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开本: 24cm 页数: 294页
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丝路发展与读懂中国 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520359801
  • 条形码:9787520359801 ; 978-7-5203-5980-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

丝路发展与读懂中国 内容简介

  《丝路发展与读懂中国(英文版)》为中国社会科学院与乌克兰国立敖德萨海事大学中国中心合作开展首届中国-乌克兰学者高端学术对话会会议的研究论文整理集合,两国学者通过剖析本国在国家治理、社会治理、社会发展等方面的经验与案例,对比两国情况,着眼“一带一路”的整体发展格局,把“一带一路”发展、中等收入群体、治理创新作为焦点,从沿线国家经济民生发展的共同话题,从普通人的视角去理解丝绸之路的境界和丝绸之路的意义。  《丝路发展与读懂中国(英文版)》对比两国情况,着眼“一带一路”的整体发展格局,把“一带一路”发展、中等收入群体、治理创新作为焦点,从沿线国家经济民生发展的共同话题,从普通人的视角去理解丝绸之路的境界和丝绸之路的意义。

丝路发展与读懂中国 目录

Development of the Silk Road and Chinese Opportunities
Chapter 1 The Belt and Road Initiative and Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind He Xingliang
Chapter 2 The Belt and Road Initiative——the Basis to Investments in Ukrainian Economics Rudenko Sergey Vasilevich
Chapter 3 Great Development Significance of the Belt and Road Initiative in the Global Governance System Reform Ma Feng
Chapter 4 China-Ukraine Joint Investment Projects: Difficulties and Prospects Ivan Semenist
Chapter 5 Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries and New Opportunities for Ukraine Svitlana Glovatska

Development of the Silk Road and Perceiving China
Chapter 6 The Development of the Inbound Tourism As the Implementation of the China's Openness Policy Markov Valery Vadimovich
Chapter 7 Models of Globalization in the 21st century:the Chinese Factor Popkov Vasily Vasilevich
Chapter 8 Ecological Civilization——The Modern Concept of China's Development Kovtun Tetiana
Chapter 9 The Importance of Language and Culture Studies Aspect in Attraction to Studying Chinese Smaglii Valeriia
Chapter 10 The Language Barrier in Intercultural Communication: Socio-Psychological Aspect Rosina Shevchenko

Development of the Silk Road and Chinese Development Experience
Chapter 11 The Research on Urban Housing Security Satisfaction in the Perspective of Public Service Equalization: Based on the 2016 National Survey of Social Attitude and Social Development Wu Ying
Chapter 12 Research on the Development of Chinese Population since the 1990s Ge Yanxia
Chapter 13 Analysis on Chinese Social Relations Affected by the Internet Liu Haixia

Development of the Silk Road and Connectivity
Chapter 14 Operation Assessment of Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of the Silk Road Economic Belt Construction Wang Chenxing
Chapter 15 The Development of Chinese-Ukrainian Scientific, Technical and Educational Cooperation Rudenko Sergey Vasilevich
Chapter 16 The Belt and Road and It's Meaning for Ukraine Svitlana Glovatska
Chapter 17 Perspectives of Development of Transportation in the Framework of the Belt and Road Initiative for China and Ukraine
Chapter 18 The Belt and Road Through Ukraine Inna Lapkina

丝路发展与读懂中国 作者简介

  He Xingliang,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Doctoral supervisor, Counselor of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, NPC Deputy, Member of the Social Construction Committee of the National People's Congress.    Ma Feng,Associate professor, National Institute of Social Development, CASS, has Ph.D. in Engineering, Post doctor in Sociology, CASS.
