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财务会计与报告 版权信息

财务会计与报告 本书特色


财务会计与报告 内容简介


财务会计与报告 目录

Chapter 1 Different Types of Business Organization
1.1 The Business World
1.2 Different Types of Business Organization
1.2.1 Sole Traders
1.2.2 Partnership
1.2.3 Company
Exercise 1
Chapter 2 Financial Accounting Framework
2.1 What Is Accounting?
2.2 What Role Does Accounting Play in a Company and How?
2.2.1 Providing a Service
2.2.2 Accounting as an Information System
2.3 Objectives of Financial Reporting
2.3.1 Who Are the Users of Accounting Information?
2.3.2 Decision Making for Different Users
2.4 Elements of Financial Accounting
2.4.1 Asset
2.4.2 Liability
2.4.3 Owners' Equity
2.4.4 Revenue
2.4.5 Expense
2.4.6 Net Income ( Net Loss)
2.5 Accounting Assumption
2.5.1 Economic Entity Assumption
2.5.2 Going Concern Assumption
2.5.3 Accounting Period Assumption
2.5.4 Monetary Unit Assumption
2.6 Accounting Principles
2.6.1 Historical Cost Principle
2.6.2 Realization Principle
2.6.3 Matching Principle
2.6.4 The Full Disclosure Principle
2.7 Gash Basis and Accrual Basis
2.7.1 Cash Basis
2.7.2 Accrual Basis
Exercise 2
Chapter 3 An Introduction to the Basic Financial Statement
3.1 What Are Financial Statements?
3.2 Double Entry Rule
3.3 Journalizing and Posting
3.4 Trial Balance
3.5 End-of-Period Adjusting
3.5.1 Accrued Revenues ( or Accrued Assets)
3.5.2 Accrued Expenses
3.5.3 Unearned Revenues
3.5.4 Prepaid Expenses
3.6 Closing Entry
3.7 Preparing the Financial Statements
3.7.1 The Statement of Financial Position
3.7.2 Statement of Profit or Loss
Exercise 3
Chapter 4 Assets
4.1 Current Assets
4.1.1 Cash and Cash Equivalents (CCE)
4.1.2 Accounts Receivable
4.1.3 Inventory
4.I.4 Prepaid Expenses
4.2 Non-current Assets
4.2.1 Long-Term Investments
4.2.2 Land & Building
4.2.3 Property, Plant, and Equipment
4.2.4 Intangibles
Exercise 4
Chapter 5 Liabilities
5.1 Definition of Uability
5.2 Definition of Current Liability
5.2.1 Account Payable
5.2.2 Notes Payable
5.2.3 Unearned Revenue
5.2.4 Sales Tax Payable
5.2.5 Accrued Expenses
5.2.6 Contingent Liabilities
5.3 Non-current liability
5.3.1 Definition of Non-current Liability
5.3.2 Bonds Payable
Exercise 5
Chapter 6 Owner's Equity
6.1 Definition of Owner's Equity
6.2 Paid-In Capital
6.2.1 Issuance of Shares
6.2.2 The Rights of Common Shareholder and Preferred Shareholder
6.3 Retained Earnings
6.3.1 Appropriated Retained Earnings
6.3.2 Dividends
Exercise 6
Chapter 7 Revenue and Expense
7.1 Revenue
7.2 Expenses
Exercise 7
Chapter 8 The Impact of Typical Transactions on the Financial Statements
8.1 Establishing a Company
8.2 Borrowing from Bank
8.3 Purchasing Intangible Assets
8.4 Purchasing Tangible Assets
8.5 Purchasing Inventories
8.6 Selling Products
Exercise 8
Chapter 9 Interpretation of Financial Statements
9.1 Objectives of Financial Statements Interpretation
9.2 Basic Analytical Procedures
9.2.1 Vertical Analysis
9.2.2 Horizontal Analysis
9.3 Ratio Analysis
9.3.1 Liquidity Ratios
9.3.2 Solvency Ratios
9.3.3 Profitability Ratios
9.3.4 Efficiency Ratios
9.3.5 Coverage Ratios
9.3.6 Market Prospect Ratios
Exercise 9
Appendix: Answers of Exercises 1 to 9

财务会计与报告 作者简介

包燕萍,讲师,多次获得优秀教师、优秀教学成果奖、优秀学术论文奖等荣誉称号;主编《成本会计实训教程》等会计专业教材。 刘贤洲,女,讲师,ACCA准会员。毕业于英国拉夫堡大学,货币、银行和财政学专业。 程石,男,ACCA会员。毕业于英国格拉斯哥大学,现任重庆工商大学融智学院专职教师,承担政府审计、财务舞弊于审计经典案例、审计业务处理实训课程的讲授。
