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开本: 26cm 页数: 206页
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雅思口语完美答案 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300148151
  • 条形码:9787300148151 ; 978-7-300-14815-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

雅思口语完美答案 本书特色


雅思口语完美答案 内容简介

本书包含3部分: **部分讲解口语考试**部分, 涉及part 1考试形式及注意事项, 考查点, 问题的题型和回答方法, 给出了必考五大题型。这一部分*后, 总结了口语**部分的完美答案示例 ; 第二部分讲解口语考试第二部分, 同样涉及考试形式、注意事项、审题方法、答题方法, *后是根据口语考试的主体分类别的完美口语答案示例 ; 第三部分是口语考试part 3, 涉及考试形式、特点、素材宝典, *后是近十年考试part 3**话题。附录是口语考试中常用词汇。

雅思口语完美答案 目录

Part 1
为什么 Part 1 很重要
Part 1 的考试形式及注意事项
Part 1 的考查点及注意事项
Part 1 的回答方法和题型
Part 1 完美答案示例
Part 2
Part 2 的考试形式及注意事项
Part 2 的考查点及注意事项
Part 2 答题注意事项
Part 2 的具体回答方法
Part 2 话题的分类和合并
Part 2 完美答案示例
Part 3
Part 3 的考试形式
Part 3 的特点
Part 3 素材宝典

雅思口语完美答案 节选

Art 1 Do you like art? It depends on what type of art. Abstract art is difficult to understand exactly what message the artist is trying to convey. On the other hand, art from the renaissance era is much more direct with the message. Contemporary art is my favorite since it mixes materials and concepts to make the piece come alive. 2 Have you ever visited an art gallery? Absolutely. I went to a small and highbrow art gallery that was in a museum a couple of weeks ago. The focus of this particular gallery was photographic art. There were many snapshots on display, showing the progress society has made over the centuries. By seeing these pieces, I got a better understanding of the culture our ancestors used to live in. I try to keep my mind open and visit every art gallery that expands my understanding of society. Honestly, I feel more artistically literate than before. 3 Is there any art work on the wall in your room? Sure. I have one painting that my friend gave me. His painting was of an abstract nature, so it took a great deal of effort to understand his message about social justice. I had to balance out such a thought-provoking artwork by placing a simple contemporary piece on the other side of my room. One half of my room encourages deep thought while the other half is pure eye candy. 4 Have you ever had art classes? Actually, I had art classes all the way through my primary school. I always found painting therapeutic because it allows me to express the emotions I have buried deep inside. As a matter of fact, I used to lock myself away for hours to paint. I would not return until I had fully cleansed my palette, both in the art sense and psychological sense.

雅思口语完美答案 作者简介

王煦:新东方雅思口语老师,毕业于对外经济贸易大学金融学专业。教学长达十余载,对学生的各种“疑难杂症”了如指掌,经验丰富,出口成章,一口纯正美音让native speaker都目瞪口呆。第一版《雅思口语完美答案》深受学员喜爱,在学员强烈要求下,出版了这本进阶版。走上授业解惑这条路之前就职于普华永道,很多人都震惊“四大”的潜力股为何转行成为专业的英语老师,可见对英语的热爱程度,把兴趣爱好变最终成了自己的职业。除了单纯对语言的热爱,一路走来从未停止的第二大爱好就是旅行。从亚热带的岛屿,到欧洲的古街教堂圣殿,从美国的纽约街头,到澳洲新西兰的大海牧场活火山。每一次的旅行,都是对本地文化美食的深层探索。正是这些丰富的经历以及对文化的了解研究,使得完美答案精准且地道。带着广大学者,一起来揭开口语这层神秘的面纱....
