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开本: 26cm 页数: 167页
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托福口语500题 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300251721
  • 条形码:9787300251721 ; 978-7-300-25172-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

托福口语500题 本书特色


托福口语500题 内容简介

本书分托福及托福口语整体介绍、*新口语话题。内容包括: 托福的定义 ; 托福考试报名流程 ; 大学对申请者托福口语单科成绩的要求 ; 托福口语短语**等。

托福口语500题 目录

第1章 托福及托福口语整体介绍
第2章 *新口语话题

托福口语500题 节选

Q327: When choosing research paper topics, some teachers give students the freedom to choose topics that interest them, while others assign topics to students. Which do you think is better and why? 回答:I do think it is better for students to choose research topics that interest them. Doing research is a demanding job that involves a large amount of work, if you are not interested in the topic and are doing it just for the sake of doing research, it can harm your motivation and discourage you from being a determined scholar. Furthermore, how can we expect the students to learn to be independent or innovative if they still need their teachers to offer research topics for them? After all, the role of the teacher is to instruct and inspire students rather than provide ready-made answers. If your main aim is to develop yourself in an area that will contribute to your personal desires, it is better to choose your own topic. Q328: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cellphones have improved our life. 回答:Well, I do agree that cellphones have improved our life. They have brought a whole new meaning to the term communication since they have revolutionized the way people communicate with each other. We can keep in touch with others whenever or wherever we are as long as we have cellphones. Also, working efficiency has been greatly improved as a result of mobile phones. In the past, it was impossible for us to talk to the office while we were at the grocery store picking up some necessary items. However, nowadays cellphones makes it possible for us to do several tasks at the same time. That’s why I think cellphones have made our life better. Q329: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Traveling to new places would be a pleasant memory instead of a time-consuming and energy-burning task. 回 答:I definitely agree that traveling to new places would be a pleasant memory because quite often we are exposed to different cultures and customs in new places. This can be really eye-opening and rewarding because we could have a better understanding of people there who might seem different from us. As a result of our interaction, we are more likely to show respect to each other, thus misunderstanding between people from different backgrounds can be reduced to some extent. On the other hand, to fare well in today’s fast-paced world, it is necessary for us to stay energetic and strong. Traveling to new places is a perfect way for us to develop our physical fitness.

托福口语500题 作者简介

冷晓波,毕业于美国明德文理学院蒙特雷高级翻译学院,该校翻译专业全美****。曾任联合国同声翻译。拥有极其纯正美式发音和美式思维体系,英语水平与母语相当。曾被中美关系委员会主席Stephen Orlins, Henry Ford公司CEO Gerard Van Grinsven 聘为私人传译。拥有多年口语教学经验并对考试有深刻精辟的研究,通过地道的美式思维及科学的系统训练,直击考试命脉。她已有多名学员成功克服“托福口语提分难”的问题,她的“名校口语面试课”已帮多名学子圆名校梦想。
