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中国互联网金融报告2018 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787522000756
  • 条形码:9787522000756 ; 978-7-5220-0075-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国互联网金融报告2018 内容简介

  此书为《中国互联网金融年报2018》的英文版,《中国互联网金融年报(2018 英文版)》是在中国人民银行、中国银保监会、中国证监会和国家网信办等部委的指导和支持下,由中国互联网金融协会牵头组织相关政府部门、从业机构和研究机构联合编制完成,由中国金融出版社出版发行。该年报延续2017年年报的总体结构与写作风格,并对2017年行业发展情况作了重点阐述,剖析我国互联网金融各业态所处的宏观环境,梳理其发展现状,分析面临的主要风险与挑战,并对整个行业的未来发展作出了展望,具有很强的资料性、专业性,不仅能够为政策制定者、从业人员、研究人员提供较为全面详实的参考资料,也有利于消费者系统了解掌握互联网金融基础知识,提高风险意识和识别能力。

中国互联网金融报告2018 目录

Chapter Ⅰ Development of Internet Finance
Section Ⅰ Development Environment for Internet Finance in 2017
Section Ⅱ Overall Development of Internet Finance in 2017
Section Ⅲ Main Risks and Challenges for Internet Finance
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Internet Finance

Chapter Ⅱ Online Payment
Section Ⅰ Development of Online Payment in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment for Online Payment
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for Online Payment
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Online Payment

Chapter Ⅲ Peer-to-Peer Lending
Section Ⅰ Development of P2P Lending in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment for P2P Lending
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for P2P Lending
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of P2P Lending

Chapter Ⅳ Internet Insurance
Section Ⅰ Development of Internet Insurance in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment for Internet Insurance
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for Internet Insurance
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Internet Insurance

Chapter Ⅴ Internet Fund Sales
Section Ⅰ Development of Internet Fund Sales in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment for Internet Fund Sales
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for Internet Fund Sales
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Internet Fund Sales

Chapter Ⅵ Internet Consumer Finance
Section Ⅰ Development of Internet Consumer Finance in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment for Internet Consumer Finance
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for Internet Consumer Finance
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Internet Consumer Finance

Chapter Ⅶ Internet Direct Banking
Section Ⅰ Development of Internet Direct Banking in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment for Internet Direct Banking
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for Internet Direct Banking
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Internet Direct Banking

Chapter Ⅷ Internet Securities
Section Ⅰ Development of Internet Securities in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment of Internet Securities
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for Internet Securities
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Internet Securities

Chapter Ⅸ Internet Equity Financing
Section Ⅰ Development of Internet Equity Financing in 2017
Section Ⅱ Development Environment for Internet Equity Financing
Section Ⅲ Main Problems and Challenges for Internet Equity Financing
Section Ⅳ Trend and Prospect of Internet Equity Financing

Topic Ⅰ Study and Research on the Development of Digital InclusⅣe Finance
Topic Ⅱ Case Study on Internet Finance
Topic Ⅲ Artificial Intelligence Technology and Its Application in Finance
Topic Ⅳ Standardization Work of Internet Finance
Topic Ⅴ Introduction of the National Internet Finance Registration and Disclosure Service Platform
Appendix 1 General Situation of the Internet Lending Industry
Appendix 2 Big Events of China' s Internet Finance