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湖南考古辑刊(第15集) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030679222
  • 条形码:9787030679222 ; 978-7-03-067922-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

湖南考古辑刊(第15集) 本书特色


湖南考古辑刊(第15集) 内容简介

《湖南考古辑刊》是湖南省文物考古研究所编著的以湖南地区考古学发掘与研究成果为主,兼顾国内外考古学研究的一套集资料性与学术性于一体的系列学术文集。    本书为丛书的5集,收录6篇考古发掘报告(简报)和12篇研究论文(含1篇访谈录)。报告内容涵盖千家坪遗址、鲁家山遗址、唐林遗址H42、九牯洞遗址、五里坪汉墓、五里牌东汉墓等考古新资料。研究论文涉及考古学理论阐述,湖南、江西等地的史前考古学文化研究,商代青铜羊尊研究,玉器研究,归葬习俗研究,考古翻译探索以及考古科技等方面的研究和探讨。

湖南考古辑刊(第15集) 目录

湖南桂阳千家坪新石器时代遗址考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 郴州市文物管理处 桂阳县文物管理所 1
湖南澧县鲁家山遗址考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 澧县文物局 37
湖南常德西洞庭唐林遗址H42考古发掘报告 湖南省文物考古研究所 西北民族大学历史学院 西洞庭文物管理所 69
湖南宁乡九牯洞遗址考古调查试掘简报 长沙市文物考古研究所 宁乡市文物局 86
湖南蓝山五里坪汉墓考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 蓝山县文物管理所 103
湖南郴州五里牌东汉墓考古发掘简报 郴州市博物馆 苏仙区文物管理所 117
关于中国考古学的几个问题——赵辉先生访谈录 赵辉 129
油子岭文化分期与类型 王良智 161
试析江西新余拾年山遗址火烧墓坑葬俗 沈江 180
孙家岗遗址墓地2017年新出土玉器的初步研究 张婷婷 赵亚锋 喻燕姣 191
商代青铜羊尊的艺术与技术研究 苏荣誉 210
枣阳郭家庙墓地出土玉器的分析 杜杨 240
六朝归葬习俗述论 张科 余晓福 252
可移动文物翻译书写规则初探——以澧县城头山遗址出土器物为例 亓浩 268
春秋晚期青铜敦的保护修复 易新博 278
湖南里耶麦茶战国墓地出土玻璃制品的检测与分析 赵志强 288
湖南青竹寺窑遗址出土木炭的种属鉴定研究 张晓英 杨宁波 302
道县竹王庙壁画颜料分析研究 邱玥 309
New Archaeological Discoveries
The Excavation of the Qianjiaping Neolithic Site in Guiyang County, Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Chenzhou Municipal Management Office of Cultural Relics, Cultural Relics Administration of Guiyang County 36
The Excavation of the Lujiashan Site in Lixian County, Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Cultural Relics Bureau of Lixian County 67
The Excavation of Tanglin Site at Xidongting in Changde City, Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, The School of the History of Northwest University for Nationalities, Cultural Relics Administration of Xidongting 85
The Survey and Trial-excavation of the Jiugudong Site in Ningxiang City, Hunan Changsha Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Ningxiang Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics 102
The Excavation of the Tombs of Han Dynasty at Wuliping in Lanshan County, Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Cultural Relics Administration of Lanshan County 116
The Excavation of the Tombs of Eastern Han Dynasty at Wulipai in Chenzhou City, Hunan Chenzhou Municipal Musuem,Cultural Relics Administration of Suxian District 128
Exploration and Research
Several Questions about Chinese Archaeology: Interview with Mr. Zhao Hui Zhao Hui 160
Stages and Types of Youziling Culture Wang Liangzhi 179
Analysis of the Burial Customs of Burning Tombs at Shinianshan Site in Xinyu, Jiangxi Shen Jiang 190
A Preliminary Study on the Newly Unearthed Jade Articles in the Cemetery of Sunjiagang Site in 2017 Zhang Tingting Zhao Yafeng Yu Yanjiao 209
Research on the Art and Technology of Bronze Zun Vessels Shaped of Ram in Shang Dynasty Su Rongyu 238
The Analysis of the Jade Unearthed from Guojiamiao Cemetery in Zaoyang Du Yang 251
The Analysis of the Custom of Burying in Sb’s Homeland of the Six Dynasties Zhang Ke Yu Xiaofu 266
On the Rules of Translation and Writing of Movable Cultural Relics—Taking the Artifacts Unearthed from Chengtoushan Site in Lixian County as an Example Qi Hao 277
Scientific and Technological Archaeology
Protection and Restoration of Bronze Dui in Late Spring and Autumn Period Yi Xinbo 287
The Detection and Analysis of Glass Wares from the Warring States Period, Unearthed from Maicha Cemetery in Liye Town, Hunan Zhao Zhiqiang 301
The Species Identification of the unearthed Charcoal from Hunan Qingzhusi Kiln Site Zhang Xiaoying Yang Ningbo 308
Analysis of the Pigments on Murals of the Zhuwang Temple in Dao County of Hunan Qiu Yue 321