县中的孩子 中国县域教育生态
群体联属:社会语言中的学术身份构建 版权信息
- ISBN:9787308200950
- 条形码:9787308200950 ; 978-7-308-20095-0
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
群体联属:社会语言中的学术身份构建 内容简介
《群体联属:社会语言中的学术身份构建(英文版)/外语·文化·教学论丛》基于系统功能语法、社会文化理论、邻近概念理论和分析框架,采用词汇语法、话语语义和定性案例研究方法,分析探索了中国学生在跨国语境中个人学术身份的构建发展过程,并提出了“群体联属”的新概念。 《群体联属:社会语言中的学术身份构建(英文版)/外语·文化·教学论丛》中的新研究理论框架、研究方法和研究数据,挑战性地提出了在当今变化的社会文化语境中重新定义“中国学习者”的必要性。多维度的理论框架和新研究方法,对跨国高校教育相关研究具有指引作用。
群体联属:社会语言中的学术身份构建 目录
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation for This Study
1.2 A Changing Institutional Culture in China: The Rising of Sino-Foreign Cooperation Universities
1.2.1 Background of Sino-Foreign Cooperation Universities
1.2.2 Reassessing the 'Chinese Learners
1.3 Investigating Identity Construction in Language and Context
1.3.1 A Systemic Functional Linguistics(SFL)Perspective
1.3.2 A Sociocultural Perspective
1.3.3 The Compatibility Between SFL and Sociocultural Theory in This Study
1.4 Aims and Organisation of This Study
CHAPTER 2 A Social and Linguistic Approach to Identities and Disciplinary Identities Construction
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Identity in Linguistics
2.2.1 The Prominent Theoretical Approaches to Identity in Linguistics
2.2.2 The Need for a Social-Linguistic Perspective on Language and Identity
2.2.3 Language and Multiple Identities Construction
2.2.4 Identification of Identities
2.3 Conceptualising the Construction of Disciplinary Identities
2.3.1 Hyland's Definition of Discipline
2.3.2 Defining Community of Discipline
2.3.3 Classification of Disciplinary Identities
2.3.4 Group Membership Affiliation
2.4 The Need for an Integrated Analytical Framework of Disciplinary Identities Construction
CHAPTER 3 Analysing Disciplinary Identities Construction
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Towards an Integrated Semiotic and Sociocultural Analytical Framework
3.3 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)Model of Language
3.3.1 Text, Context and Register
3.3.2 Registerial Organisation of Text
3.3.3 Text in Context
3.4 Sociocultural Theory on Individual Development
3.4.1 Communities of Practice
3.4.2 Three Modes of Belonging in Community
CHAPTER 4 Methodology
4.1 An Integrated Research Design
4.2 The Qualitative Case Study Approach
4.3 Selecting Setting and Participants
4.4 Data Collection
4.4.1 Documents
4.4.2 Video Recordings
4.4.3 Semi-Structured Interviews
4.5 Transcription and Translation
4.6 Data Analysis
4.6.1 Stage 1: Initial Analysis of Public Documents
4.6.2 Stage 2: Discourse Analysis of Private Documents
4.6.3 Stage 3: An SFL Framework of Classroom Discourse
4.7 Scope and Limitations of Data
4.8 Validity, Reliability and Ethics
CHAPTER 5 The Institutional and Disciplinary Contexts and the Chinese Students
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC): A Mix of Global and Local Identities
5.3 The Globalisation-Directed IC School
5.4 Defining the 'Chinese Students' from Non-Chinese Perspectives
CHAPTER 6 Discursive Construction of Chinese Students Disciplinary Identities in Imagined, Historical Situated and Social Contexts
CHAPTER 7 Semiotic Construction of Disciplinary Identities in Classroom Academic Discourse
CHAPTER 8 Conclusion and Implications
1.1 Motivation for This Study
1.2 A Changing Institutional Culture in China: The Rising of Sino-Foreign Cooperation Universities
1.2.1 Background of Sino-Foreign Cooperation Universities
1.2.2 Reassessing the 'Chinese Learners
1.3 Investigating Identity Construction in Language and Context
1.3.1 A Systemic Functional Linguistics(SFL)Perspective
1.3.2 A Sociocultural Perspective
1.3.3 The Compatibility Between SFL and Sociocultural Theory in This Study
1.4 Aims and Organisation of This Study
CHAPTER 2 A Social and Linguistic Approach to Identities and Disciplinary Identities Construction
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Identity in Linguistics
2.2.1 The Prominent Theoretical Approaches to Identity in Linguistics
2.2.2 The Need for a Social-Linguistic Perspective on Language and Identity
2.2.3 Language and Multiple Identities Construction
2.2.4 Identification of Identities
2.3 Conceptualising the Construction of Disciplinary Identities
2.3.1 Hyland's Definition of Discipline
2.3.2 Defining Community of Discipline
2.3.3 Classification of Disciplinary Identities
2.3.4 Group Membership Affiliation
2.4 The Need for an Integrated Analytical Framework of Disciplinary Identities Construction
CHAPTER 3 Analysing Disciplinary Identities Construction
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Towards an Integrated Semiotic and Sociocultural Analytical Framework
3.3 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)Model of Language
3.3.1 Text, Context and Register
3.3.2 Registerial Organisation of Text
3.3.3 Text in Context
3.4 Sociocultural Theory on Individual Development
3.4.1 Communities of Practice
3.4.2 Three Modes of Belonging in Community
CHAPTER 4 Methodology
4.1 An Integrated Research Design
4.2 The Qualitative Case Study Approach
4.3 Selecting Setting and Participants
4.4 Data Collection
4.4.1 Documents
4.4.2 Video Recordings
4.4.3 Semi-Structured Interviews
4.5 Transcription and Translation
4.6 Data Analysis
4.6.1 Stage 1: Initial Analysis of Public Documents
4.6.2 Stage 2: Discourse Analysis of Private Documents
4.6.3 Stage 3: An SFL Framework of Classroom Discourse
4.7 Scope and Limitations of Data
4.8 Validity, Reliability and Ethics
CHAPTER 5 The Institutional and Disciplinary Contexts and the Chinese Students
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC): A Mix of Global and Local Identities
5.3 The Globalisation-Directed IC School
5.4 Defining the 'Chinese Students' from Non-Chinese Perspectives
CHAPTER 6 Discursive Construction of Chinese Students Disciplinary Identities in Imagined, Historical Situated and Social Contexts
CHAPTER 7 Semiotic Construction of Disciplinary Identities in Classroom Academic Discourse
CHAPTER 8 Conclusion and Implications
群体联属:社会语言中的学术身份构建 作者简介
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