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外科手术学基础 留学生与双语教学用

外科手术学基础 留学生与双语教学用

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外科手术学基础 留学生与双语教学用 版权信息

外科手术学基础 留学生与双语教学用 本书特色

本教材根据医学专业国外来华留学生外科手术学教学大纲的要求,阐述外科手术学的基础理论、基本方法和发展史,外科手术的分类,围手术期的处理,外科手术基本技术,无菌技术,并介绍了外科手术学近年来的新进展,如微创手术和手术机器人的应用。使学生树立牢固的无菌观念和爱伤观念,掌握扎实的手术基本技术和应用解剖知识,培养良好的团队合作精神。本教材供医学专业国外来华留学生和本科生双语教学使用。 本教材根据医学专业国外来华留学生外科手术学教学大纲的要求,阐述外科手术学的基础理论、基本方法和发展史,外科手术的分类,围手术期的处理,外科手术基本技术,无菌技术,并介绍了外科手术学近年来的新进展,如微创手术和手术机器人的应用。使学生树立牢固的无菌观念和爱伤观念,掌握扎实的手术基本技术和应用解剖知识,培养良好的团队合作精神。本教材供医学专业国外来华留学生和本科生双语教学使用。

外科手术学基础 留学生与双语教学用 内容简介

本教材根据医学专业国外来华留学生外科手术学教学大纲的要求,阐述外科手术学的基础理论、基本方法和发展史,外科手术的分类,围手术期的处理,外科手术基本技术,无菌技术,并介绍了外科手术学近年来的新进展,如微创手术和手术机器人的应用。本教材介绍了清创术、气管切开术、血管外科手术、腹股沟疝修补术、脾切除术、小肠部分切除端端吻合术、阑尾切除术、腹腔镜胆囊切除术等常用手术,以及外科相关的穿刺技术、换药技术等,并辅以其中大部分手术的实习指导,旨在通过这些手术训练,使学生树立牢固的无菌观念和爱伤观念,掌握扎实的手术基本技术和应用解剖知识,培养良好的团队合作精神。 本教材供医学专业国外来华留学生和本科生双语教学使用。

外科手术学基础 留学生与双语教学用 目录

Part Ⅰ Theory Chapter 1 Introduction The history of operative surgery Methods and expectations for learning operative surgery Classifications of surgical operations Classification of incision and the degree of incision healing Factors that affect wound healing T he effects of an operation on the body Chapter 2 Aseptic Technique Basic concepts of aseptic technique Source of bacteria in operative site Methods of sterilization for operative supplies and instruments Chemical Disinfection Preparation of the operation Function and position of operative staff Operative Theater Chapter 3 Operative Instruments Scalpel Scissors Thumb Forceps Haemostatic Forceps Allis Forceps Towel Clips Sponge-holding forceps Needle Holder Retractors Needle Suture materials Modern instruments Chapter 4 Basic Operative Technique Incision Dissection Haemostasis Tying Knots Suture Cutting and removing suture Surgical drainage Chapter 5 Perioperative Period Preoperative Intraoperative Anesthesia Postoperative Treatment of postoperative complications Chapter 6 Paracentesis Technique Abdominocentesis Thoracentesis Lumbar Puncture Bone marrow aspiration Chapter 7 Wound and Debridement Classification of wound Basic principles of wound management Wound healing stages Types of Wound Healing Debridement Principles of wound treatment General Measure Pebridement procedures Chapter 8 Dressing Change Purpose of dressing change Clinical indications for a dressing change Timing of the dressing changes Dressing change necessities Preparation of dressing change supplies Dressing change procedure Dressing change when the wound is sutured Key points Chapter 9 Tracheotomy Concept Indication and contraindication Anatomy of trachea Classification of a tracheotomy Attention of preoperative, posture and anesthesia Tracheotomy procedure Complications of tracheotomy and prevention Tracheotomy management Other emergency airway procedures Chapter 10 Vascular Surgery High ligation and stripping of varicose veins of the great saphenous vein Venotomy Exposure of the femoral artery Chapter 11 Anterior Abdominal Wall and Abdominal Incision Review of anatomy Abdominal incisions Chapter 12 Splenectomy Introduction to the spleen Anatomy of the spleen Indications for a splenectomy Procedure for a splenectomy Postoperative care Chapter 13 Partial Resection and Anastomosis of Small Intestine Summary of anatomy Classification of anastomosis Inspection and examination Procedures (end-to-end anastomosis) Chapter 14 Appendectomy Appendix anatomy summary Appendectomy indications Appendectomy procedure Appendectomy risks and complications Laparoscopic appendectomy Chapter 15 Surgical Repair of Inguinal Hernias Introduction to inguinal hernia Classification of inguinal hernias Indication for an inguinal hernia surgery Non surgical treatment Anatomy of the inguinal region Surgical procedure of open inguinal hernia repair Laparoscopic procedures for inguinal hernias Using mesh Postoperative care Chapter 16 Minimally Invasive Surgery and Surgical System Minimally invasive surgery Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Introduction of a surgical system Part Ⅱ Practice Chapter 17 Guideline for Practice Experiments Experiment 1 Introduction of Operative Instruments Objectives and requirements Experimental instruments for each group Operative instruments Practice Questions Experiment 2 Aseptic Technique Objectives and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for each group Preparation before surgery Questions Experiment 3 Basic Operative Technique Objectives and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for each group Tying knots Hemostasis with hemostatic forceps (practiced by two students) Cutting suture (practiced by two students) Removing suture Experiment 4 Laparotomy Objective and requirements Necessities of each group Procedure for a laparotomy Experiment 5 Debridement Objective and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for the operation Experimental procedure Attention points Postoperative treatment Questions Experiment 6 Tracheotomy Objectives and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for the operation Experimental procedure Attention points Questions Experiment 7 Exposure of the Femoral Artery Objectives and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for the operation Experimental procedure Attention points Question Experiment 8 Splenectomy Objectives and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for the operation Experimental procedure Attention points Questions Experiment 9 Mimic a Human Body Appendectomy Objectives and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for the operation Experimental procedure Attention points Questions Experiment 10 Resection and Anastomosis of the Small Intestine Objectives and requirements Necessary surgical supplies for the operation Experimental procedure References

外科手术学基础 留学生与双语教学用 作者简介

本人1985 年天津医科大学临床医学专业毕业后留校任教至今从教28年, 1997年天津医科大学研究生毕业获人体解剖学专业硕士学位,2004年赴美国密西根大学教育学院学习高等教育管理,2010年获肿瘤学博士学位。现担任外科手术学教研室主任,曾任基础医学院教学副院长、天津医科大学教务处处长、继续教育学院院长等职。兼任中华医学会外科学分会局解手术学组委员兼秘书,天津市解剖学会常务理事,天津市教育考试研究会会员,《局解手术学杂志》常务编委、编辑部副主任。教育部本科教学评估专家,司法部执业司法鉴定人。任教以来始终承担七年制、五年制外科手术学教学及留学生的英语教学,积极开展教学研究注重自身业务素质的不断提高,承担硕士生教学,作为项目负责人完成及在研教学和科研项目共 7 项(其中国j级 1 项、市级 4 项、校级 2 项)。近年来,在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文 20余 篇、主编教材 5 部、副主编教材 2 部、参编协编教材 3 部。曾获得天津市科学技术进步三等奖,天津市“十五”立功先进个人、天津市优秀政治思想工作者、天津市优秀理工科学生、天津市大学生课外科技活动优秀指导教师等荣誉称号。
