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雅思冲刺21天养成记(写作全球详解版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300277653
  • 条形码:9787300277653 ; 978-7-300-27765-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

雅思冲刺21天养成记(写作全球详解版) 本书特色


雅思冲刺21天养成记(写作全球详解版) 内容简介


雅思冲刺21天养成记(写作全球详解版) 目录

**章 单边论证详解
第二章 双边论证详解
第三章 比较论证详解
第四章 说明论证详解
第五章 往期写作机经
第六章 图表 & 书信

雅思冲刺21天养成记(写作全球详解版) 节选

2. There are some people saying that the university should make some special policies to accept more students who are from less wealthy families. Do you agree or disagree?No one should deny the importance (significance) of university education (higher education/ tertiary education), as it helps students develop the skills and knowledge that the labor market need. Yet there still have been some arguments as to whether more and more (an increasing number of) students from the poverty-stricken backgrounds (financially disadvantaged backgrounds) should be enrolled (accepted) to take the university education. Based on the potential merits (advantages/benefits) that these students can present (bring) to the society, I would show my agreement to it. To begin with, enrolling more students to continue their studies from the financially disadvantaged backgrounds can be of a great benefit (pro/advantage) for the advancement (development) of a nation. In fact, a majority of those who have been well educated in the university which offers (provides) advanced knowledge can be engaged in (take up/ be specialized in) the national job positions which offer technical supports for the growth of whole nation. Therefore, if poor students who have the potential to make contributions to the society do not have chances to go to universities, it is a pity that this country will lose these potential talents (elites) who can probably promote (boost) the development of a country. Secondly, recruiting more students from the poverty-stricken backgrounds (financial disadvantaged backgrounds) to accept higher education will actually improve (enhance) the harmony of the society. As a matter of fact, university is a kind of place which not only provides education, but also cultivates (fosters) talents for the society. Hence, the more students can receive university education, the more people with higher literacy there will be. As a result, less people will be breaking (violate) the social orders and laws, so that a more harmonious (peaceful) society where everyone can better get along with each other will be constructed. A research shows that some developed countries (first world countries) with a more prosperous society usually have higher proportion of residents with high literacy. In conclusion, students from poor families who cannot afford the tuition should be accepted by universities with the amendment of school policies as not only can it boost (improve) the overall improvement of a nation, but the harmony of the society can also be maintained.双边论证详解的关系。下面是对于这样的题目详细的解题介绍: 步骤 1:你看见了一道题,比如下面这个 Some people believe group study is a great way to enhance the study efficiency. Some others believe it is great to spend more time on self-study. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (该题目从 2012 年至今反复出现) 步骤 2:我们需要仔细地读一下题目中的要点 Some people believe group study is a great way to enhance the study efficiency. Some others believe it is great to spend more time on self-study. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 总结下来,我们在读题的时候需要格外注意对题干的修饰,涉及哪些人,是否有比较 或限定。这样做能*大限度地避免跑题。 步骤 3:分段 这里给大家提供一种比较常见的分段方式,每一段都有自己的作用和写法。步骤 4:你可以动笔写了 考生:你还没告诉我该怎么造句啊! 一本正经的回复:请看下面的范文,里面有你需要的句式结构和词汇

雅思冲刺21天养成记(写作全球详解版) 作者简介

环球U 教育(Global U Education)是环球雅思加拿大教育集团旗下专注于“高端升学一站式规划”的独立留学培训服务品牌,总部位于多伦多,目前已经发展为覆盖多伦多和温哥华两大城市,六大核心商圈校区的专业国际标准化考试的领导品牌,更有三大校区被授权为雅思官方指定笔试及机考考场。环球U 专注于提供一站式、系统化、全方位、精细化的全流程加拿大留学后规划服务,也是加拿大**真正集“语言培训、海外监护、升学选课、学科补习及大学申请”为一体的专业留学类教育品牌。
