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    [法] 维克多·雨果 著,谢百魁 译

太阳能光伏发电专业英语 版权信息

太阳能光伏发电专业英语 内容简介


太阳能光伏发电专业英语 目录

前言 Chapter 1 Introduction to Photovoltaics 1.1 Present situation and trend of PV 1.2 The necessity and urgency of new energy development in China 1.3 Photovoltaic (PV) history 1.4 Solar energy utilization patterns 1.5 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) Chapter 2 Basic Knowledge of Solar Cells and Photovoltaic 2.1 P-n junctions of the solar cells 2.2 Solar cell types 2.3 The structure and working mechanism of solar cells 2.4 The fundamental characteristics of the solar cells 2.5 Technology trends 2.6 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) Chapter 3 Silicon Solar Cells 3.1 Semiconductor types 3.2 Monocrystalline silicon solar cells 3.3 Multicrystalline silicon solar cells 3.4 Amorphous silicon solar cells 3.5 Ribbon silicon 3.6 Czochralski silicon (Cz-Si) 3.7 Silicon technology market 3. 8 Maximum efficiencies for solar cell materials 3.9 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) Chapter 4 Inorganic Compounds Solar Cells 4. 1 Cadmium telluride 4. 2 Copper indium diselenide and related compounds 4.3 GaAs 4.4 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) Chapter 5 Concentrator Solar Cells 5.1 Concentrator solar cells 5.2 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) Chapter 6 Organic Solar Cells,DSSCs, PSCs and QDSCs 6.1 Organic solar cells 6.2 Dye - sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) 6.3 Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) 6.4 Quantum dot solar cells (QDSCs) 6.5 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) Chapter 7 Solar Cell Modules 7.1 The definition and types of solar cell modules 7.2 Module structure 7.3 Encapsulation technology 7.4 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) Chapter 8 PV Systems 8.1 PV system types 8.2 Stand alone PV systems 8.3 Grid connected PV systems 8.4 Hybrid systems 8. 5 Reading material (Please read the article and find out the specialized vocabulary) References

太阳能光伏发电专业英语 作者简介

古丽米娜,女,哈萨克族,理工科博士、副教授、研究生导师。研究方向为新型太阳电池材料、光电功能材料、光伏应用材料的制备及性能研究。主讲课程有《新能源材料》、《专业英语(光伏)》、《Solar Energy and solar cell materials》等。 2008-2010年在英国University of Bristol留学,2014-2015年在美国Northwestern University开展合作项目研究。
