include Employee Relations as a section heading or chapter heading, but usually don’t show how managers actually develop and maintain positive employee relations. I expanded Chapter 12 (Maintaining Positive Employee Relations) to do so. New: Sustainability and HRM In a world where sea levels are rising, glaciers are crumbling, and increasing numbers of people view financial inequity as outrageous, more and more people say that busi-nesses can’t just measure “performance” in terms of maximizing profits. This 4th edition contains all-new material on sustainability and on the roles of HR management in implementing companies’ sustainability efforts. New: Treatment of Global HR, and Small Business HR Management In the previous 3rd edition, two end-of-book modules, Managing HR Globally, and Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms, contained most of the material on global human resource management, and on small business human resource management. In this new 4th edition, I moved much of the global HR material from the Managing HR Globally module to new Managing HR around the Globe boxed features throughout the book, and similarly moved much of the small business HR management material from the small business module to new HR Tools for Line Managers and Small Businesses boxed features throughout the book. The two modules remain in the 4th edition, but now focus more on strictly supportive and supplementary material, such as how international cultural differences influence global human resource management. FEATURES CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS EDITIONDiversity Counts features provide practical insights for managing a diverse work force, for instance regarding gender bias in selection decisions, bias in performance appraisal, and “hidden” gender bias in some bonus plans.Social Media and HR features in each chapter demonstrate how employers use social media to improve their human resource processes.Improving Performance through HRIS features demonstrate how managers use human resource technology to improve performance.HR as a Profit Center features provide actual examples of human resource management practices that cut costs and improve performance.Strategic Human Resource Management: Chapter 1 introduces and Chapter 3 presents the concepts and techniques of human resource strategy. Each Part opener contains a continuing model that shows how those chapters’ HR policies and practices produce the employee skills and behaviors that a company needs to improve its performance.

人力资源管理基础(英文版·第4版)(工商管理经典丛书·人力资源管理系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 作者简介

加里·德斯勒,美国佛罗里达国际大学工商管理学院教授,中国人民大学劳动人事学院兼职教授,国际著名的人力资源管理和组织管理专家。长期致力于人力资源管理和组织管理领域的研究,在Academy of Management Executive,SAM Advanced Management Journal等国际一流刊物上发表了多篇学术论文。撰写的《人力资源管理》一书位居同类书销量之首,被翻译成10多种文字在许多国家和地区出版。
