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医学英文原版改编双语教材耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学(英文改编版) 版权信息

医学英文原版改编双语教材耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学(英文改编版) 本书特色

适读人群 :供来华留学生(MBBS)、医学类专业全英语及双语教学使用。国内**套改编自经典英文原版的医学教材,语言纯正,并保留原书图文并茂的特色,低价满足国内医药教育需求 知名院士及资深教授参与改编,国外专家审定 内容和编排与教育部教学指导方案及全国规划教材一致,符合国内教学实际 适合双语教学,与国际医学教育接轨既吸收原版教材之精华,又融入国内教材之经典,并有创新发展 供高等院校医学类本科、长学制、研究生、留学生双语及全英文教学中用。 为配合教师教学,部分课程可提供相关配套资料

医学英文原版改编双语教材耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学(英文改编版) 内容简介


医学英文原版改编双语教材耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学(英文改编版) 目录

Chapter 1 Anatomy 1
Chapter 2 Antimicrobial Therapy for Head & Neck Infection 39
Chapter 3 Radiology 49
Chapter 4 Principles of Radiation Oncology 140
Chapter 5 Anesthesia for Head & Neck Surgery 145
Chapter 6 Lasers in Head & Neck Surgery 161
Chapter 7 Hemangiomas of Infancy & Vascular Malformations 173
Chapter 8 Maxillofacial Trauma 179
Chapter 9 Cutaneous Malignant Neoplasms 185
Chapter 10 Olfactory Dysfunction 200
Chapter 11 Congenital Nasal Anomalies 204
Chapter 12 Nasal Trauma 210
Chapter 13 Nasal Manifestations of Systemic Disease 214
Chapter 14 Nonallergic & Allergic Rhinitis 219
Chapter 15 Acute & Chronic Sinusitis 226
Chapter 16 Frontal Sinus Fractures 231
Chapter 17 Paranasal Sinus Neoplasms 237
Chapter 18 Benign Diseases of the Salivary Glands 241
Chapter 19 Malignant Diseases of the Salivary Glands 254
Chapter 20 Management of Adenotonsillar Disease 264
Chapter 21 Parapharyngeal Space Neoplasms & Deep Neck Space Infections 270
Chapter 22 Benign & Malignant Lesions of the Oral Cavity & Oropharynx 277
Chapter 23 Temporomandibular Disorders 285
Chapter 24 Neck Masses 292
Chapter 25 Neck Neoplasms & Neck Dissection 300
Chapter 26 Clinical Voice Assessment: The Role & Value of the Phonatory Function Studies 307
Chapter 27 Benign Laryngeal Lesions 318
Chapter 28 Malignant Laryngeal Lesions 324
Chapter 29 Vocal Cord Paralysis 330
Chapter 30 Stridor in Children 335
Chapter 31 Laryngeal Trauma 338
Chapter 32 Benign & Malignant Disorders of the Esophagus 345
Chapter 33 Benign & Malignant Disorders of the Trachea 347
Chapter 34 Airway Management & Tracheotomy 358
Chapter 35 Foreign Bodies 365
Chapter 36 Sleep Disorders 367
Chapter 37 Disorders of the Thyroid Gland 379
Chapter 38 Parathyroid Disorders 398
Chapter 39 Anatomy & Physiology of the Ear 403
Chapter 40 Audiologic Testing 418
Chapter 41 Vestibular Testing 427
Chapter 42 Diseases of the External Ear 445
Chapter 43 Congenital Disorders of the Middle Ear 459
Chapter 44 Otitis Media 469
Chapter 45 Cholesteatoma 477
Chapter 46 Otosclerosis 485
Chapter 47 Sensorineural Hearing Loss 490
Chapter 48 The Aging Inner Ear 496
Chapter 49 Hereditary Hearing Impairment 503
Chapter 50 Aural Rehabilitation & Hearing Aids 511
Chapter 51 Vestibular Disorders 520
Chapter 52 Occupational Hearing Loss 532
Chapter 53 Temporal Bone Trauma 544
Chapter 54 Lesions of the Anterior Skull Base 552
Chapter 55 Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma) 562
Chapter 56 Nonacoustic Lesions of the Cerebellopontine Angle 571
Chapter 57 Neurofibromatosis Type 2 583
Chapter 58 Osseous Dysplasias of the Temporal Bone 588
Chapter 59 Neoplasms of the Temporal Bone & Skull Base 592
Chapter 60 Neurotologic Skull Base Surgery 611
Chapter 61 Implantable Middle Ear Hearing Devices 622
Chapter 62 Cochlear Implants 626
Chapter 63 Anatomy, Physiology & Testing of the Facial Nerve 636
Chapter 64 Otoplasty & Microtia 648
