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21世纪靠前经济与贸易学专业精品教材外贸英语函电(第4版) 版权信息

21世纪靠前经济与贸易学专业精品教材外贸英语函电(第4版) 本书特色

外贸英语函电(第4版)在新增跨境贸易内容的基础上,又增加了有关Incoterms 2020的信函的调整与*新,使本书*加符合当前**贸易发展的需要。外贸英语函电(第4版)适用于**贸易、市场营销、电子商务、商务英语等专业的学生,同时也适用于从事或准备从事外贸工作的其他专业人员。

21世纪靠前经济与贸易学专业精品教材外贸英语函电(第4版) 内容简介

外贸英语函电(第4版)系统地介绍了外贸业务中英语常用文体写作的基本知识,包括各类商务信函、传真、电子邮件的格式、拟写方法和技巧,并按照外贸业务磋商过程中各个环节的顺序附有往来函电的大量例文和案例,提供了大量常用语句。外贸英语函电(第4版)还介绍了电子商务的基础知识和对外经济贸易中的常用文体,如意向书、协议、合同、招标通知书、投标书、中标通知书及广告等的格式、拟写方法及语言文字的应用,此外,还列举了外贸业务实践中常用的一些单据和单证实例。另外,为适应近年来跨境电子商务的迅猛发展和《靠前贸易术语解释通则2020》的生效使用,在第3版新增跨境贸易内容的基础上,第4版又增加了有关Incoterms 2020的信函的调整与更新,使本书更加符合当前靠前贸易发展的需要。外贸英语函电(第4版)共18章,包括商务英语信函的基本知识、外贸业务关系的建立、询价、报盘、还盘、交易达成、付款方式、开证及审证、包装、运输、保险、投诉与索赔、代理、贸易形式、电传、传真与E-mail、英文合同及商务社交信函等。外贸英语函电(第4版)适用于靠前贸易、市场营销、电子商务、商务英语等专业的学生,同时也适用于从事或准备从事外贸工作的其他专业人员。

21世纪靠前经济与贸易学专业精品教材外贸英语函电(第4版) 目录

Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing Section One Introduction of Business Letter Writing Section Two Layout of a Business Letter Section Three Structure of Business Letter Section Four Addressing Envelopes Section Five Good Writing Principles Section Six Some Rules of Good Writing Section Seven Useful Words & Expressions Section Eight Useful Sentences Section Nine Exercises Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Three Enquiries Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Four Offers and Quotations Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Five Counter-offers Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Six Conclusion of Business Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Seven Terms of Payment Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Eight Establishment of L/C and Amendment Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Nine Packing Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Ten Shipping Marks and Shipment Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Eleven Insurance Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Twelve Complaints and Claims Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Thirteen Agency Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Fourteen Trade Forms Section One Introduction Section Two Specimen Letters Section Three Useful Words & Expressions Section Four Useful Sentences Section Five Exercises Chapter Fifteen Job-Application Writing in English Section One Introduction Section Two Cover Letter Section Three Specimen Letters of Application Letter Section Four Useful Words & Expressions Section Five Useful Sentences Section Six Exercises Chapter Sixteen International Business Contracts Section One Basic Concept of Contracts Section Two Main Features of International Business Contracts Section Three Categories of International Business Contracts Section Four Language Features in the Contracts Section Five Sample Contracts Section Six Useful Words & Expressions Section Seven Useful Sentences Section Eight Exercises Chapter Seventeen Telex, Fax and E-mail Section One Telex Section Two Business Fax Section Three E-mail Section Four Useful Words & Expressions Section Five Useful Sentences Section Six Exercises Chapter Eighteen Other Letter Writing Section One Invitation Section Two Introduction Section Three Letters of Appointment Section Four Letters of Thanks Section Five Letters of Congratulations Section Six Letters of Reservation Section Seven Notice and Announcement Section Eight Interoffice Menos Section Nine Business Reports Section Ten Agenda and Resolutions Section Eleven Letter of Notes Section Twelve Exercises 参考文献
  • 主题:目录有错误。


    2022/2/16 10:24:39