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无线网络中的轮询控制系统研究及应用(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030668752
  • 条形码:9787030668752 ; 978-7-03-066875-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

无线网络中的轮询控制系统研究及应用(英文版) 内容简介


无线网络中的轮询控制系统研究及应用(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1 Polling Systems 1
1.1 A two-class polling system model 2
1.1.1 Definition 2
1.1.2 Work conditions 3
1.1.3 Generation function 4
1.1.4 Performance parameter expression 4
1.2 A new polling scheme based on busy/idle queues mechanism 5
1.2.1 Assumption conditions and variable definition 6
1.2.2 Probability generating function 7
1.2.3 Performance parameter expression 8
1.3 An asymmetric exhaustive service polling control system 10
1.3.1 Model principle description 10
1.3.2 System variable definition 10
1.3.3 Probability generating function 11
1.3.4 Performance parameter expression 12
1.4 Simulation and characteristics analyses 14
1.4.1 The first model 14
1.4.2 The second model 16
1.4.3 The third model 21
1.5 Conclusions 25
Chapter 2 Application of Polling System in Four Wireless Networks 27
2.1 Wireless network MAC algorithms 28
2.1.1 Control strategies for next generation networks 28
2.1.2 MAC algorithm of wireless local area network 29
2.1.3 MAC protocol of wireless metropolitan area network 31
2.1.4 MAC scheduling algorithm for Bluetooth system 34
2.2 Asymmetric polling system model in NGN 36
2.3 A new polling protocol in WLAN 41
2.4 Traffic service strategy based on service priority for wireless metropolitan area networks 47
2.5 Improved Bluetooth technology scheduling algorithm 50
2.6 Theoretical calculation and simulation 51
2.6.1 Analysis of experimental results in NGN 51
2.6.2 Analysis of experimental results in Wireless Local Area Network 53
2.6.3 Analysis and evaluation in wireless metropolitan area network 55
2.6.4 Analysis and evaluation of improved wireless personal area networks 57
2.7 Conclusion 59
Chapter 3 Polling MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks 61
3.1 PPSP-MAC model design 64
3.1.1 Definition 64
3.1.2 Work conditions 65
3.1.3 Generation function 65
3.1.4 Performance parameter expression 66
3.2 Adaptive exhaustive-service polling system model 69
3.2.1 Model principle description 69
3.2.2 System variable definition 70
3.2.3 Probability generating function 70
3.2.4 Performance parameter expression 71
3.3 Asymmetric polling control system in WSN 72
3.3.1 Analyses of the theoretical model 73
3.3.2 System variables definition 74
3.3.3 Generating function 75
3.3.4 Performance parameter expression 76
3.4 Simulation and analyses 80
3.4.1 Simulation and analyses of PPSP-MAC mODEL 80
3.4.2 Simulation and analyses of AES polling system 83
3.4.3 Simulation and analyses of asymmetric polling system 87
3.5 Tiny OS experiment 91
3.5.1 Tiny OS experiment of AES polling system 91
3.5.2 Tiny OS experiment of asymmetric polling system 92
3.6 Conclusion 94
Chapter 4 Environment Monitoring Platform Based on Wireless Sensor Network 96
4.1 The structure of wireless sensor network 96
4.2 Software platform and hardware platform of the system 97
4.2.1 Implementation of system software platform 97
4.2.2 Component structure of Tiny OS 98
4.2.3 NesC language 98
4.2.4 The design of system hardware platform 99
4.2.5 Cc2538cb node 99
4.2.6 Cc2538cb node structure 99
4.3 Wireless transmission and data reception 102
4.3.1 Data transmission 102
4.3.2 Data reception 103
4.4 Design of remote environment monitoring 104
4.4.1 Cloud server and database design 104
4.4.2 The design of android mobile phone software 105
4.5 Conclusions 106
Chapter 5 Access Network MAC Protocol Based on Polling Control Mechanism in Triple Play 108
5.1 HINOC access network and frame structure 109
5.1.1 Access network 109
5.1.2 HINOC frame structure 109
5.2 Designing frame 110
5.3 A new HM QoS control model 111
5.3.1 Definition 111
5.3.2 Work conditions 111
5.4 Generation function 112
5.5 System characteristics 113
5.5.1 Mean queue length 113
5.5.2 Mean cycle time 114
5.5.3 System throughput 114
5.5.4 Simulation and experiment analyses 114
5.6 Conclusion 117
Chapter 6 Summary and Outlook 118
References 119

无线网络中的轮询控制系统研究及应用(英文版) 作者简介

杨志军,1968年生,博士,研究员,云南大学信息学院硕士生导师,云南省教育科学研究院副院长,被授予“云南省技术创新人才”,中国教育技术协会信息技术教育专业委员会常务理事,中国教育学会中小学信息技术教育专业委员会理事,云南省教育体制改革咨询委员、教育信息化专家委员会成员,云南省计算机科学与技术专业教学指导委员会副主任。1990年毕业于浙江大学计算机系,2008年成为云南大学信息类专业的首名博士。曾到美国乔治·华盛顿大学作为访问学者和瑞典参与国际项目。长期以来致力于无线网络、轮询控制系统和教育信息化等研究工作,编撰了《云南省教育信息化发展规划(2013—2015)》,主持制订了《云南教育数据中心建设方案》等。同时,结合实践在信息技术领域开展深入研究,参与国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)项目一项,主持国家自然科学基金项目一项,参与三项。工作和研究过程中取得了一系列成果,在《电子学报》《Tsinghua Science and Technology》(《清华大学学报》)《中国电化教育》等国内外核心期刊及会议上发表论文三十多篇,其中二十多篇被SCI、EI收录,出版专著两部。作为主持人,2013年获云南省科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖,2015年获云南省信息通信科学技术奖三等奖和云南省教育科研成果奖三等奖,2017年获中央军委军队科学技术进步奖三等奖。
