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航空航天系统工程:实践方法:a practical approach:英文版

航空航天系统工程:实践方法:a practical approach:英文版

开本: 24cm 页数: 257页
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航空航天系统工程:实践方法:a practical approach:英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787313221407
  • 条形码:9787313221407 ; 978-7-313-22140-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

航空航天系统工程:实践方法:a practical approach:英文版 内容简介

盛世藩博士是美国佩伯代大学 和中北大学、机构管理和工程和技术管理双博士,第十一批中央千人、第四批上海千人。曾就职于美国波音公司 23 年,荣获波音公司技术卓越奖、领导奖、成本节约奖、特别成就奖等多项荣誉。2013 年回国并加入中国商飞公司,任职特聘研究员,在上海飞机设计 研究院航电部研究 C-919 和 宽体 CR-929 项目。2018 年因对 C-919 大 型客机首飞贡献而获奖章。

航空航天系统工程:实践方法:a practical approach:英文版 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Systems Engineering Definition 1.1.1 Systems Engineering: A Team Approach 1.1.2 Systems Engineering Requires System Thinking 1.1.3 Systems Engineering Is an Emerging Science 1.1.4 System Engineering Is a Team Approach 1.1.5 Global Recognition Achieved 1.2 Systems Engineering Processes 1.2.1 Systems Engineering Process Planning 1.2.2 System Requirements Analysis 1.2.3 Functional Analysis/Allocation 1.2.4 System Synthesis 1.2.5 System Analysis 1.2.6 System Control 1.3 Summary Chapter 2 System Engineering and System Integration 2.1 Integrated Master Plan/Integrated Master Schedule 2.2 Work Breakdown Structure and Product Breakdown Structure 2.2.1 Work Breakdown Structure 2.2.2 Product Breakdown Structure Organization 2.3 Integration Management (Execution) 2.3.1 Program Scope Management 2.3.2 Time Management 2.3.3 Cost Management 2.3.4 Quality Management 2.3.5 Human Resource Management 2.3.6 Communication Management 2.3.7 Risk Management 2.3.8 Procurement Management 2.3.9 Formulas 2.4 Summary Chapter 3 Managing Plan and Execution Phases 3.1 Managing Team Plan 3.2 Managing Execution Strategy 3.3 Summary Chapter 4 Managing for High Performance 4.1 Managing Team Communication 4.2 High Performance Budget Management 4.3 Work Breakdown Structure/Organizational Breakdown Structure Product Breakdown Structure Integration 4.4 Summary Chapter 5 Aircraft Systems Integration Plan and Test Strategy 5.1 Developmental/Unit Test and Integration 5.1.1 Inputs 5.1.2 Process 5.1.3 Outputs 5.1.4 Milestone Reviews 5.2 Subsystem Test and Integration 5.2.1 Inputs 5.2.2 Process …… Chapter 6 Managing People, Product and Process (3P) Chapter 7 Important System Engineering Fundamentals

航空航天系统工程:实践方法:a practical approach:英文版 作者简介

盛世藩,wasselected for the 11th group for the NationalThousand Talent Program and the 4th group forthe Shanghai Thousand Talent Program. He has two Doctoral degrees from the UnitedStates Pepperdine University and NorthcentralUniversity, in Institutional Management andEngineering and Technology Managementrespectively. He has worked for 23 years in the United States at Boeing/McDonnellDouglas, with in-depth participation in the Boeing B756, B767, B787 andC- 17 aircraft development programs, and in the military missile technologydevelopment programs. His many achievements include winning the NationalMalcolm Baldrige Award, Boeing Company Technology Excellcnce Award,Cost savings, special achievement awards and many other honors. Since 2013 Dr. Sheng has been conducting research at COMAC ShanghaiAircraft Design and Research Institute (SADRI) as a Senior Technical Fellowon the C- 919 and Wide Body CR 929 Programs. In May 2018, Dr. Shengwas awarded for his first significant contributions toward the C 919program. Dr. Sheng has more than 30 years of experience in the aviation industry,specializing in organizational development, project development, projectmanagement, systems engineering, integration testing, quality management,information technology and software engineering. He has published sixpapers in the magazine of the American Society of Engineers and EngineeringInternational, with three research patents, and he is also a US MalcolmBaldri~e National Quality Award judge and examiner.
