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物流管理案例与分析:双语版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787512143708
  • 条形码:9787512143708 ; 978-7-5121-4370-8
  • 装帧:60g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

物流管理案例与分析:双语版 本书特色

本教材具有以下特色:首先,所有案例均为纯英文的物流管理实践案例,有利于读者提高专业英语表达能力。 其次,每个部分的学习目标与各个案例的思考题有助于读者迅速、准确地把握本模块的基本内容并拓展思路。 第三,每个案例之后配有中文的术语解释与案例概述,易于学习掌握。 第四,书中的大部分案例在教学过程中已经多次使用,并取得了很好的教学效果。每个案例之后的英文案例分析提示浅显易懂,有助于启发读者思维,同时便于教师开展案例教学。 结构清晰、内容丰富、实践性强

物流管理案例与分析:双语版 内容简介

《物流管理案例与分析》(双语版)共编写了29个英文案例,分为八个模块:采购与供应商管理、物流营销管理、运输管理、仓储与库存管理、物流信息管理、供应链管理、国际物流和整合物流管理。每个案例之后安排了英文讨论题和案例分析提示、中文的术语解释和案例概述,有助于读者迅速、准确地把握本模块的基本内容并拓展思路,学以致用。本书可作为普通高等院校物流管理、工商管理等专业硕士生与 本科生的教材和参考用书,也可作为国际商务与国际物流管理人员的培训参考用书。

物流管理案例与分析:双语版 目录

Part One Procurement and Supplier Management 1

Case 1 Toyota’s supplier relationship management 3

Case 2 Chemstar and Loftech 9

Case 3 FBK Industries: Supporting the Paradigm Shift in Vendor Selection

through the Use of Multicriteria Methods for Sole-Sourcing 12

Part Two Logistics Marketing Management 27

Case 4 UPS and FedEx turn focus to consumer behavior 29

Case 5 Handy Tider, Inc. 35

Case 6 DHL Logistics’s Services Marketing Mix Efforts 41

Part Three Transportation Management 49

Case 7 Coals to Newcastle 51

Case 8 H. Stevens Inc. 55

Case 9 Ocean spray-shipping products more efficiently 59

Part Four Warehousing and Inventory Management 63

Case 10 Implementing CMI at the Whitbread Beer Company 65

Case 11 Healthy & handsome Trading 70

Case 12 Freshy company 75

Part Five Logistics Information Management 79

Case 13 Care-free Hut 81

Case 14 WorthPal Inc. 85

Case 15 Supply-Base Reduction at Rabbity 89

Case 16 Enterprise-Level Coordination at Zappos 92

Part Six Supply Chain Management 97

Case 17 Managing Growth at SportStuff 99

Case 18 Birth of a Sweater 104

Case 19 Dell Computers: using the supply chain to compete 108

Part Seven International Logistics 115

Case 20 Where to produce? 117

Case 21 Betty’s Brownies 120

Case 22 The Great Bite Peach Company 124

Case 23 Two Countries Compared: Switzerland and Chad 129

Part Eight Integrated Logistics Management 133

Case 24 ESB 135

Case 25 Tastyfood 139

Case 26 Online Sales and Local Store Availability: Combining the Best of Both

Worlds, or Not? 142

Case 27 Human resource management in Humanitarian Aid Supply Chains 145

Case 28 Fast Fashion Winner from Savvy Systems 148

Case 29 LIDL Sweden 163

Appendix A Guide to Case Analysis and Case Discussion 169

Part One Objectives of Case Analysis 171

Part Two How to prepare a Case for Class Discussion 172

Part Three How to participate in Class Discussion of a Case 174

References 176
