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开本: 29cm 页数: 184页
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新艺体类ESP综合英语教程(下册) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568922937
  • 条形码:9787568922937 ; 978-7-5689-2293-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新艺体类ESP综合英语教程(下册) 内容简介

全书共八个单元, 主题广泛, 涉及传统中式服装、时商、中国画、西方绘画风格和画家、摄影、表演艺术、著名的艺术节、冬奥会等。

新艺体类ESP综合英语教程(下册) 目录

Unit 1 Traditional Chinese Clothing
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A New Blood and Old Masters Keep Qipao Dressmaking Alive
Text B Revisiting the Root-The Charming of Hanfu
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Paragraph Development
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 2 Fashion
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A The Big Four Modeling and Fashion Capitals of the World
Text B What Does A Fashion Designer Do
Part III Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Conversation of Affirmation and Negation
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 3 Chinese Painting
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A Chinese Ancient Painting
Text B Enigmas: The Art of Bada Shanren
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Patterns of Essay Development
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 4 Western Painting Styles and Painters
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A Pablo Picasso
Text B Why Mona Lisa Stands Out
Part III Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Translation of English Sentences in the Passive Voice
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 5 Photography
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A The Po wer of Photography: Ho w Photographs Affect Our Lives
Text B Is Street Photography Ethical
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Summary Writing
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 6 Performance Art
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A Performance Art: 1960s-Present
Text B Transportation Turned Performance Art: Nairobi's Matatu Crews
Part III Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Translation of Attributive Clauses
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 7 Famous Art Festivals
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A 5 Great Art Festivals from Around the World
Text B Art Festivals in America
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Picture-based Writing
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 8 Winter Olympic Games
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A Beijing 2022 Marches Toward a “Model”Olympic Games
Text B The Origins of Winter Olympics Sports
Part III Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Translation by Extending a Simple Sentence into
Two or More Sentences
Part IV Enjoying