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公共事业管理专业英语 版权信息

公共事业管理专业英语 内容简介

  《公共事业管理专业英语》以公共事业管理专业知识为核心,系统梳理了西方公共事业管理相关理论的发展过程、主要流派及其代表性观点。用英文全面介绍了中国主要公共事业,包括教育、科技、文化、卫生等管理的相关内容。  此外,该书着眼于理论与实践的有机结合,在内容上创新性地增加了与公共事业管理实践密切相关的实用英语,如:党和国家主要机构的英文介绍、与中国国情密切相关的政治、经济英文词汇、专业英文文献的查阅与整理方法、毕业论文写作中英文翻译技巧以及就业过程中的面试英语、英文商务信函的写作等。  该书既注重专业性与学术性,也突出实用性与趣味性,对于实现“用英语深化专业知识”与“通过专业学英语”的有机结合,提高公共事业管理人才的专业素养与英语运用能力具有重要的现实价值。  该书适合作为高等学校公共事业管理、行政管理、社会保障等公共管理类相关专业的教学与研究用书,也可作为广大公务员和社会组织人员以及任何对公共事业管理专业英语感兴趣人士的学习参考用书或培训用书。  《公共事业管理专业英语》配有课件,下载地址为:http://www.tupwk.com.cn。

公共事业管理专业英语 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Service Management
1.1 What Is Public Service?
1.1.1 Definition of Public Service
1.1.2 Characters of Public Service
1.1.3 History of Public Service
1.2 Publicness of Public Service
1.2.1 Academic and Practical Research on Publicness of Public Service
1.2.2 Obstacles in Pursuing Publicness of Public Service
1.2.3 Suggestions and Solutions
1.3 Public Service in the Development of Public Administration Science
1.3.1 The Old Public Administration
1.3.2 The New Public Management
1.3.3 The New Public Service
1.4 What is Public Service Management?
1.4.1 Definition of Public Service Management
1.4.2 Public Service Motivation
1.5 Control of Public Service Qua

Chapter 2 Public Service Provision in China
2.1 Public Service Units in Chin
2.1.1 Whatls Public Service Unit?
2.1.2 How the PSUs Operate?
2.2 Public Service Provision in China-Science and Technology Services
2.2.1 The Basic Regulation on Science and Technology Services
2.2.2 Development of Science and Technology Services in China
2.3 Public Service Provision in China-Education Services
2.3.1 Basic Regulation on Education Services
2.3.2 Development of Education Services in China
2.4 Public Service Provision in China-Public Cultural Services
2.4.1 Definition and Contents of Public Cultural Services
2.4.2 Managing Organs of Public Cultural Services in China
2.4.3 Development of Public Cultural Services in China
2.5 Public Service Provision in China-Public Health Services
2.5.1 Basic Public Health Service in China
2.5.2 The Development of Public Health Service in China
Chapter 3 The Essence of Classics in Public Service Management
Chapter 4 Political Party and State Organ
Chapter 5 Academic English
Chapter 6 English at Work

公共事业管理专业英语 节选

  《公共事业管理专业英语》:  2.4.2 Managing Organs of Public Cultural Services in China  Most of China's public cultural services are-managed by the Chinese government on five different levels.  Top level: central departments, including Ministry of Culture and State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.  The Ministry of Culture is the national administrative organ for cultural and art undertakings. According to the plan approved by the State Council in March 1989, its main powers and responsibilities are: to administer art undertakings, mass cultural undertakings, libraries, cultural undertakings in minority nationality areas and the cultural work of juveniles and children; to administer training and education of cultural and art personnel, scientific research on art, and scientific and technological work on culture and the arts; to administer art markets and cultural and art exchange with Taiwan, and cultural and art exchange and liaison with foreign countries; to administer the State Cultural Relics Bureau.  Second level: province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government. Corresponding organs are set up in the governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, including a provincial or municipal cultural bureau, bureau of press, publication, radio, film and television.  Third level: city and prefecture. For the most part only cultural bureaus are set up in governments at this level.  Fourth level: county. Only cultural bureaus.  Fifth level: township and town. Each township (town) government appoints a cadre in charge of cultural undertakings.  2.4.3 Development of Public Cultural Services in China  In recent years, Party committees, governments and cultural departments at various levels, in light of the decisions and arrangements by the central leadership, took as the objective a modem public cultural service system that covers the whole society and guarantees the people's basic  cultural rights. As a result, overall progress has been made with breakthroughs in key sectors, investment in public culture has continued to increase, a public cultural service network that reaches all urban and rural areas has taken shape, major cultural programs benefiting the people have been proceeding steadily, innovative approaches have been developed and implemented, the level of equality in public cultural service has been significantly raised, and public cultural service has become more institutionalized and standardized.  According to statistics, spending on culture reached 140 billion RMB yuan nationwide in the first three years of the 12th Five-Year Plan period, exceeding the total of the 11th Five-Year Plan period which registered 122 billion RMB yuan. Since the policy of free access to public cultural facilities was launched in 2008, the central government has earmarked nearly 20 billion RMB yuan as support. As a result, public libraries and cultural centers have been setup in every county and comprehensive cultural stations in every township. Over the past few years, a number of major cultural programs have been initiated to benefit the general public, such as the nationwide project for sharing of cultural information resources, the project for the promotion of digital  libraries, the project for the construction of public E-reading rooms, the project for mobile stage vehicles, and the project for the training of cultural professionals at the grassroots level. About 50,000 museums, art museums, libraries and cultural stations nationwide have been opened to public for free. The construction of national pilot zones on the public cultural service system has been kicked off, with an aim to gather experience and seek feasible approaches. The Spring Rain Project, an initiative that cultural volunteers serve frontier areas, facilitated coastal and inland areas' cultural aid to and cultural exchange with frontier provinces. Various measures have been adopted to guarantee cultural rights of peasant workers, the senior, children and the handicapped. Official documents have been formulated to regulate the land use, construction and service of public libraries and cultural centers. Legislation process for the Law on Guaranteeing Public Cultural Service and the Law on Public Libraries is proceeding well.  ……

公共事业管理专业英语 作者简介

