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新书--波斯语高级语法(精装) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787547517970
  • 条形码:9787547517970 ; 978-7-5475-1797-0
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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新书--波斯语高级语法(精装) 本书特色


新书--波斯语高级语法(精装) 内容简介

《波斯语高级语法》(Higher Persian Grammar),显示了波斯语修辞法从古代到近代的变迁与互相之间的差异。波斯语是世界上的古老语言之一,属于印欧语系,拥有源远流长的历史,并且至今仍拥有众多使用者,因此本书具有重要的文化意义,是世界经典文献的重要组成部分。

新书--波斯语高级语法(精装) 目录

PART I. CHAPTER I. ORTHOORAPHY AND ORTHOEPY. The Alphabet Pronunciation of Consonants The Short and Long and Dipthong Vowels IIaanza and the Short Vowels at the beginning of words The letter e (at the beginning of words) Jazm or Sukün Tashdid and Idgham Tanwin Waslah Solar and Iunar Letters Abjad Numeral Figures To find the vear A.D.corresponding to the year of the Hijra Siyag Letters in Poetry Handwriting Punctuation . Abbreviations,Contractions and Imala Summary Exercise in Translation Accent CHAPTER II. Division of Persian and Arabic Grammar Etymology The Article The Substantive Declension Examples of Declension Formation of the Plural-Classical Persian Plurals-Modern Persian CHAPTER II PRONOUNS. Personal Pronouns The Affixed Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns . Simple Demonstrative Pronouns Emphatic Demonstrative Pronouns Compound Demonstrative Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns Substitutes for Interrogative Pronouns Jndefinite P'ronouns CHAPTER IV. THE ARTICLR AND THE RELATIVE PRONOUNS. The Definite Article The Indefinite Article The Relative Pronouns and the Demonstrative or Relative cs CHAPTER V. The Adjective Compound Adjectives Intensive Adjectives Degree of Comparison and Comparative Clauses CHAPTER VI. THE NUMERALS. Cardinal Numbers The Ordinals Fractions Adverbial Numerals Multiplicative Numerals Distributive Numerals Recurring Numerals Approximate Numbers Numeral Adjectives CHAPTER VII Arabian Months The Turki Year-Cycle The Zodiac The Seasons Ancient Persian year Yazd-Gardi year Days of the Week CHAPTER VIII Money Measures of Length Weights CHAPTER IX. The Verb The Separate Substantive Verb The Verb Transitive and Intransitive Tenses from the Imperative Tenses from the Shortened Infinitive Active Voice Verbal Adjective Negative Verbs Euphonical Rules and Accents in the Verbs Jnterrogative Verbs Roots or Stems of Simple Verbs Hybrid Verbs The Auxiliary Verb-Shudan -Tawanistan -Girijtan The Verbs“to begin, ete.” The Auxiliary Verb-Khwastan -Guzashtan, Dadan, Mandan; and Verbs “to Permit,Allow” -Raftan -Dashtan Impersonal Verbs Compound Verbs Certain Common Verbs used in the Compounds Causal and Reflexive Verbs Passive Voice and Passive Verbs CHAPTER X. Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases Prepositions Simple Conjunctions …… PART II

新书--波斯语高级语法(精装) 作者简介

道格拉斯·克拉文·菲洛特(Douglas Craven Phillott),出生于1869年的印度。他是杰出的学者和语言学家,也是多产的作家。他精通波斯语、阿拉伯语、印度斯坦语,出版了两种波斯语语法著作和大量印度斯坦语教材,并翻译了阿拉伯语文学作品选《也门的馨香》等。他是孟加拉亚洲学会的秘书长及语文秘书,为《孟加拉亚洲学会杂志》撰写了许多文章,凭借其严谨的学术成果,曾两度荣获学会颁发的金奖。
