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柯林斯英语:提升级:自然拼读 版权信息
- ISBN:9787571403133
- 条形码:9787571403133 ; 978-7-5714-0313-3
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
柯林斯英语:提升级:自然拼读 本书特色
柯林斯英语:提升级:自然拼读 内容简介
请让孩子在安静而舒适的环境中学习,避免孩子受到干扰。 《柯林斯英语自然拼读(提升级)》由“Let's learn”和“Let's practice”两部分组成,前者是内容讲解,后者是拓展练习。请先学完知识点再做相应的练习。 让孩子在自己的分数上涂色,以便他了解自己的表现。 请多表扬和鼓励孩子,在孩子完成相应的练习后,与孩子一起回顾知识点。
柯林斯英语:提升级:自然拼读 目录
Let's learn
Letters s, a and t
Letters p, i and n
Using letters s, a, t, p, i and n
Letters m, d and g
Letters o, c and k
Using letters c, t, n, m, p, a and o
Letters ck and e
Letters u, r and h
Letters b, f and l
Using letters l, g, p, t, r, n, e and a
Letters i, v and w
Letters x, y and z
Using letters r, a, b, t, o, h, n, s, d, i, u and p
Letters ff, ll and ss
Letters zz and qu
ch and sh sounds
th and ng sounds
ai and ee sounds
igh and oa sounds
oo and ar sounds
or and ur sounds
ow and oi sounds
ear and air sounds
ure and er sounds
nk and nd sounds
l blends
r blends
Top 12 words
Let's practice
Missing vowels
Missing last sound
x or cks?
ch, sh or th?
The short e sound
oo words
or, ore, aw and au
Word endings
ng or nk?
ck words
The long e sound
ss or zz?
Rhyming pairs
ll or ff?
ou or ow?
f or ph?
oi or oy?
Rhyming words
Which grapheme? (1)
Words ending in y
Which grapheme? (2)
Vowel sounds after w
Silent letters
The letter c
el, le or al?
ge or dge?
Word endings: y or ey
Compound words
a sounding "or"
Choose an ending
Letters s, a and t
Letters p, i and n
Using letters s, a, t, p, i and n
Letters m, d and g
Letters o, c and k
Using letters c, t, n, m, p, a and o
Letters ck and e
Letters u, r and h
Letters b, f and l
Using letters l, g, p, t, r, n, e and a
Letters i, v and w
Letters x, y and z
Using letters r, a, b, t, o, h, n, s, d, i, u and p
Letters ff, ll and ss
Letters zz and qu
ch and sh sounds
th and ng sounds
ai and ee sounds
igh and oa sounds
oo and ar sounds
or and ur sounds
ow and oi sounds
ear and air sounds
ure and er sounds
nk and nd sounds
l blends
r blends
Top 12 words
Let's practice
Missing vowels
Missing last sound
x or cks?
ch, sh or th?
The short e sound
oo words
or, ore, aw and au
Word endings
ng or nk?
ck words
The long e sound
ss or zz?
Rhyming pairs
ll or ff?
ou or ow?
f or ph?
oi or oy?
Rhyming words
Which grapheme? (1)
Words ending in y
Which grapheme? (2)
Vowel sounds after w
Silent letters
The letter c
el, le or al?
ge or dge?
Word endings: y or ey
Compound words
a sounding "or"
Choose an ending
柯林斯英语:提升级:自然拼读 作者简介
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