IL-6 Promotes FSH-Induced VEGF Expression Through JAK/STAT3 Signaling Pathway in Bovine Granulosa Cells Meng YANG, Lei WANG, Xurong WANG, Xuezhi WANG, Zhiqiang YANG, Jianxi LI
IL-1α Up-Regulates IL-6 Expression in Bovine Granulosa Cells Via MAPKs and NF-kB Signaling Pathways Meng YANG, Xurong WANG, Lei WANG, Xuezhi WANG, Zhiqiang YANG, Jianxi LI
Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Polysaccharides from Rhododendron aganniphum: Antioxidant Activity and Rheological Propenies Xiao GUO, Xiaofei SHANG, Xuzheng ZHOU, Baotang ZHAO, Jiyu ZHANG
A Rapid and Simple HPLC-FLD Screening Method with QuEChERS as the Sample Treatment for the Simultaneous Monitoring of Nine Bisphenols in Milk Lin XIONG, Ping YAN, Min CHU, Ya-Qin GAO, Wei-Hong LI, Xiao-Ling YANG
UPLC-Q-TOF/MS-based Metabonomic Studies on the Intervention Effects of Aspirin Eugenol Ester in Atherosclerosis Hamsters Ning MA, Yajun YANG, Xiwang LIU, Xiaojun KONG, Shihong LI, Zhe QIN, Zenghua JIAO, Jianyong LI
Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br.: A Systemic Review of the Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology of an Important Asian Folk Medicine Xiaofei SHANG, Xiao GUO, Yu LIU, Hu PAN, Xiaolou MIAO, Jiyu ZHANG
UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS Based Plasma Metabolomics Reveals the Metabolic Perturbations by Manganese Exposure in Rat Models Hui WANG, Zhiqi LIU, Shengyi WANG, Dongan CUI, Xinke ZHANG, Yongming LIU, Yihua ZHANG
Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel Pleuromutilin Derivatives with a Substituted Pyrimidine Moiety Yunpeng YI, Ximing XU, Yu LIU, Shuijin XU, Xin HUANG, Jianping LIANG, Ruofeng SHANG
UP LC-Q-TOF/MS-based Urine and Plasmametabonomics Study on the Cross Mark Ameliorative Effects of Aspirin Eugenol Ester in Hyperlipidemia Rats Ning MA, Isam KARAM, Xi-Wang LIU, Xiao-Jun KONG, Zhe QIN, Shi-Hong LI, Zeng-Hua JIAO, Peng-Cheng DONG, Ya-Jun YANG, Jian-Yong LI
Cardioprotection of Sheng Mai Yin a Classic Formula on Adriamycin Induced Myocardial Injury in Wistar Rats Kai ZHANG, Jingyan ZHANG, Xurong WANG, Lei WANG, Pugliese MICHELA, Passantino ANNAMARIA, Jianxi LI
iTRAQ-based Proteomic Technology Revealed Proteln Pel-turbatlons in Intestinal Mucosa from Manganese Exposure in Rat Models Hui WANG, Shengyi WANG, Dongan CUI, Shuwei DONG, Xin TUO, Zhiqi LIU, Yongming LIU
Epidemic Characterization and Molecular Genotyping of Shigella flexneri isolated from Calves with Diarrhea in Northwest China Zhen ZHU, Mingze CAO, Xuzheng ZHOU, Bing LI, Jiyu ZHANG
iTRAQ-based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Bai-Hu-Tang Enhances Phagocytosis and Cross-Presentation against LPS Fever in Rabbit Shidong ZHANG, Dongsheng WANG, Shuwei DONG, Zhiqiang YANG, Zuoting YAN
Synthesis and Biological Activity Evaluation of Novel Heterocyclic Pleuromutilin Derivatives Yunpeng YI, Yunxing FU, Pengcheng DONG, Wenwen QIN, Yu LIU, Jiangping LIANG, Ruofeng SHANG
The Response of Gene Expression Associated with Lipid Metabolism, Fat Deposition and Fatty Acid Profile in the Longissimus Dorsi Muscle of Gannan Yaks to Different Energy Levels of Diets Chao YANG, Jianbin LIU, Xiaoyun WU, Pengjia BAO, Ruijun LONG, Xian GUO, Xuezhi DING, Ping YAN
Palmatine Inhibits TRIF-dependent NF-KB Pathway Against Innammation Induced by LPS in Goat Endometrial Epithelial Cells Baoqi YAN, Dongsheng WANG, Shuwei DONG, Zhangmi CHENG, Lidong NA, Mengqi SANG, Hongzao YANG, Zhiqiang YANG, Shidong ZHANG, Zuoting YAN
Differential Proteomic Profiling of Endometrium and Plasma Indicate the Importance of Hydrolysis in Bovine Endometritis Shi-Dong ZHANG, Shu-Wei DONG, Dong-Sheng WANG, Chike F.OGUEJIOFOR, Ali A.FOULADI-NASHTA, Zhi-Qiang YANG, Zuo-Ting YAN
The Toxicity and Theacaricidal Mechanism against Psoroptes cuniculi of the Methanol Extract of Adonis Coemlea Maxim Xiaofei SHANG, Xiao GUO, Feng YANG, Bing LI, Hu PAN, Xiaolou MIAO, Jiyu ZHANG
Genomic Analysis and Resistance Mechanisms in Shigella flexneri 2a Strain 301 Zhen ZHU, Xuzheng ZHOU, Bing LI, Sihan WANG, Fusheng CHENG, Jiyu ZHANG
Acaricidal Activities of the Essential Oil from Rhododendron nivale Hook.f.and its main Compund, δ-cadinene against Psoroptes cuniculi Xiao GUO, Xiaofei SHANG, Bing LI, Xuzheng ZHOU, Hao WEN, Jiyu ZHANG
Effects of Biotic Andabiotic Factors on Soil Organic Carbon in Semi-arid Grassland Fu-Ping TIAN, Zhi-Nan ZHANG, Xiao-Feng CHANG, Lei SUN, Xue-Hong WEI, Gao-Lin WU
Trace Elements may be Responsible for Medicinal Effects of Saussurea Laniceps, Saussurea Involucrate, Lycium barbamm and Lycium Ruthenicum Hui WANG, Shengyi WANG, Dongan CUI, Xia LI, Xin TUO, Yongming LIU
Impact of Aspirin Eugenol Ester on Cyclooxygenase-1, Cyclooxygenase-2, C-Reactive Protein, Prothrombin and Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase in Healthy Rats Ning MA, Guan-Zhou YANG, Xi-Wang LIU, Ya-Jun YANG, Isam MOHAMED, Guang-Rong LIU, Jian-Yong LI