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开本: 26cm 页数: 377页
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医学统计学 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787308202985
  • 条形码:9787308202985 ; 978-7-308-20298-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

医学统计学 内容简介


医学统计学 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction and Basic Concepts
1.1 General 0verview
1.1.1 What Is Medical Statistics
1.1.2 Procedures of Statistics Research
1.2 Basic Conceptions in Statistics
1.2.1 Population and Sample
1.2.2 Homogeneity and Heterogeneity
1.2.3 Parameter and Statistic
1.2.4 Variable and Data
1.2.5 Error
1.2.6 Probability and Relative Frequency

Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics for Quantitative Data
2.1 Frequency Distribution
2.1.1 Frequency Distribution
2.1.2 Frequency Distribution Table
2.1.3 Histogram and Bar Charts
2.1.4 Uses of a Frequency Distribution
2.2 Normal Distribution
2.2.1 Skewness Coefficient
2.2.2 Coefficient of Kurtosis
2.2.3 Normal Distribution
2.2.4 Standard Normal Distribution
2.2.5 Reference Value
2.3 Measures of Central Tendency
2.3.1 Mean
2.3.2 Geometric Mean
2.3.3 Median
2.3.4 Mode
2.3.5 Choice of Measures of Central Tendency
2.4 Measures of Variation
2.4.1 Range
2.4.2 Inter—quartile Range
2.4.3 Variance
2.4.4 Standard Deviation
2.4.5 Coefficient of Variation
2.4.6 Choice of Measures of Variation

Chapter 3 Descriptive Statistics for Categorical Data
3.1 Absolute Number
3.2 Relative Number
3.2.1 Proportion
3.2.2 Rate
3.2.3 Ratio
3.3 Considerations of the Application of Relative Number
3.4 Standardized Rate
3.5 Binomial and Poisson Distribution
3.5.1 Overview of Binomial Distribution
3.5.2 Characteristics of a Binomial Distribution
3.5.3 Poisson Distribution
3.5.4 Why Is the Poisson Distribution a Special Case of the
Binomial Distribution

Chapter 4 Statistical Tables and Graphs
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Statistical Tables
4.2.1 Principles of Making Statistical Table
4.2.2 Structures of Statistical Tables
4.2.3 Types of Statistical Tables
4.2.4 General Rules of the Statistical Table
4.3 Graphs
4.3.1 Histogram
4.3.2 Stem—and—Lear Plot
4.3.3 Bar Chart
4.3.4 BOX Plot
4.3.5 Pie Chart
4.3.6 Percentage Bar Chart
4.3.7 Scatter Plot
4.3.8 Line Chart

Chapter 5 Parameter Estimation
5.1 Statistical Inference
5.2 Random Sampling and Sampling Error
5.2.1 Random Sampling
5.2.2 Sampling Error
5.2.3 Standard Error

Chapter 6 Foundations of Hypothesis Test
Chapter 7 t-Test
Chapter 8 Analysis of Variance
Chapter 9 Chi-Square Test
Chapter 10 Non.parametric Tests
Chapter 11 Linear Correlation and Regression
Chapter 12 Multiple Linear Regression
Chapter 13 Multiple Logistic Regression
Chapter 14 Survival Analysis
Chapter 15 Foundations of Research Design
Chapter 16 Sample Size and Power Estimation
Chapter 17 Tutorial for SPSS

医学统计学 作者简介

