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百灵鸟英文经典:彼得·潘 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544783361
  • 条形码:9787544783361 ; 978-7-5447-8336-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

百灵鸟英文经典:彼得·潘 本书特色


百灵鸟英文经典:彼得·潘 内容简介


百灵鸟英文经典:彼得·潘 目录

Chapter I Peter Breaks Through ………………………………… 1
Chapter II The Shadow …………………………………………… 11
Chapter III Come Away, Come Away! …………………………… 21
Chapter IV The Flight …………………………………………… 36
Chapter V The Island Come True ………………………………… 47
Chapter VI The Little House ……………………………………… 59
Chapter VII The Home Under The Ground ……………………… 69
Chapter VIII The Mermaid’s Lagoon …………………………… 76
Chapter IX The Never Bird ……………………………………… 90
Chapter X The Happy Home …………………………………… 94
Chapter XI Wendy’s Story …………………………………… 102
Chapter XII The Children Are Carried Off …………………… 111
Chapter XIII Do You Believe In Fairies? ……………………… 116
Chapter XIV The Pirate Ship ………………………………… 125
Chapter XV “Hook Or Me This time” ………………………… 133
Chapter XVI The Return Home ……………………………… 144
Chapter XVII When Wendy Grew Up ………………………… 154


百灵鸟英文经典:彼得·潘 节选

Chapter I Peter Breaks Through All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another ??ower and ran with it to her mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for Mrs. Darling put her hand to her heart and cried, “Oh, why can’t you remain like this for ever!” This was all that passed between them on the subject, but henceforth Wendy knew that she must grow up. You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end. Of course they lived at 14, and until Wendy came her mother was the chief one. She was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth. Her romantic mind was like the tiny boxes, one within the other, that come from the puzzling East, however many you discover there is always one more; and her sweet mocking mouth had one kiss on it that Wendy could never get, though there it was, perfectly conspicuous in the right-hand corner. The way Mr. Darling won her was this: the many gentlemen who had been boys when she was a girl discovered simultaneously that they loved her, and they all ran to her house to propose to her except Mr. Darling, who took a cab and nipped in first, and so he got her. He got all of her, except the innermost box and the kiss. He never knew about the box, and in time he gave up trying for the kiss. Wendy thought Napoleon could have got it, but I can picture him trying, and then going off in a passion, slamming the door. Mr. Darling used to boast to Wendy that her mother not only loved him but respected him. He was one of those deep ones who know about stocks and shares. Of course no one really knows, but he quite seemed to know, and he often said stocks were up and shares were down in a way that would have made any woman respect him. Mrs. Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books perfectly, almost gleefully, as if it were a game, not so much as a Brussels sprout was missing; but by and by whole cauliflowers dropped out, and instead of them there were pictures of babies without faces. She drew them when she should have been totting up. They were Mrs. Darling’s guesses. Wendy came first, then John, then Michael. For a week or two after Wendy came it was doubtful whether they would be able to keep her, as she was another mouth to feed. Mr. Darling was frightfully proud of her, but he was very honourable, and he sat on the edge of Mrs. Darling’s bed, holding her hand and calculating expenses, while she looked at him imploringly. She wanted to risk it, come what might, but that was not his way; his way was with a pencil and a piece of paper, and if she confused him with suggestions he had to begin at the beginning again.

百灵鸟英文经典:彼得·潘 作者简介

詹姆斯·马修·巴利(James Matthew Barrie,1860—1937)英国小说家、剧作家。他生于英国东部苏格兰(现安格斯郡)农村一个织布工人之家,自幼酷爱读书写作。1885年,他开始创作反映苏格兰人生活的小说和剧本。1897年将自己的畅销作品——长篇小说《小牧师》改编成剧本上演并成功。他擅长以幽默和温情的笔调描述苏格兰农村的风土人情。影响巨大的是儿童剧《彼得·潘》,另外尚有幻想剧与社会喜剧于一炉的剧作多种。
