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现代外语教学与研究(2020) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300286686
  • 条形码:9787300286686 ; 978-7-300-28668-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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现代外语教学与研究(2020) 内容简介


现代外语教学与研究(2020) 目录

**部分 在线教学探索疫情之下在线教学的实践与反思――以中国政法大学为例 Practice and Refl ection of Online Teaching under the Epidemic Situation: A Case Study of China University of Political Science and Law “直播 + 教育”3.0 时代的教学研究 Teaching Research in the 3.0 Era of “Live Broadcast + Education” 学生线上学习体验和态度实证调研 An Empirical Study on Students' Online Learning Experience and Attitude 网络教学与自主学习课程设置反思 An OnlineTeaching Effort Geared to Self-Study Needs 网络教学环境下英语学习适应性研究 A Study on College Students' Adaptation to On-line English Learning 翻转课堂与研究生公共英语阅读教学 On-line English Reading Based on Micro-course and Flipped Class 基于《疫情背景视角下的》研究生公共英语网络教学模式初探 Teaching Mode of On-Line English Teaching for None English Major Graduates Based on the backgrounds of the COVID-19在线翻转课堂教学模式的探索与反思――以《西中文明比照》课程为例 Exploring the Pattern of E-learning in A Flipped Course“互联网 +”背景下《世界文明史读译》课程改革实践与探索 Practical Exploration on Teaching Mode in the course of History of World Civilization for Reading and Translation under the Background of “Internet+” 研究生英语教学如何进行线上课程思政 How to Conduct a Civics-Prone Online Course for non-English Major Postgraduates?智慧教育环境下混合式英语教学研究 Research on Blended English Teaching in Smarter Education Environment在线教学之英语阅读课初体验 Online Teaching of English Reading Course 基于腾讯文档的在线协作写作模式探究 A Tentative Exploration of the Online Collaborative College English Writing Based on Shared Documents 新冠疫情下,对集体主义和个人主义的辨析与反思 Refl ection of Collectivism and Individualism in the global COVID-19 epidemic control第二部分 教学研究与教学新模式复合型外语专业研究生培养模式探析――以中国政法大学为例 An analysis of the training mode for postgraduate majoring in compound foreign language: a case Study of China University of Political Science and Law 着眼改革 提升军队院校研究生英语实际运用能力 Reform of Postgraduate English Teaching in Military Universities to Develop Students' English Communicative Competence 非英语专业博士研究生英语教学大纲研究――以中国疾病预防控制中心博士研究生英语教学大纲为例 The English Teaching Syllabus for PhD candidates of The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention传统与现代教学手段下英语教学的课堂形态分析 An Analysis of the Class Structure of Traditional and Modern English Teaching 法律英语课程的“新模型”建设 A“New Model”on the Construction of the Legal English Curriculum 基于效果评价与实例分析的英语课堂讨论设计与有效性研究 Research on English Class Discussion Task Design and Effectiveness Based on Effect Evaluation and Case Analysis 通过研究生英语课程培养中国视角的批判性思维能力――以《研究生英语读写教程》(基础级)为例 1 Cultivating Critical Thinking from a China Perspective in Graduate English Class: Using the English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students as an Example 英语专业研究生批判思维能力的培养――以“美国政治、外交和思想史”课程为例 Cultivation of Critical Thinking Abilities among English-Major Postgraduates: The Course of American Politics, Diplomacy and History of Ideas as an Example 英语文学文化课程中的思政教育探究 Ideological and Political Education in English Literature and Culture Courses 基于文化促进模式的《中西文化对比课》教学模式探讨――以 ReadWorks 网站为例 Discussion on Teaching Mode of Comparing Chinese and Western Cultures Based on CFM: Taking the Example of ReadWorks Website 新时代背景下英语教学跨文化交际意识的培养 Cultivation of Cross-Cultural Awareness in English Teaching in the New Era 基于跨文化交际能力培养的研究生听说教学实践 A Practice of Implementing Listening and Speaking Teaching for Graduate Students Based on the Cultivation of ICC 频率和关联度对中低水平中国英语学习者程式语加工的影响 Infl uence of Frequency and Association Strength on Lexical Bundle Processing by Chinese Intermediat English Learners 二语词汇习得过程中的注释干预研究 :回顾与展望 Effects of Glosses on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: Review and Prospect 微视频在英语教学中的应用分析 Application of Micro-videos in English Teaching 自主学习模式下元认知策略在大学英语听力教学中的研究――以北京农学院为例 Metacognitive Strategies in Teaching CollegeEnglish Listening under the Mode of Autonomous Learning:Take Beijing University of Agriculture as An Example 提高非英语专业研究生英语听力理解能力的策略研究 Strategies of Improving Non-English- Major Postgraduates'Listening Comprehension 英语电影片段配音在研究生口语课上的应用 Application of English Movie Clips Dubbing to Postgraduates'Oral English Teaching 他山之石,可以攻玉――剧场游戏在英语口语课堂的应用 Theatre Games and its Application in Teaching English Speaking Chinese Doctoral Students' Challenges and Coping Strategies in Reading English Journal Articles第三部分 学术英语教学与研究基于“雨课堂”的博士学术英语教学模式探讨 Teaching Mode of Academic English for Ph.D. Students Based on Rain Classroom过程体裁教学法中思辨能力的培养――北京工业大学研究生公共英语学术论文教学探讨 Cultivation of Critical Thinking Ability in Process Genre Approach in Teaching English Academic Papers for Postgraduates 以微信微课形式渗透学术英语写作技能教学效果的实证研究 An Empirical Study of the Effects of the Permeation of Academic English Skills in the Form of Wechat Micro-lectures 研究生学术英语写作微课多模态语篇意义研究 Analyses on Multimodal Textual Meaning for Postgraduates'Academic English Writing 研究生小组合作写作的行动研究 Team Collaboration in Graduate Students' English Academic Writing: An Action Research 基于“导向产出理论”提高研究生国际学术交流能力――以北京林业大学研究生英语教学为例 Improving Academic Communication Ability of Graduate Students Based on Production-oriented Approach: A Case Study of Beijing Forestry University 基于任务驱动的学术英语课堂构建――以农林英语为例 Task-based Teaching in Academic English: a Case of Academic English for Agriculture and Forestry SPOC 模式下提升学生参与度策略研究――以《科技英语写作》课程为例 Strategies to Improve Students' Participation Under SPOC Mode: A Case Study of Scientifi c English Writing 博士生国际期刊论文发表中的文本塑造者――兼论对面向科研发表的英语写作教学的启示 Text Shapers in Doctoral Students' International Publication of Journal Articles: Its Implication for Teaching English for Research Publication Purposes《英语科技论文写作》的评价与优化 Evaluating and optimizing English Scientifi c Paper Writing 浅谈人文类学术写作的选题 How to Select Topic in Humanities Academic Writing第四部分 翻译教学与研究成果导向教育(OBE)指导下的商务笔译教学模式初探 Discussion on an OBE-based Business Translation Teaching Model从学科身份构建视角论法律翻译研究学科建设和发展 Construction and Development of Legal Translation Studies as Interdiscipline from the Perspective of Discipline Identity Construction 试论涉外法律文书译者的创造性 :语用充实视角 Creativity of Translator in Foreign-Oriented Legal Documents: a Pragmatic Approach “政治等效”翻译原则框架下《习近平谈治国理政》中国特色隐喻英译研究 Research on Translation of Metaphors with Chinese Characteristics in Xi Jinping The Governance of China from the Perspective of Political Equivalence 政治化翻译思潮影响下外宣翻译研究 International Publicity Translation under the Infl uence of Politicalization Translation Thoughts 涉外案件处置中翻译相关问题研究 Related Issues on Interpretation and Translation in Foreign-Related Case Disposals 弗米尔目的论在立法文本汉英翻译中的应用以《中华人民共和国合同法》为例 Application of Vermeer's Skopos Theory in C-E Translation of Legislative Texts: Take the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China as an Example 中西生态翻译研究 2.0 范式之同名异质――兼《生态翻译 :人类世时代的翻译与生态学》述评 Homonymy and Heterogeneity in the 2.0 Paradigm of Chinese and Western Eco-Translation Studies: A Review of Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene 化境论视域下《边城》英译本文化负载词英译策略 Translation Strategies of Culture-loaded Expressions in The Border Town from Perspective of Sublimation A Comparative Study of Two English Translations of Dao De Jing李清照词意象英译的是与非 Right and Wrong―Translating Imagery in Li Ch'ing-Chao's Ci-Poems冯玉祥泰山“丘八诗”概述及英译例析 An Overview of Feng Yuxiang's Qiuba-styled Poems Regarding Mount Tai with an Analysis of English Translation Examples 小说汉译中的语境作用―― The Gift of the Magi 三种译文比较评析 Infl uence of Context on E-C Translation of Fiction: A Comparative Study on Three Versions of The Gift of the Magi Comparison between Yu Guangzhong's and Zhang Nanfeng's Translations of The Importance of Being Earnest Based on Gideon Toury's Translation Norms第五部分 语言、文化、文学研究与教学从专业篇章的视角谈法律和语言的关系 Relationship between law and language from the perspective of professional text On Conversion from Instrumental Nouns to Verbs: A Perspective of Conceptual Metonymy 英语中具有歧视内涵的敏感性词汇 Sensitive English Words with Discriminatory Connotation 硬核与硬 N 构式 Hardcore and Hard+NP Structure北京市历史名园景区语言景观研究现状探析 A Probe into the Present Research of Linguistic Landscape in Beijing Historical Scenic Areas种族问题与“美国化”理念 Race Matters and Ideas of Americanization中国在德交换生跨文化适应调查研究 Study on Intercultural Adaptation of Chinese Exchange Students in Germany 课程思政视域下“自然文学与生态批评”课程改革Course Reformation of “Nature Literature and Ecocriticism” from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Construction “Supreme, Artistic View of Life”: Walter Pater's Conception of Art and Life 罗伯特 · 弗罗斯特叙事诗的戏剧性概述 A Brief Introduction to the Dramatic Features of Robert Frost's Narrative Poems 奥德利夫人的悲惨结局――从荣格原型理论解读《奥德利夫人的秘密》 Mrs. Audley's Tragic Ending: An Interpretation of Lady Audley's Secret from the Perspective of Jung's Archetypal Theory Keats's Political Inclinations in To Autumn Dickens's Philosophy of Money: Based on Martin Chuzzlewit《一小时的故事》之生态女性主义解读 An Interpretation of The Story of an Hour from the Ecofeminist Perspectiv

现代外语教学与研究(2020) 节选

今年我们北京市高等教育学会研究生英语教学研究分会的年度论文集《现代外语教学与研究(2020)》在经历史无前例的特殊情况后终于又问世了,真是令人兴奋。让我们真正感受到“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”。疫情伊始,很长时间没有投稿,我们曾经担心今年的论文集可能会遭遇难产。及至网课伊始,我们抓住机遇,迅速补发征稿通知,但也仅仅期望能够开辟一个网课“论坛”,增加文章数量,因为深知老师们要探索各种在线技术,重新设计虚拟空间的互动课堂,一蹴而就写出论文谈何容易。 但出乎意料,疫情转机初显端倪,一批教学与研究的论文便纷至沓来;网上授课告一段落,一组研究网课教学理论与实践的文章便应运而生。这完全得益于学会老师一如既往的竭诚支持。这种支持源于老师们常年不懈的努力与积累,更源于老师们发自内心的探究真理的热忱。这还得益于网课的全面实行,它将新兴的网课瞬间发展成全新的常规教学手段,开辟了广阔而丰富的领域让学会老师进一步展示自己的教学热情和充分的创造力。 北京林业大学武立红老师在她提交的论文中引用该校教务处对开学**天的描述:“2020 年 2 月 17 日星期一,……大规模在线教学真正落地开花,原本一个平平常常的日子,就这样写入了校史。虽然教室楼前‘静悄悄’,但线上学习‘很热烈’,老师们使出百般神通变身网络‘主播’、‘大咖’,……学生则以‘弹幕’、‘献花’等方式为老师们精彩的在线教学点赞。今天的课堂是令人感动的。”我们的论文集又何尝不是在2020 年 6 月平平常常的日子里静悄悄地顺利编辑成集,我们的老师又何尝不是在很热烈的百变神通的创造中享有接受献花和点赞资格的大咖?广大老师的集思广益又何尝不是令人感动的?

现代外语教学与研究(2020) 作者简介

吴江梅,教授,曾任北京林业大学外语学院公外研究生英语教研室主任。国家林业局外语培训中心主任。 彭工,中国科学院大学外语系教授,北京市高等教育学会研究生英语教学研究分会会长。主要研究方向为应用语言学、语料库语言学。长期担任语言学专业研究生、非英语专业硕士研究生、博士研究生的英语教学工作。
