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《一个地球公民的动保梦》(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510470783
  • 条形码:9787510470783 ; 978-7-5104-7078-3
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

《一个地球公民的动保梦》(英文版) 本书特色

她是一位具有传奇色彩的媒体人 她在电影厂大院长大 曾任电影杂志记者采访众多重量级电影人,和高仓健是忘年交 现为财富500强排行榜中国区代表 她是动物的守护者,动保立法的呼吁者 她收养了数十只流浪猫 为救助流浪动物、取缔活熊取、取缔滥杀买卖野生动物奔走疾呼 成立动物保护团体,与世界动保人携手传播动物保护理念 她和动物的故事震彻心扉,涤荡心灵 书中收录中国现代动保先驱和英美当代动保先锋的故事 在她的感染下众多企业投身动保公益

《一个地球公民的动保梦》(英文版) 内容简介


《一个地球公民的动保梦》(英文版) 目录

Chapter One
A Film Journalist Caring about Animals / 1
1. Free Birds in the Living Room of Director Ling Zifeng / 2
2. People in the Film Industry and Their Awareness of Animal Protection / 5
3. Interviewing Ken-san / 10
Chapter Two
Giant Pandas and Me / 17
Chapter Three
Cats in My Home: Paw Prints on My Heart / 25
1. Zhang Lingling, the “Aborigine” / 26
2. Hanzi and His Family / 30
3. Lucky99: The Three-legged Flying Cat / 34
Chapter Four
Animal Protection and Humane Treatment of Animals / 41
1. As Human, at Least Be Humane / 42
2. China Animal Protection Media Salon / 45
3. A Comprehensive Interpretation of “Animal Protection” / 50
Chapter Five
Say No to Bear Bile Farming / 55
1. Jill Robinson and the Moon Bear Whose “Eyes Blinked Sorrowfully into Mine” / 56
2. Appealing for the Black Bears’ Welfare / 61
3. Rainbow the Little Bear / 65
4. The Healing Bear Hugs / 69
Chapter Six
Let Seals Swim Safely in the Sea / 71
1. The Battle Is On: Safeguarding the Seals / 72
2. The “Little Seal Baby” / 74
3. If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind? / 77
4. Maple Tree Leaves Reddened by Seal Blood: No Seal Products in China / 80
Chapter Seven
Three Letters from Abroad: Saving Wild Animals with International Animal Protectors / 85
Chapter Eight
Animal Protection Forerunners in the UK and My Lecture in the US / 93
1. With Great Determination to Make the World a Better Place / 94
2. From Film Star to Wildlife Protection Activist / 98
3. My Lecture at Middlebury College / 101
Chapter Nine
Admirable Female Role Models / 107
1. Lv Bicheng, an Animal Protection Pioneer in Modern China / 108
2. Ma Xinlai: A Remarkable, Generous Giver / 112
Chapter Ten
My Comrades-in-Arms Fighting for Animal Protection / 119
1. Joy Gao: An Overseas Patron Saint of China’s Animals / 120
2. Xiao Bing: Believing in the Power of Education / 125
3. How to Save You, My Stray Angels? / 129
Chapter Eleven
Social Responsibility of Fortune Global 500 Enterprises in Animal Protection / 137
1. “May You Be in Heaven ASAP” / 138
2. Give Focus Media a Thumb-up / 142
3. Cedar Holdings and Hengli Group / 145
4. Famous Enterprises Supporting Public Welfare Undertakings of Animal Protection / 150
Not to Be Deserted by Gods or Despised by Nature / 159
Acknowledgement / 165

《一个地球公民的动保梦》(英文版) 作者简介

张丹 二十世纪六十年代生于四川成都,八十年代毕业于北京大学中文系。美国 《财富》杂志《财富》全球500强排行榜中国区代表。“世界动物日”中国大使。世界动物保护协会企业合作高级顾问。“中国动保记者沙龙”与“动保网”联合发起人。 曾获首届亚洲动物福利奖安德鲁奖之杰出媒体贡献奖、中国动物保护与管理法制促进奖之媒体奖、行动亚洲番石榴零皮草影响力特殊贡献奖等。 编有《动物记》。著有《那些刻在我们心上的爪印》《另一次是遇见你——关于动保/素食/生命》《我是Lucky99——治愈系萌猫自传》。译有《小狐狸救衣记》。
