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大学英语(李银玲)(上册) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787122377357
  • 条形码:9787122377357 ; 978-7-122-37735-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

大学英语(李银玲)(上册) 内容简介

《大学英语》是一套以多方面、立体化培养学生各语语言基础能力为编写目的的教材,是专业用途英语的近期新尝试,适用于高等院校中外合作项目的本科生英语教学,也可用于有出国需求的硕士生参考用书或作为普通高校大学英语教学辅助用书。 《大学英语》共上下两册。本书为上册,课文内容以人文性话题为主,侧重学生的听、说能力的培养,同时补充英国文化常识,巩固语法知识。本书内容共有16个单元,分别围绕生活态度、人生哲理、工作伦理、心理教育、经典回顾、健康知识、语言变迁、社会热点八个大学生感兴趣的话题展开,使学生在学习语言的同时,获得人文素养的提升。 每个单元主体内容包括五大板块:文化之旅、综合阅读、口语交际、语法知识、写作练习。每个单元的教学内容可在一周的教学时间内完成。

大学英语(李银玲)(上册) 目录

Unit 1 The Role of Humour 1
Section One Culture Smart 1
A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 1
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 2
The Role of Humour 2
Notes 3
Vocabulary 4
Exercises 5
Section Three Speaking Practice 7
Section Four Grammar 8
Sentence Structure 8
Section Five Writing Practice 8
Letter 8

Unit 2 Two Ways of Looking at Life 10
Section One Culture Smart 10
The English Character 10
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 11
Two Ways of Looking at Life 11
Notes 13
Vocabulary 13
Exercises 14
Section Three Speaking Practice 16
Section Four Grammar 17
Basic Sentence Patterns 17
Section Five Writing Practice 17
Cover letter 17

Unit 3 I Wish You Bad Luck 19
Section One Culture Smart 19
Constitutional Monarchy 19
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 20
I Wish You Bad Luck 20
Notes 22
Vocabulary 23
Exercises 25
Section Three Speaking Practice 27
Section Four Grammar 27
Subject-Verb Concord 27
Section Five Writing Practice 28
Of cial Letter 28

Unit 4 Why Don’t People Do What’s Good for Them? 29
Section One Culture Smart 29
The British Parliament 29
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 30
Why Don’t People Do What’s Good for Them? 30
Notes 31
Vocabulary 32
Exercises 33
Section Three Speaking Practice 35
Section Four Grammar 35
Countable Nouns 35
Section Five Writing Practice 36
E-mail 36

Unit 5 Why Not 38
Section One Culture Smart 38
The British Educational System 38
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 39
Why Not 39
Notes 41
Vocabulary 41
Exercises 42
Section Three Speaking Practice 44
Section Four Grammar 44
Uncountable Noun 44
Section Five Writing Practice 45
Verbal Noti cation 45

Unit 6 Work-life Balance 47
Section One Culture Smart 47
The British Press 47
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 48
Work-life Balance 48
Notes 50
Vocabulary 50
Exercises 52
Section Three Speaking Practice 53
Section Four Grammar 54
Article 54
Section Five Writing Practice 55
Written Notice 55

Unit 7 When Homework is Useless 56
Section One Culture Smart 56
The British Economy 56
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 57
When Homework is Useless 57
Notes 59
Vocabulary 60
Exercises 61
Section Three Speaking Practice 63
Section Four Grammar 63
Pronouns and Referencing 63
Section Five Writing Practice 64
Memorandum 64

Unit 8 The Child, the Tablet and the Developing Mind 65
Section One Culture Smart 65
The British Sports & Games 65
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 66
The Child, the Tablet and the Developing Mind 66
Notes 68
Vocabulary 68
Exercises 69
Section Three Speaking Practice 71
Section Four Grammar 71
Present Tense 71
Section Five Writing Practice 72
Curriculum Vitae 72

Unit 9 Voice of Courage 74
Section One Culture Smart 74
The British Music 74
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 75
Voice of Courage 75
Notes 77
Vocabulary 77
Exercises 79
Section Three Speaking Practice 81
Section Four Grammar 81
Past Tense 81
Section Five Writing Practice 82
Poster 82

Unit 10 Silent Spring 83
Section One Culture Smart 83
The British Legal System 83
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 84
Silent Spring 84
Notes 85
Vocabulary 86
Exercises 87
Section Three Speaking Practice 89
Section Four Grammar 89
Future Tense 89
Section Five Writing Practice 90
Leave 90

Unit 11 Six Simple Changes You Can Make to Prevent Breast Cancer 92
Section One Culture Smart 92
The British Welfare System 92
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 93
Six Simple Changes You Can Make to Prevent Breast Cancer 93
Notes 95
Vocabulary 95
Exercises 96
Section Three Speaking Practice 98
Section Four Grammar 99
The Passive Voice 99
Section Five Writing Practice 99
Letter of Invitation 99

Unit 12 Everything You Need to Know about Influenza 101
Section One Culture Smart 101
Leisure Time for Britons 101
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 102
Everything You Need to Know about In uenza 102
Notes 104
Vocabulary 104
Exercises 105
Section Three Speaking Practice 107
Section Four Grammar 108
Modal Verb 108
Section Five Writing Practice 108
Letter of Acceptance 108

Unit 13 Lost for Words 110
Section One Culture Smart 110
The British Holidays & Festivals 110
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 111
Lost for Words 111
Notes 113
Vocabulary 113
Exercises 114
Section Three Speaking Practice 116
Section Four Grammar 117
Subjunctive Mood 117
Section Five Writing Practice 117
Letter of Complaint 117

Unit 14 The Benefits of Being Bilingual 119
Section One Culture Smart 119
The British Literature (1) 119
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 120
The Bene ts of Being Bilingual 120
Notes 122
Vocabulary 122
Exercises 124
Section Three Speaking Practice 125
Section Four Grammar 126
In nitive 126
Section Five Writing Practice 127
Letter of Congratulation 127

Unit 15 Why It’s Awesome to be Awkward 128
Section One Culture Smart 128
The British Literature (2) 128
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 129
Why It’s Awesome to be Awkward 129
Notes 131
Vocabulary 131
Exercises 132
Section Three Speaking Practice 134
Section Four Grammar 135
-ing Participle 135
Section Five Writing Practice 135
Letter of Apology 135

Unit 16 Life’s Third Act 137
Section One Culture Smart 137
Food and Drinks in the U K 137
Section Two Comprehensive Reading 138
Life’s Third Act 138
Notes 140
Vocabulary 140
Exercises 141
Section Three Speaking Practice 143
Section Four Grammar 144
-ed Participle 144
Section Five Writing Practice 144
Thank-you Letter 144

References 146

大学英语(李银玲)(上册) 作者简介

李银玲,女,硕士,山东农业大学外国语学院,讲师。研究方向为二语习得、口译、外语教育心理学。1994年毕业于天津外国语学院应用英语系,2004年毕业于曲阜师范大学获硕士学位。近五年内为英语专业本科生开设《英语教学理论与实践》、《综合英语》、《口译》、《英语美文诵读》、《英语演讲与辩论》等课程。多年来一直承担中英班《综合英语》的教学,教学成绩得到师生一致认可,多次被选为外国语学院优 秀党员。 2016年7月赴英国德比大学参加教师教育培训。2016年参加知识产权出版社专利翻译师培训,多次参加外研社和外教社暑期教师培训。近五年发表论文3篇,其中论文《中小学教师自我评价探析》发表在中文核心期刊《当代教育科学》2016年第10期。主持或参与课题六项,2016年山东省软科学项目获省优 秀成果二等奖,位次第四。2017年主持山东农业大学优势研究领域培育项目《农业专业用途英语教材建设案例研究---以为例》。
