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新里程大学英语听说教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302541608
  • 条形码:9787302541608 ; 978-7-302-54160-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新里程大学英语听说教程 本书特色

听说课程一直是本科生教学改革的重头戏,每年大学新生的必修课之一,还有其他的培训类课程,对教材有持续、旺盛的需求。 本教材的设计就是出于这样的需求,定位于高水平的综合性大学的大学英语听说教材,以输入带动输出,促进学生语言能力的全面发展。本教材适合作为高校非英语专业的公外选修课教材,可供全国各大高校各专业本科一年级、二年级选用,具有一定的市场推广价值。 双主线的设计理念、现代媒体资源的结合、重要考试资源的引入;从新的角度把听力材料进行划分:记叙性材料、说明性材料、论述性材料、描述性材料双主线的设计理念、现代媒体资源的结合、重要考试资源的引入;从新的角度把听力材料进行划分:记叙性材料、说明性材料、论述性材料、描述性材料

新里程大学英语听说教程 内容简介

本书分为八个单元,每个单元从听力材料的语言体例特点(如stories, instructions, news, lectures等)入手,结合具体的听力技巧,配合于大学生活相关的话题,设计完成。每个单元有两条主线: language in focus (主要讲不同听力材料的语篇特点);skill in focus (具体的听力技巧,如听数字、大意和细节、观点和事实、记笔记等)。在口语方面,以日常社交为主,以主题的方式插入每个单元中。

新里程大学英语听说教程 目录

Unit One Spoken Language

Part 1 Dictation—The Ways to Improve Your Listening Comprehension 2

Part 2 Listen for Fun—Nice to Meet You 2

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of Spoken Language 2

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Dictation 6

Part 5 TED Speech—A One-Woman Global Village 8

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Conversations in IELTS 9

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Start a Conversation 10

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—Seasons in the Sun 11

Unit Two Stories of Inventors

Part 1 Dictation—Inventions and Inventors 14

Part 2 Listen for Fun—A Blind Man and His Lantern 14

Part 3 Language in Focus—Basic Elements of a Story 14

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Identifying Main Idea and Supporting Details 18

Part 5 TED Speech—My Simple Invention, Designed to Keep My Grandfather Safe 20

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Stories in CET 4 21

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Change the Topic 22

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—A Behavioral Science Experiment 24

Unit Three College Life

Part 1 Dictation—Freedom in College Life 26

Part 2 Listen for Fun—Tooth Extracting 26

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of Conversation 26

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Listening for Implied Meaning 29

Part 5 TED Speech—5 Ways to Kill Your Dreams 31

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Conversations in CET 4 31

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Discuss the Present Perfectly 33

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—A Casual Dialogue 34

Unit Four Plants

Part 1 Dictation—Growing Plants Without Soil 38

Part 2 Listen for Fun—A Clever Prisoner 38

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of Explaining a Process 38

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Using Flow Charts for a Process 43

Part 5 TED Speech—How to Grow a Forest in Your Backyard 44

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Processes in IELTS 45

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Disagree 47

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—How to Grow a Mango Tree from Seed 48

Unit Five Cultural Values

Part 1 Dictation—Building Blocks of Culture 50

Part 2 Listen for Fun—Jump into the Sea 50

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of a Lecture 50

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Notes Technique I: Abbreviations and Symbols 54

Part 5 TED Speech—Understanding the Rise of China 56

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Lectures in IELTS 57

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Ask Questions in Different Ways 58

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—Hofstede’s Cultural Taxonomy 59

Unit Six Health

Part 1 Dictation—Health Tips 62

Part 2 Listen for Fun—Good News and Bad News 62

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of Cause-and-Effect Relationship 62

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Notes Technique II: Cause-and-Effect Relationship 66

Part 5 TED Speech—The Coming Neurological Epidemic 69

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Lectures in IELTS 70

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Clarify Your Conversation 71

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—Why Thinking You're Ugly Is Bad for You 72

Unit Seven Personality and Happiness

Part 1 Dictation—Personality and Well-being 76

Part 2 Listen for Fun—Three Parrots 76

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of Comparison 76

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Notes Technique III: Comparison 81

Part 5 TED Speech—What Makes a Good Life? 83

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Lectures in IELTS 84

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Be Polite 85

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—Steve Jobs vs. Confucius 86

Unit Eight Disasters and Accidents

Part 1 Dictation—Overview of Disasters and Accidents 90

Part 2 Listen for Fun—Probability of the Threat 90

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of Hard News 90

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Listening for Numbers 94

Part 5 TED Speech—These Robots Come to the Rescue After a Disaster 95

Part 6 Listening in Tests—News in CET 4 96

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Show Regret 98

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—BBC News Reporting 99

Unit Nine Technology and Life

Part 1 Dictation—Modern Technology in Life 102

Part 2 Listen for Fun—Navajo Message for the Moon 102

Part 3 Language in Focus—Features of Soft News 102

Part 4 Skills in Focus—Listening for Facts and Opinions 107

Part 5 TED Speech—Space Technologies We Can Use to Improve Life on Earth 108

Part 6 Listening in Tests—Trip to Space 110

Part 7 Conversational Tips—How to Use Your Body Language 110

Part 8 Supplementary Listening—3D-Printed Home 112


新里程大学英语听说教程 作者简介

谭思坦 毕业于北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心,现任职于北京师范大学外文学院公共外语教学研究部,副系主任(主管本科教学),综合英语听说教程组组长。 自2008年在北京师范大学工作以来,主持校级教改项目2项,参与各级课程改革项目数10项,发表科研论文8篇。
