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无庄子(汉英双语) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787513525053
  • 条形码:9787513525053 ; 978-7-5135-2505-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

无庄子(汉英双语) 本书特色

适读人群 :学生,教师,职场人士《庄子》是继《老子》之后体现道家学说的一部极其重要的作品。以其深邃的思想内容和奇诡的创作手法,在先秦诸子散文中独树一帜,是一部洋溢着浪漫主义的散文集。本书的中文部分是郭象注疏的《庄子·内篇》,由冯友兰译为英文。本书采取前英后汉的双语呈现方式,其详尽的译注对外国读者了解庄子哲学大有助益。

无庄子(汉英双语) 内容简介


无庄子(汉英双语) 目录

Chapter I The Happy Excursion
Chapter II On the Equality of Things
Chapter III The Fundamentals for the Cultivation of Life
Chapter IV The Human World
Chapter V The Evidence of Virtue Complete
Chapter VI The Great Teacher
Chapter VII The Philosopher-King
Appendix I Some Characteristics of the Philosophy of
Kuo Hsiang
Appendix II The Third Phase of Taoism: Chuang Tzu

内篇??逍遥游**.............................. 147
内篇??齐物论第二.............................. 154
内篇??养生主第三.............................. 172
内篇??人间世第四.............................. 176
内篇??德充符第五.............................. 188
内篇??大宗师第六.............................. 198
内篇??应帝王第七.............................. 213


无庄子(汉英双语) 节选

There are already several English translations of ChuangTzu’s writings in circulation. Why shouldwe offer a new one?In answering this question, two reasons may be given: In the first place, atranslation is an interpretation or commenting. So far as the English translations of the Chuang-tzuare concerned,they may be good and useful from a literary or linguistic point of view. But in their interpretingthe Chuang-tzu, they do not seem to have touched the true philosophical spirit of the author. Inotherwords, they are successful in the literary or linguistic aspect, but not in the philosophical. SinceChuang Tzu’s writings, like Plato’s "Dialogues," are more a philosophical work than a literaryone, itseems that a new translation, which would put more emphasis on Chuang Tzu’s philosophy, is needed.In the second place, the Ching Dynasty is famous for scholarship. Through the works of many scholarsin the field of higher and textual criticism, most of the ancient books have become more readableand intelligible. The earlier English translations of the Chuang-tzu do not seem to have utilizedthe fruitof the labour of these scholars. In this respect, a new translation, which embodies the results ofrecent scholarship, is also needed. William James said that every great philosopher has his vision.When one has grasped the vision, the whole system is easily understood. Crocé said somewhere thatthe greater a philosophical system is, the simpler the central idea. Although the presenttranslation is limited to the first seven chapters of Chuang Tzu’s writings, it is believed that itcontains the main vision or idea ofthe author. With the Introduction, which was originally prepared in a lecture form delivered atdifferent institutions in Peking, and an appendix that was originally written for the PhilosophicalReview,Peking, it is hoped that something may be contributed to the right understanding of Taoism as aphilosophy.In preparing the present translation of the Chuang-tzu, I have consult

无庄子(汉英双语) 作者简介

