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Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts

Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts

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Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787502486266
  • 条形码:9787502486266 ; 978-7-5024-8626-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts 内容简介


Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research objectives
1.3 Book outline
Chapter 2 A new laboratory short encapsulation pull test apparatus design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 LSEPT apparatus design
2.2.1 Components of the test rig
2.2.2 Test confining medium
2.2.3 Confinement tube
2.2.4 Anchor tube
2.2.5 Bearing plate
2.2.6 Anti-rotation devices
2.2.7 Hydraulic control
2.2.8 Monitoring system
2.3 Test specimen preparation and installation
2.3.1 Cementitious confining medium casting and curing
2.3.2 Cable bolt and anchor tube installation
2.4 Preliminary tests
2.4.1 Test with a MW9 cable bolt
2.4.2 Test with a Superstrand cable bolt
2.4.3 Influence of borehole roughness
2.4.4 Influence of pre-confinement of the confining medium
2.4.5 Further study of cable termination methods
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Load transfer behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Load transfer of modified cable bolts
3.2.1 Dimensions of MW9 cable bolts
3.2.2 Bearing plate effect
3.2.3 Borehole size effect
3.2.4 Confining medium strength effect
3.3 Load transfer of plain cable bolts
3.3.1 Dimensions of Superstrand cable bolts
3.3.2 Bearing plate effect
3.3.3 Borehole size effect
3.3.4 Confining medium strength effect
3.4 Comparison between two types of cable bolts
3.4.1 Cable surface geometry effect in the weak confining medium
3.4.2 Cable surface geometry effect in the strong confining medium
3.5 Post-failure behaviour
3.5.1 MW9 cable bolt
3.5.2 Superstrand cable bolt
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Analytical modelling of load transfer behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analytical modelling of the fully grouted cable bolts
4.2.1 Governing equation
4.2.2 The tri-linear model of the cable/grout interface
4.2.3 Pull-out stages of cable bolts
4.3 Validation of the analytical model
4.3.1 Pull-out tests on plain cable bolts
4.3.2 Pull-out tests on modified cable bolts
4.4 Shear stress distribution in the peak load state
4.5 Interfacial shear stress propagation with pull-out stages
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Numerical simulation of the axial behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Structural element selection
5.3 Calibration of confining medium material
5.3.1 Calibration of the weak confining medium material
5.3.2 Calibration of the strong confining medium material
5.4 Simulation of the pull-out behaviour of Superstrand cable bolts
5.4.1 Pulling Superstrand cables from weak medium with normal borehole
5.4.2 Pulling Superstrand cables from weak medium with larger borehole
5.4.3 Pulling Superstrand cables from strong medium
5.5 Simulation of the pull-out behaviour of MW9 cable bolts
5.5.1 Pulling MW9 cables from weak medium with normal borehole
5.5.2 Pulling MW9 cables from weak medium with larger borehole
5.5.3 Pulling MW9 cables from strong medium
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusions

Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts 作者简介

