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中药英语教程 版权信息

中药英语教程 内容简介

  中外专家共同精心打造的一套全方位、立体化、高品质中医英语教材!  介绍中药研究基础理论  追踪中药产业发展趋势  外教录音提高表达能力  编排合理符合课堂进度  答案解析教学自学皆宜  附录可做工具书用

中药英语教程 目录

Unit 1 An Overview of Chinese Materia Medica
Text A A Brief History of Medicine and Herbs in China
Text B An Outline of Chinese Herbs: Wisdom You Can Swallow
Text C Compendium of Materia Medica

Unit 2 Tastes and Properties of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Text A Tastes and Properties
Text B A Taste for Herbs
Text C A Word on Herbal Medicine

Unit 3 Classification and Actions of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Text A Astragalus46 .
Text B The Lessons of Shennong
Text C Chinese Herbs for Gray Hair and Hair Loss

Unit 4 Processing and Preparation of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Text A Processing of Chinese Medicinals
Text B Collection of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Text C Preparing a Decoction and Medicinal Wine

Unit 5 Chinese Herbal Formulas
Text A The Use of Chinese Herbal Formulas
Text B The Powerful Heat Clearing Anti-Viral Herbs
Text C Chinese Healing Herbs for Breast Cancer

Unit 6 Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Text A Safety of Herbal Medicine
Text B Side Effects Raise Flag on Dangers of Ephedra
Text C Americans Gamble on Herbs as Medicine

Unit 7 Efficacy of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Text A Chinese Herbal Medicine: How Effective Is lt?
Text B Gegen: Traditional Uses and Potential Medicinal Benefits in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases
Text C Chinese Herbal Preparations Exert Strong Effects on Asthma and Atopy

Unit 8 Prescription Drug Information
Text A Written Prescription Drug Information-Guidelines
Text B FDA Announces New Prescription Drug Information Format to Improve Patient Safety
Text C How to Use Herbal Supplements Safely

Unit 9 Chinese Medicinal Cuisine
Text A Chinese Food Therapy
Text B Chinese Medicinal Cuisine
Text C Food Therapy for Colds

Unit 10 Advances in Chinese Herbal Medicine Research
Text A Recent Advances in Artemisinin Research
Text B Modern Science and Ginseng
Text C Can Ancient Herbs Treat Cancer?

Answer Key

Appendix 1 Well-known TCM Classics
Appendix 2 Chinese Herbs
Appendix 3 Chinese Herbal Formulas