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Design specification for roller compacted concrete dams

Design specification for roller compacted concrete dams

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Design specification for roller compacted concrete dams 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787517086208
  • 条形码:9787517086208 ; 978-7-5170-8620-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Design specification for roller compacted concrete dams 内容简介

  This standard is formulated to standardize the design of roller compacted concrete (RCC) dams and ensure the design quality, with the view of making use of the advanced technology, meeting the requirements for safety, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and rationality.

Design specification for roller compacted concrete dams 目录

1总则2术语3枢纽布置4坝体设计5坝体构造6坝体材料及分区7温度控制及坝体防裂8安全 监测设计标准用词说明标准历次版本编写者信息条文说明

Design specification for roller compacted concrete dams 节选

  7.0.1 Design of temperature control shall be conducted for high-and medium RCC dams and it may follow the stipulation in SL 319 and SL 282. For low dams, the design of temperature and crack control may use a simplified method or refer to similar projects.  7.0.2 In order to conduct the temperature control design of RCC dams, the allowable foundation temperature difference, temperature difference between two adjacent lifts of concrete, temperature difference between exterior and interior concrete and the peak temperature inside the dam shall be studied, and then the criteria of temperature control and crack prevention measures shall be proposed.In the meantime, attention shall be paid to the thermal insulation design for the surface of RCC during cold wave period or winter.n cold and severe cold areas, the requirements of temperature control design should be proposed every ten days.For high RCC gravity dams and high- and medium RCC arch dams, the temperature control criteria and crack prevention measures should be determined through FEM simulation analysis.  7.0.3 The following measures shall be taken to control temperature rise of concrete due to hydration heat without vulnerating the strength and durability of RCC:1 Determining the appropriate amount of admixture.  2 Using cement with low hydration heat.  3 Using high efficient water reducing agent.  7.0.4 Suitable materials shall be used to improve the performances of RCC. And the management and techniques of RCC construction shall be improved to increase the crack resistance of RCC.Indices re-garding crack resistance of RCC shall be proposed in the design of temperature control.  7.0.5 The thickness of compacted layer, lift height and the method of compaction shall be determined according to project features,tem-perature control, construction conditions, weather conditions,construction schedule, etc. The time interval between lifts should be determined through temperature control analysis.  7.0.6 Concrete placement shall be properly scheduled. RCC should be placed in cold seasons.  7.0.7 The following temperature control measures may be taken:I Spraying water onto coarse aggregates, stockpiling aggregates in large piles, taking aggregates via the gallery beneath stockpile, using mat shelter.  ……

Design specification for roller compacted concrete dams 作者简介

中华人民共和国水利部: 负责保障水资源的合理开发利用,拟订水利战略规划和政策,起草有关法律法规草案,制定部门规章,组织编制国家确定的重要江河湖泊的流域综合规划、防洪规划等重大水利规划。按规定制定水利工程建设有关制度并组织实施,负责提出水利固定资产投资规模和方向、国家财政性资金安排的意见,按国务院规定权限,审批、核准国家规划内和年度计划规模内固定资产投资项目;提出中央水利建设投资安排建议并组织实施。负责生活、生产经营和生态环境用水的统筹兼顾和保障。实施水资源的统一监督管理,拟订全国和跨省、自治区、直辖市水中长期供求规划、水量分配方案并监督实施,组织开展水资源调查评价工作,按规定开展水能资源调查工作,负责重要流域、区域以及重大调水工程的水资源调度,组织实施取水许可、水资源有偿使用制度和水资源论证、防洪论证制度。指导水利行业供水和乡镇供水工作。
