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重量示范性软件学院系列规划教材高级职场英语(IT行业适用) 版权信息

重量示范性软件学院系列规划教材高级职场英语(IT行业适用) 内容简介


重量示范性软件学院系列规划教材高级职场英语(IT行业适用) 目录

Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry 1
Part One Unit Overview 2
Part Two Culture Reading 2
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 9
Part Four Expertise Development 18
Part Five Hands-on Practice 21

rformance Review 22
Unit 2 History of IT Industry 24
Part One Unit Overview 25
Part Two Culture Reading 26
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 32
Part Four Expertise Development 38
Part Five Hands-on Practice 40

rformance Review 41
Unit 3 Milestones and Giants in IT Industry 43
Part One Unit Overview 44
Part Two Culture Reading 44
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 52
Part Four Expertise Development 61
Part Five Hands-on Practice 63

rformance Review 64
Unit 4 Working Process of IT Industry 66
Part one Unit Overview 67
Part Two Culture Reading 67
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 75
Part Four Expertise Development 82
Part Five Hands-on Practice 84

rformance Review 86
Unit 5 Features of IT Products 89
Part One Unit Overview 90
Part Two Culture Reading 91
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 98
Part Four Expertise Development 106
Part Five Hands-on Practice 108

rformance Review 109
Unit 6 IT Corporate Culture 111
Part One Unit Overview 112
Part Two Culture Reading 113
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 120
Part Four Expertise Development 126
Part Five Hands-on Practice 129

rformance Review 130
Unit 7 Communication in IT Industry 132
Part One Unit Overview 133
Part Two Culture Reading 133
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 140
Part Four Expertise Development 146
Part Five Hands-On Practice 148

rformance Review 149
Unit 8 Teamwork in IT Industry 151
Part One Unit Overview 152
Part Two Culture Reading 153
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 160
Part Four Expertise Development 166
Part Five Hands-On Practice 168

rformance Review 169
Unit 9 Time Management in IT Industry 171
Part One Unit Overview 172
Part Two Culture Reading 172
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 179
Part Four Expertise Development 184
Part Five Hands-On Practice 187

rformance Review 189
Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview 191
Part One Unit Overview 192
Part Two Culture Reading 192
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 199
Part Four Expertise Development 206
Part Five Hands-on Practice 208

rformance Review 210
Unit 11 Surviving in the Office 213
Part One Unit Overview 214
Part Two Culture Reading 214
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 221
Part Four Expertise Development 226
Part Five Hands-on Practice 228

rformance Review 229
Unit 12 Starting-up a Tech Company 231
Part One Unit Overview 232
Part Two Culture Reading 232
Part Three Communicative Skills Training 239
Part Four Expertise Development 247
Part Five Hands-on Practice 250

rformance Review 252
