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大学英语(代奎华)(下册) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787122377364
  • 条形码:9787122377364 ; 978-7-122-37736-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

大学英语(代奎华)(下册) 内容简介

《大学英语》是一套以多方面、立体化培养学生各项语言基础能力为编写目的的教材,是专业用途英语的近期新尝试,适用于高等院校中外合作项目的本科生英语教学,也可用于有出国需求的硕士生参考用书或作为普通高校大学英语教学辅助用书。 《大学英语》共上下两册,本书为下册。课文内容以科普性文章为主,侧重学生的阅读、翻译与写作能力的培养,同时补充美国文化常识,巩固语法知识,提高写作水平。本书内容共有16个单元,主要围绕时间管理、人工智能、共享经济、电商平台、人脸识别、无人驾驶、4D打印等大学生感兴趣的科技话题展开,使学生在语言知识学习的同时,了解当代科技成果,引发科技之后的思索,同时提升其人文素养。 本书每个单元主体内容包括五大板块:文化之旅、综合阅读、口语交际、语法知识、写作练习。每个单元的教学内容可在一周的教学时间内完成。

大学英语(代奎华)(下册) 目录

Unit 1 Personal Time Management 1
Section One Culture Smart 1
Understanding American Culture 1
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 2

rsonal Time Management 2
Notes 3
Vocabulary 4
Exercises 5
Section Three Speaking Practice 7
Section Four Grammar 7
Adjectives 7
Section Five Writing Practice 8

Unit 2 Clicks to Brick 11
Section One Culture Smart 11
Traditional American Values and Beliefs 11
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 12
Clicks to Brick 12
Notes 14
Vocabulary 15
Exercises 16
Section Three Speaking Practice 18
Section Four Grammar 19
Adverbs 19
Section Five Writing Practice 20

Unit 3 Still Made in China 22
Section One Culture Smart 22
The American Religious Heritage 22
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 23
Still Made in China 23
Notes 25
Vocabulary 26
Exercises 27
Section Three Speaking Practice 29
Section Four Grammar 29
Preposition and Prepositional Phrases 29
Section Five Writing Practice 30

Unit 4 Great Minds 32
Section One Culture Smart 32
The American Frontier Heritage 32
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 33
Great Minds 33
Notes 34
Vocabulary 35
Exercises 37
Section Three Speaking Practice 38
Section Four Grammar 39
It-Pattern 39
Section Five Writing Practice 40

Unit 5 Facial Recognition 42
Section One Culture Smart 42
The American Heritage of Abundance 42
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 43
Facial Recognition 43
Notes 45
Vocabulary 45
Exercises 46
Section Three Speaking Practice 48
Section Four Grammar 48
Coordinate Structure 48
Section Five Writing Practice 49

Unit 6 Driverless Automobiles 51
Section One Culture Smart 51
The World of American Business (Ⅰ) 51
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 52
Driverless Automobiles 52
Notes 54
Vocabulary 54
Exercises 55
Section Three Speaking Practice 57
Section Four Grammar 57
Subordination 57
Section Five Writing Practice 58

Unit 7 The Wellness Boom 61
Section One Culture Smart 61
The World of American Business (Ⅱ) 61
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 62
The Wellness Boom 62
Notes 64
Vocabulary 65
Exercises 66
Section Three Speaking Practice 68
Section Four Grammar 68
Relative Clause 68
Section Five Writing Practice 69

Unit 8 Hypermobility 71
Section One Culture Smart 71
Government and Politics in the United States (Ⅰ) 71
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 72
Hypermobility 72
Notes 74
Vocabulary 74
Exercises 76
Section Three Speaking Practice 77
Section Four Grammar 78
Adverbial Clause 78
Section Five Writing Practice 78

Unit 9 The Threshold of Sustainability for Protected Areas 81
Section One Culture Smart 81
Government and Politics in the United States (Ⅱ) 81
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 82
The Threshold of Sustainability for Protected Areas 82
Notes 84
Vocabulary 84
Exercises 86
Section Three Speaking Practice 88
Section Four Grammar 88
Conditional Clauses 88
Section Five Writing Practice 89

Unit 10 Slaves to the Smartphone 92
Section One Culture Smart 92
Ethnic and Racial Diversity in the United States 92
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 93
Slaves to the Smartphone 93
Notes 95
Vocabulary 95
Exercises 97
Section Three Speaking Practice 98
Section Four Grammar 99
Absolute Construction 99
Section Five Writing Practice 99

Unit 11 Artificial Intelligence 102
Section One Culture Smart 102
Education in the United States 102
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 103
Artificial Intelligence 103
Notes 105
Vocabulary 106
Exercises 108
Section Three Speaking Practice 110
Section Four Grammar 110
Content Clause 110
Section Five Writing Practice 111

Unit 12 Technology in the Workplace Violates Workers’ Privacy 114
Section One Culture Smart 114
How Americans Spend Their Leisure Time (Ⅰ) 114
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 115
Technology in the Workplace Violates Workers’ Privacy 115
Notes 117
Vocabulary 117
Exercises 118
Section Three Speaking Practice 120
Section Four Grammar 121
Reported Speech 121
Section Five Writing Practice 122

Unit 13 4D Printing 124
Section One Culture Smart 124
How Americans Spend Their Leisure Time (Ⅱ) 124
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 125
4D Printing 125
Notes 127
Vocabulary 127
Exercises 128
Section Three Speaking Practice 130
Section Four Grammar 130
Elliptical Construction 130
Section Five Writing Practice 131

Unit 14 The Risks Agriculture Faces in Developing Countries 133
Section One Culture Smart 133
American Family 133
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 134
The Risks Agriculture Faces in Developing Countries 134
Notes 136
Vocabulary 137
Exercises 138
Section Three Speaking Practice 139
Section Four Grammar 140
Inversion 140
Section Five Writing Practice 141

Unit 15 Let’s Stop Pointing Our Camera Phones at Every Single Thing 142
Section One Culture Smart 142
The American Literature 142
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 143
Let’s Stop Pointing Our Camera Phones at Every Single Thing 143
Notes 145
Vocabulary 145
Exercises 146
Section Three Speaking Practice 148
Section Four Grammar 149
Cohesion 149
Section Five Writing Practice 149

Unit 16 A Brief History of Tea 152
Section One Culture Smart 152
The American Media 152
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 153
A Brief History of Tea 153
Notes 155
Vocabulary 156
Exercises 157
Section Three Speaking Practice 159
Section Four Grammar 159
Coherence 159
Section Five Writing Practice 160

References 162


大学英语(代奎华)(下册) 作者简介

代奎华,英语语言文学硕士研究生,副教授,山东农业大学外国语学院英语系主任。1989年6月毕业于山东省烟台师范学院,英语教育方向,获学士学位;2004年6月毕业于山东大学外国语学院,英语语言文学方向,获硕士学位。2010年9月至2011年3月,赴美国加州大学伯克利分校英语系做访问学者。工作至今,主要从事英语本科专业综合英语、英语读写、英美文学、英语文体学、翻译等基础课和专业核心课的授课工作,以及英语系有关教学、科研、管理等工作。 从教以来,非常重视教学与科研的有效结合。主持并完成省教育厅项目一项(“生态批评视角下的柯尔律治”),参与省教育厅项目一项(“生态心理学理论指导下的十九、二十世纪英美诗歌研究”),在研外教社全国高校外语教学研究项目一项(“可供性理论视阈下的高校英语专业读写译三位一体教学模式构建研究”),在研山东农业大学校级优势研究领域培育项目一项(“文学景观理论下的华兹华斯研究”);2018年10月出版专著《西方文学翻译理论多维视角探索》;即将出版译著《诗意人生》。发表各级教科研论文数篇。 2017年成功申报山东农业大学校级教改项目一项,即“中英合作办学基础阶段非专业英语课堂教学模式探究”,目前在编的将由化学工业出版社出版的上下册《大学英语——中外合作办学适用》正是在此基础上展开的工作。本人长期从事英语专业教学,教学经验丰富;同时担任过山东农业大学外国语学院英语系负责承担的学校中英合作办学项目的大学一年级学生的基础英语教师,对学校此项目人才培养的目标、学生本身的需求、以及现行基础英语教材所存在的问题等有深刻的理解,因而萌生了联合相关老师重新编写更适合新时代中外合作办学本科生基础英语教材的想法,并付诸实施。 1. 专著《西方文学翻译理论多维视角探索》,2018年10月出版,九州出版社。 2. 译著《诗意人生》,2020年1月,山东大学出版社。
