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中国古代物流文化 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566322470
  • 条形码:9787566322470 ; 978-7-5663-2247-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国古代物流文化 内容简介

本书共8章, 主要内容包括: 研究意义与方法、物流与文化的关系、古代仓储、古代交通、古代漕运、古代第三方物流、古代国际物流、古代物流经典案例。

中国古代物流文化 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background 1.1.1 The Role ofLogistics Industry 1.1.2 The Necessity oflnheriting Logistics Culture 1.2 Research Questions and Methods 1.3 The Structure of the Book Chapter 2 Logistics and Culture 2.1 The Concept and the Origin of Logistics 2.2 The Role and the Functions of Logistics 2.3 China's Modern Logistics Culture 2.4 The Logistics Wisdom in Ancient China 2.4.1 Storage Valued 2.4.2 Smooth Flow of Goods Chapter 3 Ancient Warehousing 3.1 The Evolution of Warehousing in China 3.2 Functions of Ancient Warehousing 3.2.1 The Wisdom ofGrain Price Regulation 3.2.2 Grain Storage in Time of War 3.3 Types of Ancient Warehousing 3.3.1 Official Warehouses 3.3.2 Civilian Warehouses 3.4 Ancient Warehouse Management 3.5 Implications for Modern Warehousing Chapter 4 Ancient Transportation 4.1 Means of Transportation 4.1.1 The Development of Vehicle Technology 4.1.2 The Development of Shipbuilding Technology 4.2 Modes of Transportation 4.2.1 Land Transportation 4.2.2 River Transport 4.2.3 Sea Transport 4.3 Inheritance of Ancient Civilization 4.3.1 The Inspiration of Ancient Tea Route to Modern Logistics 4.3.2 The Value of Ancient Tea Route in the New Era Chapter 5 Ancient Water Transport of Grain 5.1 The Rise and Fall of Water Transport of Grain 5.1.1 The Origin of Water Transport of Grain 5.1.2 The Development of Water Transport of Grain 5.1.3 The Prosperity and Demise of Water Transport 5.2 Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal 5.2.1 The Birth of the Grand Canal 5.2.2 The Golden Age of the Grand Canal 5.2.3 The Later Period of the Grand Canal 5.3 Functions of the Grand Canal 5.3.1 The Grand Canal and the Reform of Water Transport 5.3.2 The Economic and Cultural Functions of the Grand Canal 5.4 Inheritance of the Grand Canal Chapter 6 Ancient Third-Party Logistics 6.1 A General Introduction to Ancient Third-Party Logistics 6.2 Post Station 6.2.1 The Historical Development of Post Station 6.2.2 The Functions of Post Station 6.2.3 Famous Post Stations 6.3 Civil Letter Bureau 6.3.1 Formation of the Civil Letter Bureau 6.3.2 Characteristics of the Civil Letter Bureau System 6.3.3 The Competition Mode of the Civil Letter Bureau Business …… Chapter 7 Ancient International Logistics Chapter 8 Classic Cases of Ancient Logistics in China References

中国古代物流文化 作者简介

王淑花, 教授,北京物资学院外国语言与文化学院副院长。2011年6月毕业于北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学专业,获得文学博士学位。2007年获得北京市青年教师基本功比赛二等奖,2010获北京市中青年骨干教师项目资助,2013获北京市青年拔尖人才项目资助。发表论文30余篇,出版专著3部,其中两部获得北京市教委优秀教育科研成果二三等奖;合作出版译著3部,主编教材3部。
