21世纪英语专业系列教材冲突、碰撞与趋同下的中西文化 版权信息
- ISBN:9787301272718
- 条形码:9787301272718 ; 978-7-301-27271-8
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
21世纪英语专业系列教材冲突、碰撞与趋同下的中西文化 本书特色
21世纪英语专业系列教材冲突、碰撞与趋同下的中西文化 内容简介
在客观再现中西方学者有关中西方文化差异研究成果的基础上,本教材具体内容以近年来的大量跨文化交流案例为横线,以下述五个部分的内容为纵线,全面而审慎地展开:中西文化对比的意义; 无声语言与文化差异;思维与文化差异;价值观与文化差异;文化本位差异。 视野较宽:21世纪的英语教学不应仅局限于语言层面,应该把视野扩大到文化层面,因此本教材还强调文化差异意识及敏感性的培养。 涉及面广:本教材综合了英汉语言学、翻译学、文化学、文化交流学、人类学、史学等学科知识,比同类教材更重视学生对所学知识的综合运用。 时代感强:今日学生的文化交流能力,特别是文化视野更为宽阔,因此本教材案例力求时代感强。
21世纪英语专业系列教材冲突、碰撞与趋同下的中西文化 目录
Part I East and West
Unit 1 Why Contrasting Chinese and Western Cultures?…2
I. Ancient Civilizations and Cultures…2
II. Cross-cultural Comparative Studies in China…4
III. Imperatives to Contrast Chinese and Western Cultures…7
IV. A Note on Some Key Concepts…11
Unit 2 Traditional Characteristics of Chinese and Western Cultures…14
I. “There Are All Kinds of Birds When a Forest Gets Large”…15
II. Traditional Chinese Cultural Characteristics…17
III. Traditional Western Cultural Characteristics…24
Unit 3 Affinities across Cultures…29
I. An Unexpected Affinity…30
II. Reading for More Cultural Affinities…30
III. A Note on Some Key Concepts…38
Part II Cultural Differences in Silent Languages
Unit 4 Time…43
I. Time in China and the West…44
II. Two Time Modes…48
III. Past-oriented Societies vs. Future-oriented Societies…54
IV. Two Time Orientations…57
Unit 5 Space…61
I. Spatial Language…62
II. Spatial Language and Culture…65
III. Spatial Language and Life…71
IV. Changes We Cannot Afford…73
Unit 6 Smiles, Nods and Silence…75
I. Smiles…75
II. Nods in the Intercultural Communication…80
III. Silence in the Intercultural Communication…82
Part III Cultural Differences in Thinking
Unit 7 Intuitive vs. Logical Thinking…89
I. Definitions of Intuitive and Logical Thinking…89
II. Philosophy and Thinking…90
III. Application of the Two Thinking Modes…94
IV. Impact of Thinking Modes on Writings…98
V. Logic in China and Intuition in the West…100
Unit 8 Dialectical vs. Analytical Reasoning…104
I. Proverb Preferences across Cultures…104
II. Dialectical Reasoning…105
III. Analytical Reasoning…109
IV. More about the Two Reasoning Modes…113
Unit 9 Holistic vs. Atomistic Visions…116
I. A Detention Room Incident…116
II. Prominent Attributes of Holistic and Atomistic Visions…117
III. Vision and Cognition…122
IV. Vision and Language…123
V. Zhengshan Xiaozhong and Lipton Black Tea…128
Unit 10 Categorizing Objects by Relation
21世纪英语专业系列教材冲突、碰撞与趋同下的中西文化 作者简介