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商务职场英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566917805
  • 条形码:9787566917805 ; 978-7-5669-1780-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

商务职场英语 内容简介

本书以任务项目为载体, 依据功能和情景相结合的原则选材和编写, 注重职场涉外岗位英语技能的训练。通过案例学习及情景模拟实训, 培养学生职场英语交际技能。

商务职场英语 目录


Unit 1 Job-Hunting

Part 1 Background Information / 2

Successful Job Interviews / 2

Part 2 Situational Conversations / 3

Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 6

Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 12

ⅠRésumé / 12

ⅡApplication Letter / 15

Part 5 Communication Activities / 20

Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 27

Unit 2 Taking up the Post

Part 1 Background Information / 33

Office Etiquette / 33

Part 2 Situational Conversations / 34

Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 35

Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 38

Company Profile / 38

Part 5 Communication Activities / 40

Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 43

Unit 3 Attending Trade Fairs

Part 1 Background Information / 48

1. Benefits to Attend a Trade Fair / 48

2. Tips for Attending a Trade Fair and Reception Etiquette / 48

Part 2 Situational Conversations / 49

Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 52

Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 59

ⅠLetter of Invitation / 59

ⅡE-Mail / 63

Part 5 Communication Activities / 64

Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 67

Unit 4 Business Reception

Part 1 Background Information / 72

Reception Etiquette / 72

Part 2 Situational Conversations / 74

Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 77

Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 86

Ⅰ Banquet Speech / 87

Ⅱ Telephone Message / 89

Part 5 Communication Activities / 91

Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 97

Unit 5 Business Travel

Part 1 Background Information / 102

1. Travel Arrangements / 102

2. Business Travel Etiquette / 103

3. English for Broadcasting at the Airport and on the Flight / 104

Part 2 Situational Conversations / 105

Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 108

Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 119

ⅠLetter of Thanks / 119

ⅡSpeech of Thanks / 122

Part 5 Communication Activities / 122

Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 127

Unit 6 Communicating with Clients

Part 1 Background Information / 132

1. Customer Service / 132

2. Etiquette for Phone Communication and Office Reception / 132

3. Tips for Telephoning / 133

Part 2 Situational Conversations / 133

Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 138

Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 143

Complaints and Settlements / 143

Part 5 Communication Activities / 152

Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 156

Appendix 1 公司部门名称 / 158

Appendix 2 职务职位名称 / 159

Appendix 3 产品介绍用语 / 162

Bibliography 参考文献 / 164

部分听力文字材料 / 165

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商务职场英语 作者简介

施慧英 浙江纺织服装学院英语教研室主任,教授,参编过教材, 近三年主持的课题有:院级英语精品课程建设,高职大学英语课程模块和教学模式研究与探索,高职英语课程教学评价体系研究,培养高职学生英语自主学习能力的实践研究,基于职业性的高职英语教学内容体系与教学模式研究(市级)等课题。 近三年发表的论文:高职英语多元化教学评估体系及其构建,高职学生英语应用能力培养的思考,跨文化交际障碍产生的主要原因及应对策略,论高职院校英语课程体系的构建,论“以学生为中心”的大学英语教学,论外语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养等。
