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酒店实用英语(第3版21世纪高职高专规划教材)/旅游与酒店管理系列 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300277608
  • 条形码:9787300277608 ; 978-7-300-27760-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

酒店实用英语(第3版21世纪高职高专规划教材)/旅游与酒店管理系列 内容简介


酒店实用英语(第3版21世纪高职高专规划教材)/旅游与酒店管理系列 目录

Unit1 Room Reservation 房间预订
Unit2 Receptionand Check-in 接待与登记入住
Unit3 Mailand Information 邮寄服务与信息问询
Unit4 Telephone Desk 电话服务
Unit5 Business Center 商务中心
Unit6 Cashier and Check-out 结算离店
Unit7 Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms 引客进房
Unit8 Room Cleaning Service 客房清洁服务
Unit9 Room Service 客房送餐服务
Unit10 Linenand Laundry 被服及洗衣服务
Unit11 Maintenanceand Engineering 维护与维修
Unit12 Miscellaneous Services 综合服务
Unit13 Complaintsand Emergencies 处理投诉及突发事件
Unit14 Foodand Beverage Reservation 餐饮预订
Unit15 Foodand Beverage Reception 餐饮接待
Unit16 Settingup Tables and Taking Orders 摆放餐具及点餐服务
Unit17 Food Service 用餐服务
Unit18 Beverage Service 酒水服务
Unit19 Paying the Bill 结账服务
Unit20 Banquet Service 宴会服务
Unit21 Barand Cafe 酒吧与咖啡厅
Unit22 The Health and Recreation Center 康乐中心
Unit23 The Fitness Center 健身中心
Unit24 The Recreational Center 娱乐休闲中心
Unit25 The Beauty Salon 美容沙龙
Unit26 The Shopping Center 购物中心

酒店实用英语(第3版21世纪高职高专规划教材)/旅游与酒店管理系列 节选

房间预订 ◆ how to answer questions concerning reservations; ◆ how to take a reservation; ◆ how to cancel a reservation; ◆ how to confirm a reservation. Reservation Procedures Greet the guest Ask about reservation information Date of arrival and departure Room types Name Address Telephone number E-mail address Payment Any special request Check the room availability Confirm the reservation/Refuse the reservation Advance Reservations The advance reservationist shoulders several job responsibilities, which include answering questions concerning reservations, booking and assigning rooms for guests who ask for rooms in the hotel. This job also includes taking reservations, cancellations and re- visions, and writing and sending e-mails for confirmation of reservation. There are different ways of making advance reservations. Some people send e-mails to the hotel on the Internet to make reservations; some make telephone calls to book their rooms; and still some go to the hotel directly to make face-to-face reservations.Most people make their reservations on hotel web page. Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of the Internet,e-mail reservation has become more and more common. Message can be sent and received from one corner of the world to another in just one or two seconds' time. And the hotel can also confirm a guest's booking immediately with a reply e-mail, which will save much time and paperwork. The first thing a reservationist should do after receiving a reservation request is to check whether the hotel has any vacancy or not during the particular period. If the hotel is able to accept the booking, the reservationist will fill out a reservation form and put the reservation information into the computer.Computer softwares can also provide possible choices for guests to check into hotels during peak, shoulder or slow seasons. advance adj.事先的,预先的 reservation n.预订,预约 responsibility n.责任,职责 include vt.包括,包含 concerning prep.关于 book vt.登记,预订 assign vt.分配,指派 cancellation n.取消 revision n.修订,修改,修正 send vt.送,寄,派遣 confirmation n.证实,确认,批准 way n.方式,途径 directly adv.直接地,立即 receive vt.收到,接收,接待 confirm vt.确定,批准,使有效 immediately adv.立即,马上,直接地 reply n.答复,回答 paperwork n.文书工作,全部文件 request n.请求,要求 check vt.检查,核实 whether conj.是否 vacancy n.空,空白,空缺,空闲 particular adj.特定的,特殊的 accept vt.接受,认可 information n.信息,通知,消息,报告 1. The advance reservationist shoulders several job responsibilities, which include answering questions concerning reservations, booking and assigning rooms for guests who ask for rooms in the hotel.预订人员承担好几项工作任务,其中包括为需要预订房间的客人解 答问题,预订和分配房间。 2. This job also includes taking reservations, cancellations and revisions,and writing and sending e-mails for confirmation of reservation.(工作任务)还包括办理、取消、修改 预订,以及撰写和发送电子邮件确认预订信息。 3. There are different ways of making advance reservations.办理预订有多种不同的方法。 4. face-to-face reservation面对面预订房间 5. And the hotel can also confirm a guest's booking immediately with a reply e-mail.酒店 也可以通过回复邮件对客人的预订进行确认。 6. The first thing a reservationist should do after receiving a reservation request is to check whether the hotel has any vacancy or not during the particular period.预订人员在接到 预订请求后要做的**件事就是确认酒店在该期间内是否有空房。 7. If the hotel is able to accept the booking, the reservationist will fill out a reservation form and put the reservation information into the computer.如果酒店能够接受预订, 则预订人员需要填写预订表,并将预订信息输入计算机。 be able to do表示(因具有某种能力、机会等而)得以……的,能 够……的。例如: Before they are able to talk, most children are able to walk. 8. Computer softwares can also provide possible choices for guests to check into hotels during peak, shoulder or slow seasons.计算机软件还能向客人提供多种选择,帮助他们在旺季、平季和淡季入住酒店。 Dialogue A (A: Clerk B: Guest) A: Good morning. Grand Hyatt Hotel. May I help you? B: Good morning. Have you got any vacancies for the nights of August 12th and 13th? I'd like to make a reservation for the two nights. A: All right. Single or double room? B: Double room, please. A: Yes. We have a double room available. B: Is that with a king-size bed? A: Yes, it's a room with a king-size bed, sir. B: That sounds fine. Is there any access to the Internet? A: Yes,of course. B: How much will it cost for one night? A: Let me see. A double room is$ 1200 per night. B: Does that include breakfast? A: Yes. That includes a continental breakfast and a morning newspaper. B: Do you accept Visa Card? A: Yes,we do. What time will you be arriving? B: I should be there around 5 :30 p.m. on the 12th. A: OK,sir. Could I take your name and telephone number, please? B: Yes. It's John White and my telephone number is 16464680943. A: Could you spell that,please? B: J-o-h-n W-h-i-t-e. A: John White,a double room with bath and Internet access for the nights of August 12th and 13th. B: That's right. Thank you. A: Thank you for your reservation, sir. Good-bye.

酒店实用英语(第3版21世纪高职高专规划教材)/旅游与酒店管理系列 作者简介

