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雅思周计划:口语(第五版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300287348
  • 条形码:9787300287348 ; 978-7-300-28734-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

雅思周计划:口语(第五版) 本书特色

**,话题范围基本不变。 Part 1 常考的话题有十九大类,Part 2 和 Part 3 常考的核心话题有五大类,每次考试的题目都是围绕着这些类别的话题展开的。 第二,题目重复出现的频率非常高。在*近两年的近 100 次考试中,全新题目出现的频率并不高,绝大多数的题目都是以前题目的改写甚至是原题重现。 第三,题目的题型不变。 Part 1 的题型是一般性的会面问话,Part 2 是卡片描述,Part 3 则是深入讨论。 在 Part 3 中,问题的常见提问形式可归纳为九种。

雅思周计划:口语(第五版) 内容简介

第二,话题分类。本书把 Part 1 的话题分为十九大类,Part 2 的卡片分为五大类,Part 3 的题型分为九种,以方便考生分类掌握,举一反三。
第三, 四种方法。对于雅思口语考试的题目,书中讲解了四种不同的回答方法,即谚语答题法、细节答题法、因果答题法和逆向答题法,以帮助考生快速组织语言,提高分数。

雅思周计划:口语(第五版) 目录

**部分?? 基础段
**章?? 雅思口语考试介绍
**节 考试的三个部分
Part 1 :会面问话 General Questions (Introduction and Interview)
1. 考查内容
2. 问题数量
3. 考试时长
4. 真题示例
Part 2 :卡片问话 Cue Card (Topic Card Description)
1. 考查内容
2. 问题数量
3. 考试时长
4. 真题示例
Part 3 :深入讨论 Abstract Questions (Two-Way Discussion)
1. 考查内容
2. 问题数量
3. 考试时长
4. 真题示例
第二节 难点和应对策略
1. 三种方法表达不会的词
2. 点睛之笔――专有名词和谚语的妙用
1. Part 3 之有杀伤力的关键词陷阱
2. 三个万能的加分句型
1. 无话可说怎么办
2. 四两拨千斤――只可使用一次的万能表达
第三节 注意事项
第二章?? 评分标准――高分的四大根本点
**节 雅思口语考试的评分标准
第二节 高分的四大根本点
1. 常用逻辑关系信号词的熟练运用
2. 正常的语速和自然的停顿
1. 关键词同义替换
2. 高分短语
3. 常用插入语
4. 经典成语
1. 避免几种绝大多数考生都会犯的语法错误
2. 加分句型
第三章?? 雅思口语考试四种答题方法
**节 谚语答题法
第二节 细节答题法
第三节 因果答题法
第四节 逆向答题法
第四章?? Part 1――十九类必考话题真题重现
一、个人信息 (Personal Information)
二、家乡和节日 (Hometown & Festivals)
三、季节和天气 (Seasons & Weather)
四、工作和学习 (Occupation & School Life)
五、休闲和爱好 (Spare Time & Hobbies)
六、饮食和住宿 (Diet & Accommodation)
七、朋友和家庭 (Friends & Family)
八、邻居和同事 (Neighbours & Colleagues)
九、音乐和体育 (Music & Sports)
十、电影和阅读 (Films & Reading)
十一、电脑和互联网 (Computers & Internet)
十二、交通和旅游 (Transportation & Trip)
十三、时尚和购物 (Fashion & Shopping)
十四、宠物和鲜花 (Pets & Flowers)
十五、时间和未来 (Time & Future)
十六、数字和语言 (Numbers & Language)
十七、颜色和相片 (Colours & Photos)
十八、大海和公园 (Sea & Gardens)
十九、博物馆和收藏 (Museums & Collection)
第五章?? Part 2――五类必考话题
**节 人物描述
1. 姓名
2. 家乡
3. 年龄
4. 外貌
5. 性格
6. 人物关系
1. 说明人物身份、姓名的句型
2. 介绍人物外貌、年龄的句型
3. 描述人物性格的句型
4. 举例说明人物性格的句型
5. 解释你喜欢他 / 她的原因的句型
真题 1. 描述一位老师
真题 2. 描述一位名人
真题 3. 描述一个小孩
真题 4. 描述一位老人
真题 5. 自我描述
第二节 物品描述
1. 颜色
2. 形状
3. 大小和重量
4. 特征
1. 说明物品是什么的句型
2. 介绍物品外观及用途的句型
3. 描述物品的功能、价值以及图书的内容等的句型
4. 解释你喜欢该物品的原因的句型
真题 1. 描述一种交通工具
真题 2. 描述一件家电
真题 3. 描述一种手工艺品
真题 4. 描述一本书
真题 5. 描述一件礼物
真题 6. 描述一个发明
第三节 经历描述

雅思周计划:口语(第五版) 节选

二、词汇多样性 1. 关键词同义替换 雅思口语有很多时候需要在一个话题中两次甚至多次表达同一个意思,但是,如果用词有很多重复,就显得词汇量太少了。所以对于一些经常会用到的词汇,我们需要记忆一些它们的替换表达,以免在交流的时候出现“词穷”的状况。 ★ 常用形容词 明显的 obvious = apparent = evident = manifest 灵活的 flexible = adjustable = adaptable 重要的 important = crucial = significant 富裕的 rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 优秀的 excellent = eminent = top = outstanding积极的,好的 good = positive = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 消极的,不良的 bad = negative = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 贵重的 valuable = precious = expensive = pricey 健康的 healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 惊人的 surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 美丽的 beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 有活力的 energetic = active = dynamic = vigorous =animated 流行的 popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive = widespread 信息量大的 informative = educational = instructive 可用的,有空的 available = ready for service = convenient = accessible 高效的,能干的 efficient = effective = competent 单独的,一个人的 individual = personal = single 有趣的 interesting = stimulating = entertaining 非凡的 great = wonderful = marvelous 守时的 punctual = on time 便宜的 cheap = inexpensive 给人鼓舞的 inspiring = encouraging 聪明的 bright = smart = intelligent 体贴的,关心人的 caring = considerate 高兴的 happy = delighted 不可避免的 inevitable = unavoidable = certain = sure 困难的 difficult = tough 没劲的,乏味的 boring = monotonous5. Examiner: What kind of pictures is popular in your country? Candidate: Well, I would say landscape shots are really welcomed in China since Chinese people are keen on travelling. We are curious about the countries which we have never been to. So landscape pictures would be our first choice. 6. Examiner: What makes a good photo? Candidate: Well, there are many factors involved in making a good photo. First, I think a good camera is a must. But of course, the shooting skill is also important. Finally, the ability to use photoshop is as essential as the previous two factors. It can diminish the flaws of original photos. 7. Examiner: How do you keep photos? Candidate: I use a digital camera to take photos most of the time. So I would store these digital photos in my computer. It is rather easy to review and keep. But I do develop some good ones to put into my photo albums. 8. Examiner: Do you have your own collections of pictures? Candidate: I would not say I am a professional collector of pictures, but I do have one particular picture collection. As a young student, I am addicted to collecting the posters of my favourite stars. So as time goes by, collecting posters has become my hobby高分回答 ① who he/she is(他 / 她是谁) The old person who has influenced me most is Mr. Zhang, a retired manager from a renowned company. ② how you get to know him/her(你是怎么认识他 / 她的) It was quite a coincidence that we met each other. Last semester, I was responsible for a survey about how some high-tech companies affect our life. I visited many famous retired managers and one of them I met was Mr. Zhang whose daughter is my classmate. The day when I arrived at his home, he was waiting for me. He accepted my interview and explained the details of the business field to make sure I could acquire enough related information. ③ what kind of person he/she is(他 / 她是什么样的人) During the talk, I found that Mr. Zhang was expressive, self-assured, andquick-witted despite his old age. In addition, he was always ready to help others, especially the younger generation. At the end of the talk, I asked him what he was planning to do after retirement. He answered with a smile: “I’m going to act as a consultant in my community, giving advice and comments on issues regarding young people’s work.” ④ and explain why you think he/she influences you most.(解释为什么他 / 她 对你的影响*大。) Mr. Zhang left a deep impression on me because I was deeply encouraged by his optimistic outlook on life and his state of mind. He is over 60 years old, but he looks much younger than his age and he acts as if he were in his thirties. Mr. Zhang fully illustrates the famous saying:“Youth is not a matter of age, but a state of mind.” 参考译文 对我影响*大的一位老人是张先生,他是一位从一个著名的公司退休的经理。 一次非常偶然的机会,我们相识了。上学期,我负责做一项关于高科技公司如何影响 我们的生活的调查。我拜访了许多著名的退休的经理,其中的一位就是张先生,他的女儿 是我的同学。我到他家的那天,他正在等我。他接受了我的采访,并解释了很多关于商业 领域的细节,以确保我能获得足够多的相关的信息。

雅思周计划:口语(第五版) 作者简介

